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Swine Flue H1N1


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who knew we'd end up here.[flapper]


Sorry Cali.


It's serious sh!t, and it's criminal when folks tell you to ignore it.



Tommy... I'm allergic to eggs and can't take any flu vaccine. Most years I have no issues; last year I got the flu in September and finally saw the last vestiges vanish by the last week in November. I count myself amongst the lucky ones. Fortunately, flu vaccines aren't all that complicated... they inject dead virus into your bloodstream so your body will develop antibodies for it. This helps your immune system fight off the live virus when you are exposed.


Good luck to you guys... hopefully you won't get it, or will be able to fight it off if you do. That's the REALLY scary part. They really don't know why some cases are fatal and others aren't.

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Thanks again ChanMan you did such a good job I say dito. I work on computers

and get the shot every year. Keyboards and the compute mouse I'll bet there

are no germs there. This Hector dude couldn't even figure out how to record

using free programs to join in with Lowdown. If Xdemonknight can figure it

out (good work XD) then why couldn't he. Then this post and I see why.



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Oh... and you never said. Did you have your baby vaccinated against polio? With that Rumsfeld "world population killing" vaccine? Come on' date=' put your baby where your mouth is. IF you truly believed any of that hogspittle you put out, you wouldn't let a doctor NEAR your kid with any of that.





In a nice and civilized way, that I have only learned to discuss in, I will just reply to your above question: The vaccines against the H1N1 virus were available on our island since the beginning of my wife's pregnancy. We had the news every night telling us what a dreadful pandemic this is, calling people into hospitals to get ''immuned'' right away. Since my wife was pregnant at the time, she was considered to be into the ''top priority group'' and she ''had'' to take the shot. We discussed the issue and we both agreed to stay away. She didn't get, neither did I. She didn't come down with anything, neither did I, our boys were born healthy as mules and kick (our...) a$$. So, my actions correspont directly to my beliefs.


Our little island state ordered 400,000 vaccines. After all this commercial show, they got only 30,000 of them in use. A couple of older folks died, with chronic diseases. All other little children that got infected by the virus (kids of co-workers) got some high fever, stayed home for 4-5 days and then returned back to their schools. That was about it around here...


Oh, and judging by the difference between your attitude, your mouth and your signature above, I would be very careful in your place to use the ''full of $hit expression'' on others...


As I said above, I honestly wish that I'm simply wrong and paranoid...

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In a nice and civilized way' date=' that I have only learned to discuss in, I will just reply to your above question: The vaccines against the H1N1 virus were available on our island since the beginning of my wife's pregnancy. We had the news every night telling us what a dreadful pandemic this is, calling people into hospitals to get ''immuned'' right away. Since my wife was pregnant at the time, she was considered to be into the ''top priority group'' and she ''had'' to take the shot. We discussed the issue and we both agreed to stay away. She didn't get, neither did I. She didn't come down with anything, neither did I, our boys were born healthy as mules and kick (our...) a$$. So, my actions correspont directly to my beliefs.


Our little island state ordered 400,000 vaccines. After all this commercial show, they got only 30,000 of them in use. A couple of older folks died, with chronic diseases. All other little children that got infected by the virus (kids of co-workers) got some high fever, stayed home for 4-5 days and then returned back to their schools. That was about it around here...


Oh, and judging by the difference between your attitude, your mouth and your signature above, I would be very careful in your place to use the ''full of $hit expression'' on others...


As I said above, I honestly wish that I'm simply wrong and paranoid...[/quote']





You posted a video that stated Rumsfeld was trying to kill 1/3 of the planet's population with his pharmaceuticals. When I called you on it, you defended her, indicating your belief in her very anti-American statements.



Your child has been given his vaccinations. I'm sure all of your children have. Polio, Rubella, Measles, Mumps... all common baby vaccinations. How many were from the US? That country that you say is trying to eliminate 1/3 of the planet's population via Rumsfeld's pharmaceuticals? Your video even said we were targeting pregnant women and unborn babies. If you believe what your video said, why did you give your children those vaccinations, KNOWING that we're trying to kill them?



See... you didn't just leave it at the Flu, bud. That was your first mistake. You are maligning my country, sir, with complete and utter crap and I will be damned if I stand by and let it happen. So I am only proving your duplicity in what you say you believe, versus what you actually do. Now, despite having been called out for talking out your ***, you refuse to apologize and admit it was drivel.





I see no point in continuing this, unless you'd like to retract your accusations, or can otherwise support your fantasy with actual facts.

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Oh no please Mr Hardcore,I missed all your inane verbal diarrhoeah previously,so please enlighten us again...just what doctorate it is that you excell in? Yeah.

Big words taken from your online thesaurus does not an intellectual make...just makes you sound more like the quivering stab in the dark fool you present yourself to be.


Why be the ***** you rally against over at MLP,here? Leopards never hiding their spots et al. Do your cronies know this is the true you...or do you know for that matter? 2 sides to every coin huh. A dog will always be a dog no matter how loud he barks.


It was stated...the flu/H1N1 shot is recommended for the elderly/immuno deficient/...and lately those in utero.



...Now, despite having been called out for talking out your ***, you refuse to apologize and admit it was drivel.


I see every point in continuing this, unless you'd like to retract your accusations, or can otherwise support your fantasy with actual facts,Dr. Hardcore...

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