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Mother's Day and taxes - WTF?


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I just sent my Mother flowers for the upcoming holiday - everybody here has met their commitments on that, eh?


I've used the same company several times, always with fantastic results.

It's 1-800-PRO FLOWERS, or proflowers.com as advertised extensively on TV.


Ran into a new wrinkle this morning, maybe somebody here can shed some light on this for me.




When the tab was added up for the products I was buying, shipping costs were an expected addition.

Well, shipping suddenly jumped from twelve to fifteen dollars as she was confirming the order.

(Heavy sigh....)

She could not explain why the computer did that to her.

I agreed to go ahead and pay anyway due to my previous experience with them being so positive.


Then she tells me that tax is added onto the total as well.

Hold it right there.....


I'm in Arizona, and I asked her what state she was in.

She tells me she's in California.

I asked why I'm paying tax on goods in California when I'm in Arizona and shipping them to Texas.

She had no answer.


Okay, I already pay $60,000 a year in taxes so I'm a little curious concerning the beneficiary of my fiscal benevolence.

Where, exactly, is this tax money going?

Why am I paying California taxes (the last state I want to patronize anyway) when I work and reside in Arizona?


She asked if I was willing to hold while she got an answer for me.

But of course.....

She returned to the line saying the tax will be forwarded to the county in Texas the flowers are being shipped to.

This is new to me.


Anybody hear of such bullsh!t?

Congress has been trying for over 15 years to impose a sales tax on internet commerce with no luck at all.

I agree that sales of all goods should be taxed, but it has to be fairly implemented and managed.

Looks like I just became one of the lucky few....


I mean, I love Texas as much as I do Arizona - though Texas does a much better job properly delegating tax money.

Why am I sending money to them on this?

Is this even legit?


Hope Mom loves her flowers, but I ain't liking the costs - almost 40% after shipping and some mysterious bullsh!t tax.

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I'm in Arizona' date=' and I asked her what state she was in.

She tells me she's in California.

I asked why I'm paying tax on goods in California when I'm in Arizona and shipping them to Texas.

She had no answer.[/quote']


If a company has a physical presence in the state in which the purchase is made (your state of Arizona), you get charged state sales tax. I deal with the same thing when I buy from Amazon. At least, that's the way it goes in Jersey.

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Well Neo, you think you have it bad there in AZ, try living here in NY. We ALREADY had the highest combined taxes in the nation and the most dysfunctional state government to boot. An independent agency that studied all local governments said ours was "by far" (and I put that in quotes because that's the words they used) in the nation. You want taxes? Try paying nearly 10K in just local property taxes alone (if I lived just one town over it'll be about 13K). Yep that figure doesn't include State or Federal taxes.


You think this would finally drive the morons here to provide true reform. But why should they? They won't of course because all of our districts are gerrymandered and they only care about themselves. So in order to "raise" revenue they started collecting sales tax on goods shipped into New York. Amazon has filed suit for the exact reasons you mentioned. Here's one article on it.

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I don't know Neo, like Rich says if the company has a physical prescence in your State you get taxed but I am sure you already know that.


2 years ago I bought a t-shirt straight from the fender website, obviously based in California and they charged tax. Out of curiosity I looked it up and coule not find a Fender presence in the State of TN.

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