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The cold, miserable facts on torture


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From the Onion...



Guantánamo Detainee Ruled Not Mentally Fit To Testify About Psychological Torture


WASHINGTON—In its first major hearing on the use of abusive interrogation tactics at Guantánamo Bay, a blue-ribbon panel found detainee Omar Khadr mentally unfit to testify about his years of psychological torture. "Because of Mr. Khadr's fragile state due to unknown hours spent under the most brutal, mentally straining conditions, he cannot be trusted to speak competently on his own behalf," said Rep. Kit Bond (R-MO), the panel's chairman. "It is unfortunate that someone with such intimate knowledge of the horrors of waterboarding, stress positions, and induced hypothermia is so emotionally unstable. He bursts into tears at even the mention of mock torture." Bond added that Khadr's confession of planning 9/11, the London train bombings, and the Iranian hostage crisis would be kept on the record.

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I just saw Michael Scheuer on the news talking about Extraordinary Rendition, a process by which the US ships terror suspects overseas to countries like Egypt, which have NO laws against torture of any kind. This process was apparently enhanced, and under the direction of Bill Clinton used against terror suspects. W used the program as well...


Which is worse, our CIA using "harsh interrogation" techniques like waterboarding (with doctors present), or having Egypt perform much more aggressive techniques against our prisoners for us?


Are we going to arrest Bubba and try him for war crimes?





The CIA was granted permission to use rendition in a presidential directive signed by US President Bill Clinton in 1995.[11]


Critics have accused the CIA of rendering suspects to other countries in order to avoid US laws proscribing due process and prohibiting torture, even though many of those countries have, like the US, signed or ratified the United Nations Convention Against Torture.[12] Critics have also called this practice "torture flights".[13] Defenders of the practice argue that culturally-informed and native-language interrogations are more successful in gaining information from suspects.[14][15]

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I just saw Michael Scheuer on the news talking about Extraordinary Rendition' date=' a process by which the US ships terror suspects overseas to countries like Egypt, which have NO laws against torture of any kind. This process was apparently enhanced, and under the direction of Bill Clinton used against terror suspects. W used the program as well...[/quote']


The thread was supposed to be a joke...ever heard of the onion. Take a break KSG...

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Torture is for sissy's.


Kill em all ...


Strange as it may seem I would rather that be the situation then a state sponsored torture program.




Hey look AXE is talking politics.

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