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Request from kwalker


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Sal thank you very much for saying that. I will turn 53 in September. You were spot on with my age. You and the many others that I chat with occasionally are and have been very polite and professional and offer great advice for me and the many others on this forum A little over a year ago I posted my very first song. I was thinking what the hell am I getting myself into. But you and this great Gibson forum have been fantastic. What a great family in this acoustic forum.




Had the age been 48, instead of 53, I could have written everything above. If it had not been for this forum, I would not play guitar today. Not so long ago I was at a point where I was extremely close to giving up the guitar. It had taken me literally years and years to learn some basic guitars skills. I was trying to do versions of my favorite songs by artist like Cash, Springsteen, and Neil Young, but it was a dead end. I could't sing and everything I did sounded truly horrible. I had run out of motivation, and thought I didn't have music in me. Then for some reason I thought I should give songwriting a go, which was a very weird thing to attempt, knowing I had no singing voice. To my great surprise, chords, melody, and words started coming to me with relative ease. By no means masterpieces of course, but my songs, written by me from start to finish. So where there previously was a youtube copied cover song with a crappy voice, there now was a song with my own chords, guitars part, melody lines, lyrics and crappy voice.


The creative energy suddenly outweighed the shortcomings for me. I neded that because I could never bring anything to my cover versions. Keith, on the other hand, is a master at covering songs. He totally puts himself into the song to make it his own. In fact, his versions are so good that I never get the urge to find the originals to compare to. No need.


This forum, Keith very much included, has been extremely supportive of my efforts posted here since my very first song. Never a mean word, NEVER. Hard true words, yes, but never mean. Without that support, I would not be playing today.



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Still having a day job, I'm an early riser, always was, even when I was gigging heavy.


This Forum is my first check-in. The talent in here never ceases to amaze me. As good and better than MANY of the people making millions in the business. Lifestyle and love of family are choices many of us make when deciding how far to push.


I turned down many opportunities in my many decades of playing around the Country because I refused to leave my family. Women, small tours, different Bands, distant challenges, and on and on.


Some people might think I/we never "MADE IT" in the music business. I'm the same age as Michael Jackson, Eddie Van Halen and Prince. I'm far healthier, happier, and have a better future than any of them.


So, who "made it"?

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