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Dems can't play nice in New York either...


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Since Homz insists on posting one inflammatory thread after another, peddling innuendo and half truths, I'll post another one loaded with facts and glaring, brutal demonstrations of the true stupidity of elected officials.


Here it is, nothing but the cold, hard truth from Albany, New York.

Gee, didn't Nancy Pelosi pull this exact same kill-the-lights stunt right after she took the Speaker's seat in 2006?

The media doesn't seem to want to cover the kind of stupidity that most adults would get their asses kicked for.

These idiots should be fired and banned from EVER holding a public office again - not even dog-catcher.


From the looks of things, the Democrats STILL can't play fair, shoot straight, or tell the truth.

... and this story is from CBS News - owned by the Democratic party so don't think for a second this is partisan....




COUP IN ALBANY: GOP Takes Over NY State Senate

Malcolm Smith Ousted As Senate Majority Leader;

Dems Turn Off Lights, Cut Internet Power In Attempt To Stop Coup

Paterson Goes Ballistic: I'm Here To Stand Up For Democracy




Who's in charge of New York?


That was the big question Monday night following a political standoff in Albany.


The Republicans said they pulled off a coup, snatching power away from the Senate majority, but the Democrats said it was illegal and that they're still in control of the Legislature.


And the whole thing has Gov. David Paterson lashing out at lawmakers.


It was a carefully crafted coup -- five weeks in the making, with independent Tom Golisano in on the plotting.

And when it was over Republican Sen. Dean Skelos of Rockville Center was back in power as Senate Majority Leader. Dumped was former Democratic leader Malcolm Smith.


"I want to thank Pedro and Hiram," Skelos said. "I know the difficult votes you did today. But they did the right thing and I want to thank Tom Golisano, who certainly has been a leader."

The thank yous to Pedro Espada and Hiram Monserrate were because the two controversial Democrats crossed party lines and voted for Skelos to lead the Senate. The flip of the senators give Republicans a 32-30 edge in the chamber.


During the coup, Democrats fled the chamber, turned out the lights, and cut off the Internet feed of chamber proceedings, leaving Republicans and their two Democratic friends to take the vote in the dark.


A media advisory released by Mark Hansen, a spokesman for the Senate's GOP conference, foreshadowed the shake-up: "An historic change in leadership is taking place at this moment and a new bipartisan, coalition is being established that is bringing real reform to the Senate RIGHT NOW."


Smith was elected Temporary President and Majority Leader of the New York State Senate in January of 2009, becoming the first African-American Majority Leader in New York State history and the first Democratic leader in almost 40 years.


Conversely, Monserrate was recently indicted for beating his girlfriend. And who can forget Espada, who represents the Bronx and lives in Mamaroneck. He put on an orange ski hat when CBS 2 HD confronted him outside his home.


And then when we went to Albany to get answers from Espada all he could do was laugh off our questions and then accuse us of behaving inappropriately.

This is what Espada had to say about the coup and his decision to join:


"At the end of the day what you witnessed today may be characterized as a power grab – a coup. But please understand this is a new beginning for New York state, a new beginning of bipartisan government," Espada said.


Smith didn't see it that way. He said the coup was illegal and he was still the majority leader, although he only has about two dozen Democrats with him not the 32 he claims to have.

"Let's just be real clear. The Senate Democrats are still in the majority. Senator Malcolm Smith is still the majority leader," Smith said.


Paterson addressed the issue Monday night at a news conference and made it clear he's furious.

"I should be standing here talking to you about the issues that the people need Albany to address. Once again Albany's dysfunction has raised its ugly head," Paterson said. "I came here today to stand up for everyone in this state who still believes in a democracy -- that there are perimeters in which we govern, that Albany can be more than the dysfunctional wreck it has become over the years. And I don't care if the only one standing, but someone has got to stand up and say that this is wrong.


"The last two weeks of session is not the time when we conduct campaigns. It is not the time when we elect leaders. It is not the time for politics. It is the time for governance."


Right now we have a real standoff.


Skelos and Espada took their oaths of office -- and get this: if something happens to Gov. Paterson, Espada, as president pro tempore of the Senate, fills in.


Both sides will contest the other, with the Democrats saying the move is illegal because the session was already gaveled out.


In the end it will likely end up in the courts.

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It's a crazy messed up world! This reminds me of the time that Texas democrats ran to hide in Oklahoma in an attempt to avoid losing power in the Texas congress...


Today something else happened that's pretty astounding...Ruth Baider Ginsberg stood up for the US Constitution and the rule of law today, by stopping (at least temporarily) the bat sh!t crazy bankruptcy scam at Chrysler. It looks like the Supremes will hear the case brought by the secured creditors of Chrysler and they may put a stop to the obonga takeover of America.

