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Want to Buy: Kevin Kopp K-35

Tim Tim

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5 minutes ago, Tim Tim said:

Which is why I’m looking used.  Any leads greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

This is the first I’ve heard of these guitars. Just took a look  at them after your post.

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Several years back when I decided I wanted to go in a what for me was a "and now for something completely different" direction, I turned my attention to offerings from Kopp, Walker, Triggs, Fairbanks, Flammang and other "booteek" builders.  Problem was unless you have a top-notch purveyor of musical goodies within a couple of hour drive finding any of these guitars new or used can be a  hard row to hoe.  We actually do have a shop which fits the bill about two hours away in Pittsburg which on a good day will have a few used Kopps, Walkers and others in stock.  But then we got smacked in the face by one of those "life is what happens when you are making other plans" things and the pandemic lockdown hit.  Several months later though I did get me that guitar although I ended up going with a used Fairbanks.  It turned out be the last guitar I ever bought as since then I have not been able to return to that place where I can muster up whatever it takes to get me to walk out of a shop empty handed without feeling one twinge of regret or second thinking my decision.

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I haven't seen a Kopp around for a while, but there's a used Fairbanks F-35 for sale on the AGF - no affiliation with the seller.   I know you wanted a Kopp, but I will say that Fairbanks guitars are exceptionally good if you're interested in something similar. 

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3 hours ago, Holiday Hoser said:

I wonder if he came out of Gibson in Bozeman?

Kevin Kopp did.  He worked in the Bozeman shop, specifically a long stretch running the custom shop.  I haven't had a chance to play any of his guitars but look forward to being able to some day.  

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10 hours ago, Holiday Hoser said:

I wonder if he came out of Gibson in Bozeman?

Kopp, Walker and Triggs came out of the early Custom Shop.  From what I can gather Fairbanks took what he learned from repairing pre-War instruments while throwing in a few twists such as reverse kerfing.  

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