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Multi Guitar Racks


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Being honest here' date=' especially with kids present. Children or teens and expensive guitars just do not equal to a great time. Many accidents have happened with what your suggesting. I would suggest that you leave your babies in the case until you use them and then put them back. I leave all mine in their cases except for the one I am playing at the current time frame and that one is usually in a stand in the back of my room away from normal traffic.




This. I have a 5 guitar stand I don't use. After my guitars being kicked a thousand times I just had enough, and keep them in their cases.

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Jocko's advice is dead on.

That being said, I'll tell ya what stands I use.


Made by Warwick, probably in China, called a Rockstand.


There are several versions of it, for 3, 5, or 7 guitars.

Got mine from Guitar Center, believe it or not, and I have five of them.

Not believed (by me) to be nitro safe, so white cotton is a must - or at least some polish cloths.

The fold for handy storage.


I'll find some info, links.



Here's a 7 stand - I find it works perfect for five guitars and has enough room for no dents or dings;







Here's a 5 stand on the left, and a 7 stand with cotton Velcro'd on for the nitro guitars.







Here's an empty 7 stand;



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This stand is branded as Pro Line but it looks identical.

There's some variation in how they're shaped from site to site.


Believe it or not, I recommend going to a Guitar Center near you to check 'em out in person.

Look for the Warwick Rockstand.




If you already have that many guitars, hell, get two of 'em!

I bought several of mine as floor/display pieces, saved like 20 bucks.


When I bought a new one once, I drove 80 miles home only to discover that half the screws were missing.

Probably used them to assemble another one for display....


That was not a happy day for me - or the Guitar Center guy that answered the phone...




Before I put mine together, I peeled what I could of the adhesive labels off and cleaned 'em up.

Shot 'em with a can of Krylon flat black, put the foam on and assembled them.


I can give you a few more tips if you go that route.

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I've thought about the guitars and kids factor. I've had my Tele sitting on a guitar stand at their house for a month or so, and have had no problems yet. Their grampa has had a dozen guitars sitting on racks at his house for years and has had no problems. Even so, I'll give it some hard thought before acting. Thanks for all the good advise.

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Build your own... A few of us here have built or had someone build something along these lines...


Edit: This type of case will keep your guitars in order, in their cases and help solve space problems being that you don't need to find a place to store your cases too...










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I have a multi-stand but keep it INSIDE a wardrobe. I'm with Jocko on this.


I keep one out that I am playing, plus I have one hanging on the wall because I have run out of room. i also like the look of just one instrument on the wall in my Man Cave. (see photo below - 5 guitar rack is to the left, case storage to the right).


However, my top Gibsons stay in their cases. Only the cheapies sit in the rack INSIDE the cupboard.



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I use a multi stand as well. I used clever positioning to keep it away from main thoroughfares, so no kicking or accidentally bumping one off.





Make sure you cover the rubber where it contacts your nitro finished guitars if it doesn't specifically state "safe for nitro finished guitars".

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Being honest here' date=' especially with kids present. [b']Children or teens and expensive guitars just do not equal to a great time. Many accidents have happened with what your suggesting.[/b] I would suggest that you leave your babies in the case until you use them and then put them back. I leave all mine in their cases except for the one I am playing at the current time frame and that one is usually in a stand in the back of my room away from normal traffic.



I agree. Just as I do, I used to have them on stands, it was a pain in the *** to keep 'em lined up (I'm a symetry freak) and they were a nightmare to clean (4 7 guitar stands and 1 5 guitar stand, all full of guuitars).


First time an idiot came in without looking around and slipped... took one of my guitar stands down with him, even though they were on carpeted floor one of the guitars got damaged. I decided to keep them in their cases, most of them, the one I do use daily is on a Hercules microstand or hung from a Hercules security wall hanger when not in use.


While talking about that, you can line up Herc's microstands or security stands one behind the other and it will look like you have a multi stand in there, but way safer, as if anyone takes one guitar down, it won't be taking some 4 or 6 more guitars with it.

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I used this stand for some time, but now it's put away in the corner of my man-hole. But it worked great, but I have three kids so I felt when my kids social life took a leap I went to a cabinet....... out of site out of mind.[biggrin]





ikea solid pine upgrade


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I felt when my kids social life took a leap I went to a cabinet....... out of site out of mind.

That was a big consideration for us too.

All of my stuff is in the back of the house' date=' far from curious eyes at the front when we have visitors.



And several people have been in the back where all the gear is, and saw only the old heads/4x12 cabs.

Everything else is inside nice large wood cabinets. People comment on how nice the cabinets look...

They had no idea what that big thing with 'Marshall' across the front even was.




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No kids - and frankly our house is a no-child zone. Too much to break as has happened at my Mom's with her great grandkids (my grand-nephews) in the place.




Two points.


1. I've had two fires at places I've lived. In both cases guitars were at floor level in cases and survived.


2. Regardless of age of persons involved, I think keeping stuff separate is a good idea for possessions as personal as guitars or firearms. That way if there's any sort of accident, whatever, neither can blame the other.



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Our house is pretty much a no-child zone as well.

Certainly the back area and my office are off limits when there are some around.

Not a big problem as far out as we live, not that many visitors without prior planning.



I think keeping stuff separate is a good idea for possessions as personal as ... firearms.


You are a wise man Milod.

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We don't have a "no fly zone" rule in the house. The monsters are entitled to all areas, and I certainly want them to have access to all instruments.


However when bringing over new friends, the AREA51 rule goes into effect[biggrin] ...... Until we feel comfortable with the new guests, it's the living room or the patio access only.... And no friends of any kind allowed over unless either myself or boss lady is home.

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