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What i find funny is how much you dislike Homz and how much alike you and Homz are, To tell you the truth i find that you are worse than Homz.


In all my days i have never seen a man so obsessed with Ideology and always Being right such as yourself, I truly believe you need help this is truly not rational or normal behavior at all.

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So, you follow me around in the forum simply to piss on any thread I post like some amateur cyber-stalker....

.... and I need help?


Coming from you that's pretty damned funny....


Explain THIS;

Did you vote Democrat in November?

Did I touch a nerve?

Can you refute anything I post here or elsewhere?


Sounds a little crybaby-ish to me.....

Sour grapes?


How about something people here on the forum can use?

Ever think about posting factual information?


Come to think of it, I've never seen you post anything in the Les Paul or SG threads.

Do you even own a guitar?



I don't dislike Homz, it's simply that he's an idiot and few seem willing to point that out to him.

He needs regular spankings and it seems I was nominated by many in the forum to administer them....



As for how much alike Homz and I are, I don't really CARE who you find "worse" and I doubt anything YOU proclaim to be the truth. I've seen NOTHING of substance in ANYTHING you've posted in your short tenure here.

It occurred to me that you may have been here awhile, only with a new name to skirt a ban - either way, get with it.



In all my days I have been baiting Liberals with some humor involved and they fail to grasp it 95% of the time.

They know only "attack the messenger" instead of looking at the message.



If you've never seen a man so obsessed with ideology and always being right, then maybe you should get away from your little circle-jerk of "friends" and expand your horizons a little. Look into Core Convictions.....



I truly believe you are the one who needs help.

You know nothing about me aside from this forum and are unable to discern humor from fact.

You do NOT get it, and reading a brief narrative on how I started the whole NeoConMan persona on my website would likely go over your head like a jet airliner. None the less, check out www.neoconman.com and read the title page.


Report back with any enlightenment you may realize....



It is truly not rational or normal at all to seek rational or normal behavior in an internet forum.

This is NOT the real world.


Turn OFF your computer, put on some sunglasses and go outside into the daylight.


If you actually want to know anything about me, simply ask.

Insulting me every time you show up will eventually get you smacked down - ask Homz.





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There you go again acting like a child, actually most of my posts are on the Les Paul and SG section a simple click on my name should have sufficed,


I rarely follow you or post in your threads since i truly believe you are a sad sod looking for some kind of attention, I did not come here to lecture you but your mindless dribble is becoming repetitive and quite pathetic if you ask me, If you were truly bent on finding out the truth (Which i highly doubt you are) You wouldn't be posting one sided nonsense and even go after your own Conservative pals, You like every conservative and liberal do not care about whats true The only thing you guys care about is finding new ways to tear each other apart which becomes more apparent everyday.


Why don't you stop being so predictable and be more creative and original? Oh yeah and to answer your question no i did not vote Democrat i did not even vote at all since the whole Two Party system is a joke.


It seems to me that you suffer from a split personality, You know they can prescribe something for that.

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There you go again acting like a child' date=' actually most of my posts are on the Les Paul and SG section a simple click on my name should have sufficed[/quote']Valuable time I'm not willing to indulge you with.

See, I really DON'T care where you go or what you do - try THAT for adult behavior.....



I rarely follow you or post in your threads



I did not come here to lecture you
See your first post here' date=' then move on to your second.

Tell me again that a "lecture" looks somehow different...



but your mindless dribble is becoming repetitive and quite pathetic if you ask me' date='[/quote']I did NOT ask you.

Feel free to click elsewhere instead of getting your moth wings burned in the flame.



If you were truly bent on finding out the truth (Which i highly doubt you are)
You're right' date=' I already found it.

Posted a news story above to back it up.....



You wouldn't be posting one sided nonsense
One sided? That's in a "mainstream" news outlet.

Oh, yeah, you didn't actually READ it did you....

Too quick to piss in my ear and teach me a lesson, eh?

Good luck with that.



and even go after your own Conservative pals' date='[/quote']Really? Please demonstrate.



You like every conservative and liberal do not care about whats true The only thing you guys care about is finding new ways to tear each other apart which becomes more apparent everyday.
Ah' date=' yes....

YOU can ably lay blame on EVERYBODY in the world and point out the failures you perceive them to suffer from.

What do you offer as a substantive alternative?

What do YOU have?


I can answer that for you....



Why don't you stop being so predictable and be more creative and original?
Sorry you don't approve.

Really, I'm serious. I'm SO ashamed.....

I should strive to be more varied and irreverent like you, eh?



Oh yeah and to answer your question no i did not vote Democrat i did not even vote at all since the whole Two Party system is a joke.
So you do absolutely NOTHING but b!tch' date=' whine, piss and moan?

