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Steven Tari

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I was going to make this a poll but I changed my mind. If you were told to look up the word Genre (which I was told is pronounced John Rah) Do you think you would have found it first try? Be Honest now. Me, theres no way in heck I would have ever found it. I would have been looking at johnra or jonra but never with a "G" Leading off. This word is like my favorite word for Hang-Man "RENDEZVOUS". Don't look nothing like it sounds.

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If you were told to look up the word Genre (which I was told is pronounced John Rah)

Do you think you would have found it first try?


As long as I'm certain of the context, I have pretty good luck with it.


Now, looking up words of French origin is a killer.


Get outta here....


Greek & Latin root words are usually the most recognized for me - and by far the most prolific in many languages.

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As long as I'm certain of the context' date=' I have pretty good luck with it.


Now, looking up words of French origin is a killer.


Get outta here....


Greek & Latin root words are usually the most recognized for me - and by far the most prolific in many languages.[/quote']

French is a Latin Based language. Genre is based on the Latin Root "Genus", and "Genera" is the plural form of the word.

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The Latin influence is there alright, but words lifted from French and deposited into the English language are often very well disguised if not completely mangled.

My wife is of French Canadian descent, her Dad is a real kick to talk with due to that very reason.

He sees the humor of it, along with the gross misunderstandings, as he is fluent in French.


I took German in high school, I'm familiar with Spanish - though I speak little of either.

At least German is a phonetic language, all letters are there for a reason. Spanish is pretty good in that regard.

French? No way.


You need a bit of understanding of the language before you stand a snowball's chance in hell for spelling it.


I dated a French girl in high school named Dhalluin, she wanted me to guess the spelling when we met. I lost.

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Yeah What's up whith the SCH in School?


You can blame England for the French accent and the Irish spelling of Sean. Every time the English started breaking treaties and invading their homelands, they had to bastardize their languages to keep the English from understanding them. Gealick is almost a Code Language.

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