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An Instrumental For BK777


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I love instrumentals. This is an original multi-tracked piece where I play the J-45, banjo, mandolin, and bass.


It actually has words, but this whole project was instrumental.


In fact, it was Benstrumental. It's on the shelf.


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'Guess you can take the boy out of the Electric rocker, but you can't take the Electric rocker out of the boy.


Instrumentals are great at allowing the brain to fill in the blanks and direct what to conjure up while listening. The outro on that was definitely in the zone.


Since you were not doing video, did you consider using a condenser mic for the guitar parts?


Very Benjoyable.

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Since you were not doing video, did you consider using a condenser mic for the guitar parts?



I'd love to get a better mic, this guitar was from the Fishman, the banjo and mandolin was my SM58.


It sounds much different in headphones, I forgot how I had panned the banjo left, this was done way over 3 years ago.

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