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Varnish on SG Faded comes off onto me


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Hi Guys

I have an SG faded (see link).
When I play with my band I can get a bit sweaty and have found that finish from the guitar comes off onto my skin and clothes. I finish a rehearsal with a brown arm.  One particularly sweaty gig, the finish dripped down onto my shoes and trousers.
You can permanently see the sweat streaks on the guitar now. 
I have a number of other guitars that this doesn't happen with.
I like how the guitar looks worn so I don't necessarily want to lose the look but what are my options with regards refinishing the guitar?
I don't want to be covered in varnish every time I gig with it


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I have not seen anything like this before. Its the stain that's coming off. Gibson state that the nitro varnish is porous, so not only is the varnish thin, but it will get thinner over time. The stain is leeching through I think.

This looks like a colourfast problem and I wish I knew what to suggest. In your shoes I would feel exactly the same. 

Is the guitar fairly new? Gibson don't generally guarantee finishes, but they should be made aware of this IMO and advise you too. 

We are a fan - user based forum, so Gibson are very unlikely to notice this. Customer Service info at bottom or use this link


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I seem to remember reports of people that had the faded finishes way back in like 2007-2009 that would get this 

haven’t heard on this in a very long time, 

believe everyone was saying super thin finish on these faded’s

if you do a search on this forum should show up unless they deleted some of the forum history 

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I wish I could help you.  I have a 2002 Gibson Les Paul Faded w/Humbuckers that I bought new and have never experienced anything like this.  Good luck in finding a solution.

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