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Mary Travers of Peter Paul & Mary dead at 72


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Ugh, I'm afraid to read the news anymore. I guess we are to expect this..... our heroes, mentors, those who inspired and entertained us along the way, are leaving us. It's hard to take. Henry Gibson was one of my favourites on that show. Him and Arte Johnson.


Funny, I always thought Mary played guitar because my first album of theirs (which was their first album) just had the guitar leaning up against a brick wall. I was 5 years old. It wasn't until years later that I found it she didn't play. So I was inspired to play by someone who actually didn't play. But like you said, her voice was as perfect as they come.

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Great videos, Jaxson. That's a lively version of When I Die. I've only ever heard that song by Blood Sweat & Tears (I think that's who did it). And that second one was moving too. They just had some special synergistic effect when they sang together. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

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Sad news indeed. PP&M were one of the first bands I ever recall hearing ('Where Have All The Flowers Gone?' was a childhood favourite), and when I was working in a harmony trio, we really worked hard to get that folky, tight-but-loose harmony nailed. A very influential group, and a sad loss.

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This is sad, but maybe a blessing given that she's been in poor health for a long, long time.


Hearing of her death reminded me of my favorite fascinating, little-known fact about PPM. When Albert Grossman was assembling the group, he originally wanted Mary, Peter, and Dave van Ronk. After thinking hard, Dave turned him down, and Noel was recruited as a replacement. If Dave had decided differently, it likely would have changed the whole history of the Great Folk Scare -- Dave couldn't have played the pivotal role he did play in the Greenwich Village scene, and "PDM" might have been a radically different group than PPM -- tho' it's hard to say how.


-- Bob R

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Mary Traver's beauty changed my idea of what a beautiful woman should look and act like. She was downright "Earthy" and she predated the hippie chick movement. Early Peter, Paul, and Mary and Bob Dylan were the greatest influences on me way back when we were young, foolish, and happy.

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