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Getting over obsessions


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When I started playing acoustic about 5 years ago I agonized over everything. I first bought a Martin and then traded for a Gibson. I worried about scratches and buzzes. I changed strings almost every week trying to find the best sound…I tried mediums then lights, then switched ‘em back again, tried all different makes. I wondered what strings Dylan and Guthrie had used and did my best to find out. I tried out different picks, different straps, constantly adjusted their length. I fiddled with the truss rod, fussing with the action. I cleaned, I polished, and worried about my strumming technique. About the only thing I didn’t worry about were bridge pins! I kept the plastic.


Playing a bit over the holidays I realized I don’t think about any of that anymore. I must be on the verge of being considered an old-timer!

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I put new strings on the J200 a few months back, then loaned it to my daughter's boyfriend so he could go play at the local college one night. The strings were, in the traditional sense, ruined because of... well, I dunno, his acidity, dirty hands, whatever... I kept meaning to change the strings but haven't gotten to it. Now they are thick and dull and dead and they sound wonderful. I may not change them for quite a while.


With new strings it sounds like a grand piano, but with old strings it sounds like a J200. Does that make sense?


We spend too much time worrying about details and not enough time playing. And those two activities will fill every minute we allow for music, so the more time we spend on one, the less time we will spend on the other.

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I've been the same lately too. I thought maybe it was a mild case of depression, but it turns out it's just apathy haha! The strings on all the guitars are old old old right now and I don't care care care. I'm using the same old pick that I've used forever, haven't bought a new one in ages. I haven't polished the guitars either. My motto is still the same: changing the strings on your Gibson is like putting a new muffler on your Ferrari. But, at the end of the day, even if you still have the old muffler, hey, you're still driving a Ferrari so how bad could it be, ya know? [biggrin]

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I was similarly obsessed for several decades. Bought and sold dozens of guitars; tried every new set of strings; tried hundreds of picks even really expensive ones; tried numerous saddles and pins; bought numerous capos; etc.


I haven't thought of any of that since getting my J45 TV and settling on Elixirs Nano 12s. Makes playing so much more enjoyable and I have a lot more time. I even get more done at work.


Hope we don't relapse.

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We spend too much time worrying about details and not enough time playing. And those two activities will fill every minute we allow for music' date=' so the more time we spend on one, the less time we will spend on the other.[/quote']


Indeed, so true. Since getting my 000, the, uhm, research department has been shut down. More room for music. I've listening to singers with a vengeance (cant' go out and comparison shop vocal chords).!

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You mean.....guitars can become an obsession?????


I just counted 35 here. Just guitars' date=' no other instruments. I'm sure I'd hit 50 if I counted other stuff. Yes it is an obsession and sickness. Most of them don't get played [i']at all[/i] and are only here because I'm greedy and want to be able to say I own a such-and-such.


One of the guitars I sold on ebay in 2005 showed up on ebay last week. Not one 'like' it, but the guitar. Stuck out like a sore thumb because of the custom guard I had made for it and all other details matched. He had it refretted (which it needed) and he upgraded the case to an original Gibson one. I wrung my hands all freakin' week, wondering if I should buy it back.


Why? Why? I hated it when it was here, why would I want it back?


I either need to cull or add onto the house. Yeah, I need to sell some off because there's a couple on ebay I have my eye on......:-

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I put new strings on the J200 a few months back' date=' then loaned it to my daughter's boyfriend so he could go play at the local college one night. The strings were, in the traditional sense, ruined because of... well, I dunno, his acidity, dirty hands, whatever... I kept meaning to change the strings but haven't gotten to it. Now they are thick and dull and dead and they sound wonderful. I may not change them for quite a while.


With new strings it sounds like a grand piano, but with old strings it sounds like a J200. Does that make sense?


We spend too much time worrying about details and not enough time playing. And those two activities will fill every minute we allow for music, so the more time we spend on one, the less time we will spend on the other.[/quote']


Neil Young always plays and records with his acoustics with old strings only. He hates new string sound. [biggrin]

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