Great job from what I've seen!!!!

Now I know what you have for sure!!!



It seems to me that you suffer from a split personality' date=' You know they can prescribe something for that. [/quote']

Nah, I'm fine with the single-minded pursuit of exposing Liberal stupidity - completely unclouded by chemical crutches.

Are you another Ritalin Kid by chance?


Now, be a good little Liberal and defend your Defeatocrat morons in the NY Senate like the thread was intended.

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How did i know you would post that? Oh yeah because you are predictable and unoriginal.


"Ritalin kid" Really is that all you got? You are truly pathetic.


"So you do absolutely NOTHING but b!tch, whine, piss and moan?

Great job from what I've seen!!!!

Now I know what you have for sure!!!"


Have you looked at what you have been doing lately?

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Yeah, pissing off Liberals.




Okay Smart Guy, what will I post next?


C'mon, tell me what I'm gonna do next with your sage wisdom...



Stick around, continue the insults - I can assure you it can get much worse.




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Okay Smart Guy' date=' what will I post next?


C'mon, tell me what I'm gonna do next with your sage wisdom...



[b']Stick around, continue the insults - I can assure you it can get much worse.[/b]





You are hilarious seriously i am laughing as i type this, Weren't you the one whining and moaning about me Defining who you are from the way you act on the forum? And now you are telling me i am just like Homz? You are not very consistent now are you?


You insult people Yet complain when you are insulted, Consistency is not in your vocabulary now is it?


You are gonna respond to what i said but instead of acknowledging what i say you are gonna resort to ad-hominem attacks and off topic semantics.


"Ya know, the reason I started the thread was something other than inviting you to act like an angry pr!ck"


Wasn't one of your occupations "Pissing off liberals"? Consistency lad Consistency, All i am looking is for a shred of consistency in you.


Oh my goodness you are making me laugh beyond belief i do not know whether to take you as satire or actually take you seriously.

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So' date=' you follow me around in the forum simply to piss on any thread I post like some amateur cyber-stalker....

.... and I need help?




Still using this comeback. Get a life Neo....you are a bore.


By the way, it is a forum. When someone posts something, others respond. That's how it works. Nobody follows you around. I think you are getting paranoid.

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Hey Neo,


You do know that there are forums specifically geared to political crap, right?


Or can't you keep up with people that frequent those forums?


Just sayin', cause it seems like you don't give a squat about music or guitars, so why not take it where it's appreciated? I know I don't speak for everyone, but I'm gettin' tired of it myself. Apparently so have many other people, but they just gave up and left, rather than call out the people that are ruining a good thing.

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as kinda new to this forum' date=' I find it hysterical. It's like watching the fat kid bully anyone in his way in the yard. Neo, I'll just give you my lunchmoney...[/quote']


He found a couple of homophobic Democrats and he uses it to "prove" his point about everyone who votes Democrat.


He can't help it that he sees the world in black & white. It takes too much effort to sort through gray.


He'd much rather attack the women and children when he realizes he isn't keeping up with the "men."

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You make it sound as if thats an insult. Homz brings humor and good spirits to the forum. He never attacks people and has even been known to talk about guitars.


You' date=' on the other hand, attack everyone and post GIGANTIC political posts despite that being the acknowledged downfall of this forum because its so off topic and it causes so much strife.


I may not speak for everyone but this is a guitar forum. We like guitars. I'm a musician and I couldn't give less of a sh!t about politics. I just want to jam out and talk about gear and common influences. Yeah, you have a LOT of nice guitars but you only seem to talk about them to brag and then quickly go back to spamming the forum.



You act like your some groundbreaking political analyst but you're just spewing bias political to a bunch of potheads and defiantly aging rockers.


I'm going to dub you the [b']"Political Troll"[/b] because you respond and egg people on EXACTLY like a troll.


-No one cares if you can respond a hundred times to an insult or argumentative comment.


-No one cares about one sided views.


-No one must care in your real life otherwise you'd be bothering them with this crap.






My dad once told me that people who wholeheartedly believe that their opinions are right "Are just like terrorists and usually die fat and unhappy."






You gonna tell me off? Go ahead, waste more of your life as an "Political Troll" on a guitar forum. Give me more entertainment because I love depressing people, especially when everything they do is a form of mental masturbation to compensate for something missing.

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Oh its the mainstream media now rather than the so called bias Liberal Media? Again with the inconsistency.


Strange how this guy hates the "liberal media" but then starts just about every posts these days with a reference to a news article to try to support his venomous hatred of the current administration and those that support it.

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Strange how this guy hates the "liberal media" but then starts just about every posts these days with a reference to a news article to try to support his venomous hatred of the current administration and those that support it.


