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Songwriting roadblocks....


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Are you ever on a roll with a song and then you hit a wall? What are your songwriting roadblocks?


My biggest one seems to be "Overcomplicating"....i always hear a simple riff/part and go "thats TOO simple" but really its probably not....



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I have tons of half completed ideas... My biggest block is completing a song from start to finish.

I get board with the ideas pretty quickly and move on to the next cool sound before finishing the current one.


When I hit a road block I try this... usually does the trick. [crying]



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What are your songwriting roadblocks?

I've only experienced one songwriting roadblock in my entire life, about 30 years ago.

It still hasn't gone away...



I'll be moving right along, happy with the song progress - another song pops in my head and derails it.

My song, and the other one from God knows where are inextricably linked now.


Everything I try to do with mine sounds like the other song, so I sh!t-can the whole thing.

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That might be a good way to describe what I run into. I get a nice 3 verse and chorus thing and blank when I try to flesh it out... nice break downs, pre-choruses (chorusii?), bridges...:)


I've found that if I just wait, eventually I'll come up with what I'm looking for. It means I keep a lot of tunes in a semi-complete stage.

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/chuckle... yeah, I should record them.....



Instead I just make sure I pull them back out of my memory every week or so and play them to make sure I remember them. A BUNCH of my songs start as one thing and evolve to be FAR different, but it would be cool to go back and see where they began.


I guess it's just hard drive space :)

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Hard Drive space is cheap!! I don't write unless my guitar is plugged in and i am recording. I have a terrible memory and would lose many riffs if I didn't record em as I made em up. :) Also helps me layer the tunes a bit sometimes....

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I kinda remember one I wrote as a kid.


Several others BC (before computer) are only half remembered. Some lost to sloth or work weeks too busy to save songs for polishing. At best a line or two of lyric or melody remain.


Others... well, heck I ain't doin' it for live performance, so they tend to rustle like windblown leaves in the cave of the Sibyl of Cumae as in Virgil's tale, then taken flying into the real world where leaves quickly compost to unrecognized soil.


Whatever... Never was a Jerry Jeff Walker or Ian Tyson anyway.



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Bridges and/or part C.


Sometimes I'll come up with that great verse and triumphant chorus and that's it. Bam! Stopped dead in it's tracks. There is nothing more frustrating. Like being way ahead in a race and hitting a brick wall 20ft from the finish line.


I am a slave to the pop song (think Beatles, REM, the Smiths) so all my songs need that extra part to take it to the next level.


Also, quit the herb two years ago so I had to re-learn how to channel songs sober.

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My biggest one seems to be "Overcomplicating"....i always hear a simple riff/part and go "thats TOO simple" but really its probably not....



My drummer calls it paralysis by analysis.

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