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The Moog Paul


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I saw those...they must sound great!


I thought the same...


What I find intriguing is the name... Moog "Paul"... the electronics look like something out of a "les paul recording" ... is there a conection with Les? (a man can dream :o)

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Pickups that sense and actuate are kinda neat. Actually we've known that a piezo does both too for quite some time. My colleague found a way to both sense and actuate a piezo at the same time. He called it the "sentuator" (he he he). Neat stuff for vibration control of flexible structures but I'm with all of you...not too interesting on the guitar.

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I played one of these at the NAMM show for a couple hours and it's really cool. After Paul Vo showed me how to use the controls it was really cool. You can get some cool violin & spacey tones. The vibrato stayed in tune very well & the neck was awesome. It played & sounded really good. But it's really over priced. Also I jacked about 6 packs of moog strings and they absolutely sucked. Complete garbage right out of the box. They were like dark gray. But back to the guitar. Fine quality & really cool sounds.

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it's like an ebow or sustainer but you can control the effect from zero to 100% and it's on the guitar and you can mix it with regular playing that's the advantage. I haven't watched the video but it sounded really good in real life. I definately wouldn't buy one though.


The Gibson booth at NAMM was awesome. I played the best LP I've ever played. Of all the customs and everything I've played I just wish I had that standard.

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Or no sweet ladies who are spies and carry a glock in their thong


I was gonna say "or boobs" but, ladies with glocks will have to do... =D>




Anyway, I had not seen that video, the guitar does sound lifeless and not even as close as a 5000 buck guitar should sound.

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