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The one change Gibson made that ruined Gibson guitars.


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Ok for hell of it.

In one way Fuji is correct.

Gibson guitars are over priced. That recent release of the 59 pickups, ridiculous...  And Gibson could use a few changes (which they do offer a bit in the modern line up). HOWEVER, I will be the first to admit that Gibson absolutely run their business based on their history. Its in the name, its what people want on their headstock and they know it.

I also dont get the guitars for 10k and above or the relicing  and the ridiculous (ludicrous sometimes) prices for that. But if thats what Gibson want to do, well they are a business and they will do what they do. And guess what, I just dont buy that stuff..  But there are people who do.. Mostly they dont come on this forum.. Most of us just love our guitars and come to places like this to share that with other who feel the same. It doesnt mean we love everything Gibson does by far. You should have seen what happened in 2015.

But, this nonsense of us knowing that not having a gap is better.. Its just trolling nonsense which makes no sense.

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7 minutes ago, Dub-T-123 said:

Dude this guy is a SUCKER I can’t even keep on joking we’re just done here 

said the guy that spends 7k for a gibson name on a headstock. you call me a sucker, but it's you simps  spending 124 bucks on a 5 cent capacitor because gibson's name is on the box, and then getting angry when anyone criticizes gibson's quality.


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10 minutes ago, Dub-T-123 said:

Spending $5K on a Greco is hilarious. Do not overlook what this guy just said lol

Yeah...  Im done now.. Pointless and boring...  Like hes the first idiot we have had like this...  WHAT EVER!!!!

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1 hour ago, fujifan said:

yeah i bet you did kick out anyone not towing the line with the gibson worship. A shitty company needs their yes men. You are the mindless horde that prasies gibson every time they **** on a plate and tell you "dinner is served!". Gibson sucks. You shouldn't have to dig through a pile of 100 les pauls to find the one good one. they should all be good.

You might want to slow down?  Where did I say it was Gibson forum?  Just observing you aren’t doing much to refute the now pretty apt troll label, though, 😄. You might want to take a breath, you are about to pop a blood vessel…

really, life is really short, why waste any of it getting more and more worked up, shouting on a board where it has been made clear no one really cares about your easily disproven theory?  I’ll just point at all the wealthy and not so wealthy money-making artists playing all those crummy Gibsons.

What’s your point, Grasshopper?  It’s not like you are going to convince anyone now.  

Now, Rabs and Dub-t, at least they are amusing.  

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2 minutes ago, Rabs said:

Ok for hell of it.

In one way Fuji is correct.

Gibson guitars are over priced. That recent release of the 59 pickups, ridiculous...  And Gibson could use a few changes (which they do offer a bit in the modern line up). HOWEVER, I will be the first to admit that Gibson absolutely run their business based on their history. Its in the name, its what people want on their headstock and they know it.

I also dont get the guitars for 10k and above or the relicing  and the ridiculous (ludicrous sometimes) prices for that. But if thats what Gibson want to do, well they are a business and they will do what they do. And guess what, I just dont buy that stuff..  But there are people who do.. Mostly they dont come on this forum.. Most of us just love our guitars and come to places like this to share that with other who feel the same. It doesnt mean we love everything Gibson does by far. You should have seen what happened in 2015.

But, this nonsense of us knowing that not having a gap is better.. Its just trolling nonsense which makes no sense.

It's actually not their business. They are publicly traded, which means it's the shareholders business. There are a dozen companies out there making better gibson model guitars than gibson, and they aren't going bankrupt like gibson is. Gibson is at the end of the line and if they don't make big changes then they will soon go the way of the dodo bird.


 The only people in the world that defend gibson is the small herd of simps (you) on their messageboard. the rest of us won't give gibson a penny for the same reason why we don't play 3 card monte with street hustlers.



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1 minute ago, PrairieDog said:

You might want to slow down?  Where did I say it was Gibson forum?  Just observing you aren’t doing much to refute the now pretty apt troll label, though, 😄. You might want to take a breath, you are about to pop a blood vessel…

really, life is really short, why waste any of it getting more and more worked up, shouting on a board where it has been made clear no one really cares about your easily disproven theory?  I’ll just point at all the wealthy and not so wealthy money-making artists playing all those crummy Gibsons.

