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Grover woes...


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Evening all,

I'm having ongoing machinehead woes with my SJ200...the original stock Kluson-style machines started to fall apart after a year or so (it's an '03 that I bought S/H in '04), I replaced them with a set of Wilkinson machines, which went the same way after 18 months. I then bought a set of Grover Kluson-style machines, one of which failed last week. I took 'em back to the shop from whom I bought them today, and they were replaced with the modern sealed-back style Grovers. Generally, I've found these to be excellent machineheads (I have them on my Hummingbird MC), but when I restrung my guitar tonight after fitting them, and found that the G machinehead has SO much play in it that I have to turn the knob 1/3 of a turn in order to have any up or downtuning effect.


Of course, it'll go back tomorrow, but it's really annoying me-why do I have so much machinehead unreliability on this guitar? I've never had a single machinehead fail on any of my other guitars, yet the '200 has gone through four sets!

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I think that J200 has had nine lives already.


Jinder, I'm away from home on training and the hotel has high speed wireless. I'm stuck with dialup at home so links to youtube or music files are nearly impossible. I went to your site and listened to the song you have playing there.


Hat's off to you, my friend. You are a true talent.

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It sounds like you have been unlucky. The best tuners I have are the nickel Waverlies on my Collings. I don't know if they would fit on your J-200 without another screw hole. They are great and accurate tuners.

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I went to your site and listened to the song you have playing there.


Hat's off to you' date=' my friend. You are a true talent.[/quote']


Damn straight. Best artist I discovered last year, period, bar none. Even performed a couple of his tunes.


One day I'm going to cross the pond to hear Jinder. Or bring him to LA.

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Can't help with the tuners mate. I have the same Grovers on my SWD and 335 and they are totally reliable. Obviously yours is a real workhorse so has done some milage. I don't tune up so mine are virtually untouched!


I just also want to say how fantastic Nine Cents From Benelux is. A great album and one that every acoustic guitar fan should have in their collection.


I too will try and see you Jinder next time you are over East.

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Wow, thanks for the kind words about my music guys!!


It means a lot to know that my music is being listened to and enjoyed. I'm not a major-label style artist, and sometimes when you're toiling away putting stuff out on your own label, booking your own tours etc, you start to wonder if, after all the writing, recording, packaging, touring and admin is done, anyone is actually listening to (and hopefully enjoying) what you do.


It especially means a lot that you chaps have enjoyed the records, there are many great musicians on this forum (not to mention guitar connoisseurs!), so your opinions are very much valued.


I'm working on my next album at the moment...It's about 2/3rds done, I'm going to be putting out a couple of singles this summer with the album to follow in August/Sept. It's a much 'bigger' sounding record, I look forward to seeing what everyone thinks of it :-)

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