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I Should Have Brought a Guitar Along


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Last weekend I attended my 50th High School Reunion. I straddled the fence about even going until a day or two before but as I had nothing better to do that weekend I threw a change of clothes in the car and headed off on the eight hour schlep. I had actually thought about bringing a guitar along but then decided Nah. There was only one person in my class I had played with as the rest were all one year older or younger than me. Turns out I screwed up. The person I did play with showed up. She had this whole Joan Baez thing going on back in the day. First thing I asked her was "you still singing" which she answered with a nod of the head. Then another one of my classmates is apparently the Queen of County Music - in Denmark. She has actually has won their version of the Grammys. She got up and did a couple of numbers with the Hudson River providing a backdrop. I guess it just goes to show you that you cannot put a bunch of geezers in a room together and not have some music going on.

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Just did my 40th and had to get up and do a few tunes just to prove to the kids I still had it in me. I think I do from their reaction. 50 years since I picked up my first guitar... Kumbaya anyone?

Where did the time go? I always say "I knew I would get old someday. I just thought it would take longer."

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I flew from Central Florida to Seattle last year for my 50 year HS Reunion last year, and NO ONE had a guitar. This is odd, since an inordinate number in my class were at one time or another working musicians. The consensus was no one brought a guitar, because we weren't getting paid to play. I just refused to fly my guitar 5500+ miles round trip for people who for the most part, never particularly liked me in school. I was asked (in advance) by the event organizers if I wanted to play a song, and I respectfully declined. My MAIN reason was the risk to my Hummingbird! LOL

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I flew from Central Florida to Seattle last year for my 50 year HS Reunion last year, and NO ONE had a guitar. This is odd, since an inordinate number in my class were at one time or another working musicians. The consensus was no one brought a guitar, because we weren't getting paid to play. I just refused to fly my guitar 5500+ miles round trip for people who for the most part, never particularly liked me in school. I was asked (in advance) by the event organizers if I wanted to play a song, and I respectfully declined. My MAIN reason was the risk to my Hummingbird! LOL



That's one reason I have a bullet-proof carbon fiber travel guitar. None of my really good guitars is ever getting on an airplane again.

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I flew from Central Florida to Seattle last year for my 50 year HS Reunion last year, and NO ONE had a guitar. This is odd, since an inordinate number in my class were at one time or another working musicians. The consensus was no one brought a guitar, because we weren't getting paid to play. I just refused to fly my guitar 5500+ miles round trip for people who for the most part, never particularly liked me in school. I was asked (in advance) by the event organizers if I wanted to play a song, and I respectfully declined. My MAIN reason was the risk to my Hummingbird! LOL


My school was pretty small and as many classes do not have a reunion they throw this mega-reunion every couple of years. A number of the folks who attend played in local bands with a few still making a living playing music so they generally devote a part of one day to playing. I believe there is one planned for next year so maybe I will make it.

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I took my J-45 to Louisiana (from Illinois) once in a car trunk without a case !


It was good weather and I knew some pickers were going to be there, there wasn't room for the case and all, and everything worked out fine. It's been camping at the cabin a bunch.

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