What’s your point, Grasshopper?  It’s not like you are going to convince anyone now.  

Now, Rabs and Dub-t, at least they are amusing.  

Easily disproven theory? you people don't even have the brainpower to understand it much less disprove it. you people are the last of the mohicans, those that will cling to a brand name regardless of the screwing that brand gives you. You are the idiots that are so devoted to a name on a headstock that you'll pay 5k for a historic then turn right around and spend another 4k doing a makeover on it and never realize that the 4k was spent fixing the crappy instrument gibson sold you.

 The only reason you boomers are here is because you aren't well off enough to buy a corvette for your midlife crisis so you had to make do with a guitar.

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10 minutes ago, Rabs said:

Yeah...  Im done now.. Pointless and boring...  Like hes the first idiot we have had like this...  WHAT EVER!!!!

Here's a guitar whose price is a result of its quality. this guitar started off with the reputation of being a cheap japanese knockoff and now it's going for 9k strictly because of how good it is. Gibson hasn't built a les paul in 40 years that could touch this greco. And why should gibson bother when their clientbase is a bunch of label addicted simps that will eat whatever **** they give them?


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19 minutes ago, Rabs said:

Yeah...  Im done now.. Pointless and boring...  Like hes the first idiot we have had like this...  WHAT EVER!!!!

Here's another one. This guitar has a headstock halfway broken off and the frets are so far gone that it's unplayable and yet it still went for 4k. People that know the difference between quality and crap would rather buy trashed greco that needs to go to the luthier than for a gibson custom shop guitar. You have to wonder why you simpletons are so far behind the curve that you're still defending absolute gartbage from criticism.



Edited by fujifan
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11 minutes ago, Dub-T-123 said:

Instead of posting links from 6 years ago can you post a sample of your tone please? That would be such an effective way to settle this

hey, everyone needs a good laugh, why don't you post  pics of the gibson guitars you bought?

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13 minutes ago, gearbasher said:

With today's CNC machining, the neck joints are probably close to perfection. My two cents.

watch the video on gibson tv about the necks. they cut the tenons large and the tech has to shave them down to fit. otherwise with changes in temp and humidity, they could cut them to size and then have them shrink.  Most of the neck joints are bad. That's the reason so many japanese copies are now selling for high dollar. Thew neck joints are the main problem with modern gibsons and if they would fix that one thing then they would once again be greatr guitars. The bad neck joints is why you have to play a bunch of les pauls before you find the one that really kills it.

Greco les pauls are the same as 50's les pauls, they don't have a neck heel covering the joint so they have to be done perfect. That's how i realized that the neck joint is the problem with modern gibsons.

super real neck tenon.JPG

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9 minutes ago, gdecantoo said:

Wait … someone paid 4k for an unplayable guitar with a broken headstock and the Gibson forum guys are the suckers?🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🙈

yeah because when that guitar is fixed, it won't be a gibson. Here's a pic showing the difference between a greco neck, a modern gibson neck, and a 1952 gibson neck. The greco is the same as a vintage gibson neck. This is why a trashed greco is worth 4k and a modern gibson isn't worth ****.

necks compared.jpg

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53 minutes ago, fujifan said:

 The only reason you boomers are here is because you aren't well off enough to buy a corvette for your midlife crisis so you had to make do with a guitar.

I wouldn’t be caught dead in a poser ‘Vette.  If that is what you think is quality, we may pinpointed the disconnect right here.  Off to dinner, rant on without me.  

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36 minutes ago, PrairieDog said:

I wouldn’t be caught dead in a poser ‘Vette.  If that is what you think is quality, we may pinpointed the disconnect right here.  Off to dinner, rant on without me.  

give me your address. I'll come over and talk some sense into you. (***Edited for being too saucy for this forum)

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1 hour ago, Rabs said:

Ok for hell of it.

In one way Fuji is correct.

Gibson guitars are over priced. That recent release of the 59 pickups, ridiculous...  And Gibson could use a few changes (which they do offer a bit in the modern line up). HOWEVER, I will be the first to admit that Gibson absolutely run their business based on their history. Its in the name, its what people want on their headstock and they know it.

