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Hanging up guitars


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DSC_0072.jpgDSC_0073.jpg This stand left doodoo marks on my LP. Now i wrap it in white guitar cloths until i come up with a better idea. I think warwick makes this rockstand 5. Beware whitey owners.

Jeez I hate to see that!

I have a wooden 5 slot rack that is similar to yours but it is felt lined,I have even wrapped old t-shirts around the old style single stands,by the neck fork and at the body forks,It's a shame that many of us have found out the hard way that stands could be damaging to a guitar.

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My photos show that in some instances your guitar can be harmed. I know it only applies to a select few but maybe it will prevent damage to someone's guitar in the future.


PRS has a warning on their website that says guitar hangers with surgical rubber has a chemical reaction to the neck finish of their guitars and should not be used. I use the hangers with the foam padding and it's treats my guitars well. You can use some saran wrap to cover the foam or rubber and that will work too.

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i've had mine hanging without a problem. i guess it depends on what material your hanger is made out of, and if it's white like others have shown. i will continue to do it but thats just my opinion. you guys can keep it in the case if ya want :-({|= it's much safer that way i agree, but to me it's alot more of a hassle if you just want to grab it and jam you know what i mean?



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Honestly man, I'm not real worried about keeping my guitars pristine. They're working axes for me. If I want something pretty to hang on the wall, I might buy a PRS or an expensive LP. A little smudge, stain, ding, dent, scratch, pfft... I don't give a darn about that.


They get sweeter with age and I like my guitars to look like MY guitars, not some photoshoot if you know what I mean. Granted I take very good care of my gear but still, I'm not going to worry about looks all that much. It's all about the sound, playability, feel, and then the looks come in fourth place.


You never know man, maybe wearing off some of that finish might let your guitar breath more. I'm probably going to get an LP standard faded because I hear that finish does just that.

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My LP stays out of its case in a big soft chair that is close to my lazy-boy. I just lean over and grab it. I like having my guitars out and I keep the temp and humidity in my home at around 70 degrees and 40%-50% humidity year around.


How do you know what the humidity is in your house? I just bought a humidifier for my guit room and just keep it on the lowest setting. What instrument/device do you use to test the humidity?

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I think alot of things come into play when considering hanging them.Like will their be children around there often.They could either touch them or play catch with a ball or who knows what around them,which could lead to getting knoced off and fall down or dinged or banged up.They will be exposed to dust and possibly sunlight if near a window when hanging.

I hang mine up.I find I play them more often when they are hanging around me.If there will be young kids or my kids friends coming over,I might take them down and put them in their cases until the coast is clear.

Other than the things I mentioned,I don't think that hanging them on a nitro safe hanger,such as a string swing will not cause any damage to your guitar.Mine have been out for few years now,and they are fine.And I am one to be quite picky with any little imperfection

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I keep 4 of my guitars hanging on the wall' date=' secured to a 1x6 that's secured to the studs. I've had them hanging for years and there has been zero damage to any of them, they are easily accessed when I want to play them and they look SEXY. Cases are for girls...


my .02[/quote']


I work very hard for my guitars and I have 4 other clumsy people walking around the house, no hangers for me. Not girly... smart.

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To measure humidity...

You can use a cheap hygrometer from petsmart or any other pet supply. They are about 5 bucks and you can just stick them anywhere near your guitar. Look in the reptile section. Reptiles need very specific humidity levels to thrive. I would highly recommend using a digital, mine are all digital thermometer/hygrometers combo units.


In response to the neck joint stress theory... 124 lbs of pressure compresses the headstock to the bridge, it's the same physics as the guy explaining how the neck isn't going to be warped. 120 lbs >< and 10 lbs <> == no stress on the neck joint.


That said, I never hang my guitars, i keep them in their case because they are by far more likely to be damaged on the wall... by guests, dogs, kids, earthquake, water pipe breaking, etc.

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I keep a digital temp and humidity guage by "Control Company" in the same room as my guitars. It has a max and min memory that you can use on it also.


I started really paying attention to humidity in the house about 13 years ago when I got my first good acoustic. Some people don't worry about humidity levels but it helps not only the guitars but your skin and respiratory system.

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Hanging guitars is just fine as long as the gases emitted by the rubber are not harmful to the nitro finish.


The same common sense that you would apply to leaving your guitar on a stand applies here.


I was not a fan of hanging them until I read the explanation behind it.


A couple of things to add is that:


Tuning can suffer a bit when your leave your guitar out. Strings are very thin metal parts and even small temperature fluctuiations can expand or contract the metal.


A room humidifier in the winter is key (good for you too) and do not set the humifider close to the guitar. Mine is 4 feet away from my acoustic which is the one that is more propense to dryness.

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