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This is wierd


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I'm at work now, so when I get on the Gibson page I'm not signed in by default. I'm a Guest. But I forgot this and noticed that The Lounge was blocked. I finally figured out if I signed in, I had access. I could go into any other area though without signing in.


So I guess that Guests are no longer alowed into The Lounge? ;)

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"The Lounge" by it's very nature discusses' date=' sometimes, controversial subjects. Best to leave the transient trolls standing at the door.[/quote']


But what if that army of transient trolls will be knocking at our door:-k

...I guess you need to feed them or do something with them to distract the trolls...but what's a troll eating?[biggrin]



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I did notice that the forum entry notes now that the lounge is for members only.


I think personally that it's not a bad idea at all.


Some of the info here is very broadly guitar and music associated; some of it is "We" who've been here a while are pretty much of a special little community.


It may serve as a reminder that as a community, civility is vital or the community goes away as such.


In another thread Duane noted that due to concerns of those in ultimate control, it's up to us "members" to determine whether the Lounge survives or not.


I think it would be a great loss were it to disappear because we do get those "here are photos from my gig Saturday," and "Has anybody tried this on their guitar" and even "did you know string wire mostly all comes from one company?"


Just saying.


Gibson is an icon in guitar-oriented music because of a number of factors. It's up to us to determine whether we can be civil, as one should find at an open jam session, or if we'll entirely lose the venue for the jams...



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I'm serious though...the trolls can be eliminated quite easily.....ignore and delete. No need to respond to a troll.


Yep' date=' you're absolutely right, I agree with you to ignore them, ...but I had a laugh because I was using a metaphor with real trolls from fairy tales[biggrin']

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I think you made good points - including that all of us, most of us "regulars" anyway - have almost certainly appeared to others to exhibit "trolly" behavior.


Sad but true.


And Kris - yeah, I had a visual of the troll metaphor as well... <grin>



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