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what did you want to "be" when you where a child, are you doing that now?

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I wanted to illustrate comics for Marvel. I did get published a few times in the local paper, but that was the extent of being published. Wanted to be an English teacher but switched on that one. I'm still sort of in the english field I guess as I'm an entertainment writer. My more frequent normal day job though is working for a production company that handles sound, stage, lighting, and booking of events. When the economy gets a little better down here in south Fl. I'll finish the last semester and a half I need of college.

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Being a kid who watched the Apollo 11 stuff live all I wanted to do was the same stuff as Buzz and Neil did. It looked a lot of fun.


By the time I was applying for Uni (1976) I selected 'Pure Maths and Computer Science'. Once the offers came in I was suddenly struck by the realisation that, were I to follow this path, I'd be doing glorified 'sums' for the rest of my natural. I still find it odd that this thought had never actually crossed my mind until this point had been reached.


After a hasty re-think I realised that I really really wanted to be an artist and qualified as a graphic designer (I know; they're not the same thing). After a while in the job I was the guy sent out anytime photo's were required (photography was the second part of the graphics course) and ended up enjoying the photography much more than the design work. Back-to-school time. Got my degree in photography and came to London in '87. Still here. Still a photographer.

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Moonie' date='


The last time somebody edited a quote from someone else, you cried like a scared little hermaphrodite....But it's okay for you to do it? Good job Moonie![/quote']


KSG how does a hermaphrodite cry? I've never met one. Clue me in on that? Where do you meet them?

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