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Anyone else get a listen to Pat St. John's "Rockers doin' the Blues" show tonight? He played a cut from the new Hendrix album, "Valleys of Neptune", an Elmore James number titled "Bleeding Heart".


I've enjoyed some of Hendrix's stuff for many years, 'though I never considered myself a real Hendrix fan. Some of his stuff was a bit too whatever for my taste and still is.


Tonight, listening to him play and sing the James tune, I thought he sounded awful. Both singing and playing. Mind you, on his worst day he's incredible. But it was near impossible for me to even discern what key his playing was in, and his singing sounded lethargic, robotic almost. Dispassionate. If the rest of the cuts are similar, it's not something I'd spend any money on.


I'll give it another listen when the opportunity presents. Just wondering who else has had a listen to this upcoming release and what your thoughts are.

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I was talking to my boss today about that one today... We are both waiting for that one to come out.


There's a story about those lost tapes and an unpaid $8000 electric bill


LOL! Probably one of many stories. Were the tapes being held for ransom? I really hope this wasn't one of the better cuts that St. John played tonight. Either that or I hope I just didn't hear it right the first time. I tried! [biggrin]

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Its a shame isnt it - but you just dont trust it. You can download the song on iTunes


It sounds like Hendrix, paricularly during the Crash Landing sessions, but with modern technology, you have no guarantee of what you are listening to...that is the main question for me. IS IT REAL?????


Jimi always had his rough spots. You took him as he came in all his brilliance and faults. That is what a genius is all about.


the original recordings had mistakes in them- they were real - faultless stuff like this, i am suspicious of.

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I'm going to wait to hear it before committing to a purchase. IMO, "bonus tracks" on albums and versions of movies labeled "director's cut" almost always stink; if the added material was that good, it would have been released in the first place (Apocalypse Now Redux excepted).


The real shame is that Hendrix probably didn't think the material was good enough to release or he never intended to release it at all while recording it and now it's going to be made public whether he likes it or not. I'm sure it'll be interesting from a historical perspective and diehard Hendrix fans will eat it up; I like Hendrix a lot, but it'd be sad to see his image tarnished if the material is sub par and released just so somebody can make a buck off a guy who's been dead for 40 years.

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I love Hendrix and it pains me deeply that they're digging up literally anything and throwing it out there to make money.

Hendrix NEVER intended for any of this crap to see the light of day, and with the exception of "The Cry of Love", which was about 90% done when he died, never intended for any of the posthumous junk to be released.


Anybody who's ever done any sizeable amount of studio time has stuff that sounds like crap. Most of us, (since we don't work for record companies), can dispose of it to insure it never comes back to embarrass us but unfortunately Hendrix did not have that option.


I only hope some kid listening to Hendrix for the first time doesn't think this crap is exemplary of what he was.


Personally, I won't buy any of this crap. It's a pity Hendrix's family never gets tired of picking his bones.

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