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AC/DC may cancel in Austria due to birds


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'm a 15 year old. I do the best I can to help the world. It's not much' date=' because the world is filled with people like you. Like your post, that isn't an insult. The world is filled with people who don't value the opinions of teenagers. I promise you by the time I'm your age I will have made a difference. I like to think that I make a difference now.





Don't even go there. You never want to be his age. Back hurts. Knees hurt. Memory goes. Eyes go. Hair goes. Stomach muscles disappear. Penis functions at 50% of capacity. The list goes on....

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if this has already be said I apologize.


I don't think the issue is noise so much as intrusion onto their nesting ground. These birds nest on the ground. There is not a stadium or amphitheater that is being used. A stage must be built in a field and enough room for 80,000 people in that field. Thats a lot of damage to their world for a one night concert. AC/DC and their fans will be just fine finding another location for the concert.

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How bout this .........your driving down the road .....got your Wife and infant child in the car.....and all of a sudden...out of no where.......

someone protesting something hurles a cindrblock into the wind sheild of your vehicle....which obviously is too gas guzzling for you to care about whatever

their cause is...................Now you could...............


for ever after go out of your way to opose whatever the imbecile that hurt you and your family was for...........and continued on

agree that you are guilty and deserved to be asualted for lack of doing your part...........................................and continued on.

pulled your vehicle over made sure that emergency services were on the way as you checked your family for injuries........and got out to confront

the moron that assaulted you so he would'nt get away with a senseless misdirected act of violence................unfortunatley you end up discharging

a firearm into a misdirected loudmouth .......................now after exhausting all you and your families resources to pay the attorney you still get 3

years in prison........................................What was this about ? Birds ....oh um well protect um if there to stupid to realize Man is dangerous and should be avoided............................Also..........DON'T PANIC ! and always have a towell

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Nah you gotta look at the big picture..........Murph said he was a going on the wagon..............I fell off ...........and my previous reserved

demeaner has been discarded to the beligerant underliying .......blah blah blah ....get it.....

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