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LP project guitar finally coming to an end


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The end is in sight.... Been on this project for about a year now... Just got the body back from the final gold leafing... Third time! This started as a worn brown Les Paul studio.... Now that the final gold leaf is on I sent it back to the luthier who is spraying the nitro. If all goes well the guitar will be painted mounted and set up when I get back from Boston. It will have vintage double ring double line tuners, nickel bridge and stop bar, RS Guitarworks Jimmy Page phase and coils split push pull kit, Seymour Duncan Custom Shop Jimmy Page pupps, vintage amber volume and tone knobs, vintage cream pickup rings, pickguard and rhythm/Terrible washer and a painted cream binding on the body. Here are some pics I took today before driving it down to the Luthiers shop. The first two pics are the stock Worn Brow Les Paul body.






Gold leaf






Neck detail







I bought all the parts on ebay except for the Seymour Duncan Jimmy Page pupps and the RS Guitarworks stuff I special ordered. The pupps are signed by Seymour Duncan...

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I'm starting to get excited again... It's been dragging on so long I almost forgot about it. The Luthier had the guitar 6 months before he even looked at it. He had to get the nitro special ordered in from the states and he is always way backed up with work. I had a blast finding and gathering all the parts I wanted for it... It's a real Frankenpaul....

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A true Goldtop how goes the hardware match up in color.



The hardware is not gold. I want it to look like a regular gold top with cream plastic and nickel hardware. So I hope when the hardware, pick guard and rest of the stuff get put on it will make a nice contrast and tone it down a bit.

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Dave' date=' you call it a Frankenpaul but when I read through your post you've had it all figured out well. That's gonna be an exclusive daveinspain Gibson! I come to my point...have you got a name in place for your signature? [cool']


Yes I actually do... When I first got the idea to do this project. I posted a thread about it here on the Gibson forum. I don't know if anyone will remember but I asked everyone to make suggestions on what to put on it. High on the list were the cream colored appointments and a Jimmy Page push pull kit. The rest of it sort of came together to complement the basics and just some stuff that I wanted on it too, like the vintage double line double ring tuners.


So it will be called the GFC Gold Top... GFC = Gibson Forum Collaboration. It has been listed in my signature that way for quite a while now.

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Dave' date='looks great man!

Gotta ask ya,what's the scratches on the gold top finish? Is it just the lighting/pic?[/quote']


Gold leaf is extremely thin sheets of real gold, so thin that it falls apart just by touching it. When it is applied to a surface it has to be handled by someone who knows what they are doing. It creases and wrinkles and breaks. That's why I had to have it done three times. The sheets are only about 5 x 5 inches square and have to be blended together. If the sheets were any bigger it would be impossible to handle. In the process of smoothing and blending the sheets together you get lots of streaks or fine scratches if you want to call it that. That is just part of the look of gold leaf... I like the look I think it gives it a lot of character. All those little scratches and imperfections play with the light as well, so depending on how you hold it the gold sort of dances around....


In any case this is an experiment and I hope it comes out well....

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Gold leaf is extremely thin sheets of real gold' date=' so thin that it falls apart just by touching it. When it is applied to a surface it has to be handled by someone who knows what they are doing. It creases and wrinkles and breaks. That's why I had to have it done three times. The sheets are only about 5 x 5 inches square and have to be blended together. If the sheets were any bigger it would be impossible to handle. In the process of smoothing and blending the sheets together you get lots of streaks or fine scratches if you want to call it that. That is just part of the look of gold leaf... I like the look I think it gives it a lot of character. All those little scratches and imperfections play with the light as well, so depending on how you hold it the gold sort of dances around....


In any case this is an experiment and I hope it comes out well....[/quote']


Holy sh*t! You put gold LEAF on that!?


Hope you plan on using a pick made outta cotton wool mate! I think anything else will tear that a new arse.


Looks great though,apart from the wrinkles,but then again...it ain't everyday ya see a gold leaf plated LP is it?...[crying]


On 2nd thoughts,you'll nitro the sh*t outta that won't ya. Mmmm

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Yeah the guitar will have a pretty thick nitro coat on it... The back already has been sprayed with several coats of nitro. If the gold leaf wasn't protected when you touch it it would get fingerprints all over it and as the oil from your fingers sets there they turn to black. That's one of the reasons I had to redo the gold leaf... The Luthier had the guitar so long before spraying it with nitro that the thin protective varnish on the gold leaf got worn off from handling and it was loaded with fingerprints... [crying]

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