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Santana playing a Les Paul

tom brown

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This is great!


deepblue, for me it's really about groove when it comes to Santana; the solos aren't as much about soloing in the traditional sense but really an extension of what the rhythm is doing and serve to build up peaks and valleys in the rhythm. At least, that's the way I feel about it. Some people enjoy that sort of thing and some people don't.

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Tell me why that gibberish below your comment is important and i will reply in kind......


Oh *SNAP* =P~



It is a great quote from one of the best movies of all time, but does see use less.

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Rich i agree Santana has some great rhythm chops that many people don't notice, and maybe his leads are not the best, but not the worse..They are not flashy, but more musically correct within the chord structure as you say...Perhaps not as innovative or not as much tension as say Martin Barre (TULL), but also lets remember this was 1971, and live... but the main reason i posted this is because santana may have a couple stomp boxes here, but, he is directly plugged into a amp from there , meaning no mixer or sound board to process, and the tone of that gibson just comes right through all the other instuments and i think for being in the " day " it sounds great...........

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