:- =P~ =P~ =D>


Strange how that media is sooooo liberal and still reports stuff that he agrees with!


Funny how that liberal media hasn't *once* called out a conservative on their lies.


If you wanna say MSNBC is liberal, I'll understand that. But there is *nothing* about the rest of them that screams "liberal bias." Most of them have substituted opinion and entertainment for news.

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=D> =D> =D> =D>


Strange how that media is sooooo liberal and still reports stuff that he agrees with!


Funny how that liberal media hasn't *once* called out a conservative on their lies.


If you wanna say MSNBC is liberal' date=' I'll understand that. But there is *nothing* about the rest of them that screams "liberal bias." Most of them have substituted opinion and entertainment for news.[/quote']


I also like how Fox news complains about this Liberal Media Bias one minute and then turns around and brags about its cable dominance the next.


Now i am beginning to see why NeoConMan is the way he is.

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It's a crazy messed up world! This reminds me of the time that Texas democrats ran to hide in Oklahoma in an attempt to avoid losing power in the Texas congress...


Today something else happened that's pretty astounding...Ruth Baider Ginsberg stood up for the US Constitution and the rule of law today' date=' by stopping (at least temporarily) the bat sh!t crazy bankruptcy scam at Chrysler. It looks like the Supremes will hear the case brought by the secured creditors of Chrysler and they may put a stop to the obonga takeover of America.[/quote']


You mean when the Texas Dems refused to show up for a session that was going to gerrymander the state so the Republicans could continue to control it? Is that the time you're talking about?


And Ruth BADER Ginsberg halting the sale of Chrysler to Fiat does NOT mean tSCOTUS will actually *hear* the case. Surely, a man of your education understands that the SCOTUS does not actually take up every case that comes before them. She stayed it until more information was available. No doubt, you would rather see a major manufacturer be sold for parts than to actually reach a compromise.


And before you go saying that I'm just a liberal, union-loving Democrat---there will be a LOT more people affected by Chrysler going out of business than just the Chrysler employees and families. We don't have to drive far to see what has happened to other towns in this state after a company decided to move production to Mexico. What was once a thriving economy is left with nothing but a frackin' Wal-Mart.


And it's *not* the "fault" of the union. There are plenty of profitable companies in this country with *good* relations with their unionize employees. (Try UPS, GE, AT&T). Several execs actually came out recently in support of the bill that would allow employees to unionize more easily.


Look it up. I'm sure the "liberal media" has plenty of stories on the matter.

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the bill that would allow employees to unionize more easily.

Yeah' date=' the one described as "freedom of choice" when it removes the secret ballot....


Good luck spinning THAT bullsh!t into anything remotely logical instead of the typical union [b']bullying[/b] for forced votes.

Remember, it's my "bullying" that you and Homz so hate....


The thread opens with the most childish behavior I can imagine among adults, let alone elected officials, and nobody cares.


I see now how concerned everybody is with the behavior of the Democrats they voted for.

Yeah, prove me wrong on THAT one..... okay everybody, sound off.

Which of you voted for a Republican last November?



That's what I thought....




If the thread doesn't suit you, then click elsewhere.



Another helpful hint; when Homz stops posting dozens of threads a week insulting Christians, Republicans and conservatives I'll take my game home again. You want politics out of here, then KEEP it out yourselves.


Until then, ignore the peril that awaits your family, your wages, your taxes and your freedom.

Get mad at ME!





Smart crowd we got here.....

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Yeah' date=' the one described as "freedom of choice" when it removes the secret ballot....


Good luck spinning THAT bullsh!t into anything remotely logical instead of the typical union [b']bullying[/b] for forced votes.

Remember, it's my "bullying" that you and Homz so hate....


The thread opens with the most childish behavior I can imagine among adults, let alone elected officials, and nobody cares.


I see now how concerned everybody is with the behavior of the Democrats they voted for.

Yeah, prove me wrong on THAT one..... okay everybody, sound off.

Which of you voted for a Republican last November?



That's what I thought....




If the thread doesn't suit you, then click elsewhere.



Another helpful hint; when Homz stops posting dozens of threads a week insulting Christians, Republicans and conservatives I'll take my game home again. You want politics out of here, then KEEP it out yourselves.


Until then, ignore the peril that awaits your family, your wages, your taxes and your freedom.

Get mad at ME!





Smart crowd we got here.....


The thing with you ConMan is that we do not know we are insulting you for some reason you seem to think disagreement warrants an attack.


I got news for you it does not, Now get on with life may i suggest going outside in the sun with some sunglasses?

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You're still here?






HOO - BOY!!!!


... ahem..... sorry....





If you REALLY don't wanna contribute to the thread subject, may I suggest clicking elsewhere?

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