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The Mick

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"The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered..." Food for thought, who really runs America?

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The Power of Defaults



Search engine users click the results listings' top entry much more often than can be explained by relevancy ratings. Once again, people tend to stick to the defaults.

How gullible are Web users? Sadly, the answer seems to be "very."

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We've all had awesome moments: ... Or being in the presence of an awesome political or cultural leader.


I was at the University of Houston in '80s and Jesse Jackson was speaking outside to a crowd of people. I sat down on a bench to listen to what he had to say. I bent down and rested my elbows on my knees and looked at the ground....and what did I find? An englund, a spleef, a reefer! A big one! That was my moment of awesomeness in the presence of a political or cultural leader. Thanks Jesse!O:)#-o :D

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I was at the University of Houston in '80s and Jesse Jackson was speaking outside to a crowd of people. I sat down on a bench to listen to what he had to say. I bent down and rested my elbows on my knees and looked at the ground....and what did I find? An englund' date=' a spleef, a reefer! A big one! That was my moment of awesomeness in the presence of a political or cultural leader. Thanks Jesse!O:)#-o :D [/quote']


Turtle Power Marijuana is a good strain for beginners. This is a purple haze x early girl! A very good stone with a sweet smell and candy taste.

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Coinage, Weights, and Measures


The power “to coin money” and “regulate the value thereof” has been broadly construed to authorize regulation of every phase of the subject of currency. Congress may charter banks and endow them with the right to issue circulating notes,1369 and it may restrain the circulation of notes not issued under its own authority.1370 To this end it may impose a prohibitive tax upon the circulation of the notes of state banks1371 or of municipal corporations.1372 It may require the surrender of gold coin and of gold certificates in exchange for other currency not redeemable in gold. A plaintiff who sought payment for the gold coin and certificates thus surrendered in an amount measured by the higher market value of gold was denied recovery on the ground that he had not proved that he would suffer any actual loss by being compelled to accept an equivalent amount of other currency.1373 Inasmuch as “every contract for the payment of money, simply, is necessarily subject to the constitutional power of the government over the currency, whatever that power may be, and the obligation of the parties is, therefore, assumed with reference to that power,”1374 the Supreme Court sustained the power of Congress to make Treasury notes legal tender in satisfaction of antecedent debts,1375 and, many years later, to abrogate the clauses in private contracts calling for payment in gold coin, even though such contracts were executed before the legislation was passed.1376 The power to coin money also imports authority to maintain such coinage as a medium of exchange at home, and to forbid its diversion to other uses by defacement, melting or exportation.1377

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"interesting that so few women will admit to [breasts being a power source]."

This is interesting in itself. I can think of several memories of women exercising their 'breast power' only to be surprised and a little frightened by it.


This all makes me wonder what it is about power, of any kind, that is so difficult for human beings to manage in a kind and respectful way?

This could almost be a motto for Breast Stories. Power and the way we exercise it is really at the heart of the problem of how we respond to breasts. Women often exercise breast power without knowing it, or perhaps subconsciously and men often respond with the only form of power we know.

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Horse? Mule? Oxen?



What animal would pull the emigrant's covered wagons? That question was hotly debated among the Oregon-bound pioneers.


Horses were quickly rejected because they could not live off prairie grasses along the way. As a result, most of the emigrants decided on oxen. They were strong; could live off grass or sage; and were less-expensive.


Emigrant Peter Burnett:

"The ox is a most noble animal, patient, thrifty, durable, gentle and does not run off.Those who come to this country will be in love with their oxen. The ox will plunge through mud, swim over streams, dive into thickets and he will eat almost anything."

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If the Seven Wonders of the World was updated for the 21 st century, the Wartsila-Sulzer RTA96-C turbocharged two-stroke diesel engine could be a contender. If you are a student of the internal combustion engine in all its wonderous configurations, then feast your eyes on this set of numbers which outline the truly astounding engineering feat. It is the most powerful and most efficient engine in the world today.


Designed to provide the motive force for a variety of supertankers and container ships, it comes in 6 cylinder in-line through to a whopping 14 cylinder version. The cylinder bore is 38 inches and the stroke is just over 98 inches. Each cylinder displaces 111,143 cubic inches (1820 litres) and produces 7780 horsepower. Total displacement comes out to 1,556,002 cubic inches (25,480 litres) for the 14-cylinder version.


At a length of 89 feet and a height of 44 feet, the total engine weight is 2300 tons - the crankshaft alone weighs 300 tons.


The RTA96C-14 can achieve a maximum power output of 108,920 hp at 102 rpm and astonishingly, at maximum economy the engine exceeds 50% thermal efficiency. That means, more than 50% of the energy in the fuel is converted to motion. Its Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC) at maximum power is 0.278 lbs/hp/hr.


Ship owners like a single engine/single propeller design and the new generation of larger container ships needed a bigger engine to propel them.While engine cylinder configurations for large-scale container liners have been discussed in the magnitude of 14, 16 and 18 cylinders, the 14-cylinder in-line low-speed engine is the first to be offered by any engine designer.


Ship owners prefer single engine/single propeller designs and the new generation of larger container ships (or post-Panamax) called for a bigger engine to propel them.


The RTA96C-14 turbocharged two-stroke diesel engine is produced by Swiss company Wartsila-Sulzer and is the largest and most powerful diesel engine in the world today...



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For over 40 years, Tower of Power has been creating their own kind of soul music. Since 1968, Tower of Power has delivered their unique brand of music to their fans, appearing before sold out crowds as they tour the world each year. Tower’s sound can be hard to categorize, but the band's leader and founding member, Emilio Castillo, has labeled their sound as "Urban Soul Music."

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