I also dont get the guitars for 10k and above or the relicing  and the ridiculous (ludicrous sometimes) prices for that. But if thats what Gibson want to do, well they are a business and they will do what they do. And guess what, I just dont buy that stuff..  But there are people who do.. Mostly they dont come on this forum.. Most of us just love our guitars and come to places like this to share that with other who feel the same. It doesnt mean we love everything Gibson does by far. You should have seen what happened in 2015.

But, this nonsense of us knowing that not having a gap is better.. Its just trolling nonsense which makes no sense.

"Fuji is correct"

Now was that so hard? You people on this forum are just hardwired to go apeshit when anyone criticizes gibson. You're accusing me of trolling when all I'm saying is- Gibson does this one thing that greatly impacts their guitars and if they did it this way instead, quality would rise dramatically", and you people think that's a troll. Trolling is when you say "Gibson sucks, they are crap" and when asked why, the troll says "Well. . .er . . .just because they suck". That's trolling. highlighting a problem and offering a solution to that problem is not trolling. I would like to see Gibson turning out the best les pauls in the world. There's no reason all these small companies can profitably produce quality gibson copies but Gibson can't.

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3 minutes ago, ksdaddy said:

So now that you’ve had your turn at the lectern and educated us, your mission complete, you’ll be moving along? Guess there’s not much to talk about. 

nope. sadly, most of you are pretty dim. It's going to take a lot of hard work to raise your ability to think back up to a human level. Don't worry, I've worked with cattle before so I'll be able to handle this. but you'll still be ugly. sorry.

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I'm sure you hear this a lot in your explorations and visitations of a variety of guitar web forums and other social media and web-sites, but in my opinion you are over-compensating.

For what exactly, I have no idea.
But you are trying too hard.

So hard that you offend at every turn, and even take a perverse pride in offending.

Most would simply write you off as an internet troll.
As for me, I believe there is hope and salvation for you.

My recommendation is to stand back and evaluate (objectively as is possible for you) what exactly it is that you came to the Gibson forum to accomplish.

And then check the blocks on those items you hoped to achieve here.
Here, I'll assist you, young sir.
Let's start it off.

* Pissed off a lot of long-time forum members - Check
* Changed anybody's mind toward your way of thinking - No. Not at all.
* Amused most of us, and given us a chuckle - Check
* Made yourself look like an argumentative, rationalizing, projecting fool - Check
* Made friends and influenced people - No. Not at all.

You get the idea.
You can take it from here, I imagine.

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6 minutes ago, sparquelito said:


I'm sure you hear this a lot in your explorations and visitations of a variety of guitar web forums and other social media and web-sites, but in my opinion you are over-compensating.

For what exactly, I have no idea.
But you are trying too hard.

So hard that you offend at every turn, and even take a perverse pride in offending.

Most would simply write you off as an internet troll.
As for me, I believe there is hope and salvation for you.

My recommendation is to stand back and evaluate (objectively as is possible for you) what exactly it is that you came to the Gibson forum to accomplish.

And then check the blocks on those items you hoped to achieve here.
Here, I'll assist you, young sir.
Let's start it off.

* Pissed off a lot of long-time forum members - Check
* Changed anybody's mind toward your way of thinking - No. Not at all.
* Amused most of us, and given us a chuckle - Check
* Made yourself look like an argumentative, rationalizing, projecting fool - Check
* Made friends and influenced people - No. Not at all.

You get the idea.
You can take it from here, I imagine.

 Internet forums are echo chambers now. People that regularly frequent forums lack originality and an individual identity and are closer to cattle than humans. And those cattle are always offended when thoughts outside the orthodoxy are presented. If you say anything funny, they are offended because they are always terrified of losing their status to people that can actually relate to other people.  If you criticize Gibson, the NPC bots in the forum will come out in force. The rule is that you have to grovel and kiss *** for 6 months  to prove you're a team player before you are allowed to express criticism of gibson. but there's no way I could hang with you "people" for six months. The long time members in any forum are social outcasts that have retreated to a virtual life on an internet forum where their length of tenure and ability to merge into the herd grants them status.

So if I'm a little salty it's because this forum is stealing your souls and I'm a breath of fresh air. You'll thank me later. but if you don't, who cares?



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