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Apologists - where do you come from?


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There's a lot of buzz about the '50s LP Tribute (in all colors) - some of us placed orders a long time ago, and some have had their orders cancelled by their respective resellers.


I've got one or two on order, and might or might not get an order fulfilled. Mrs. Riverside is stoked, because it keeps me from spending, and I might not get one anyway.




However - there seems to be lots of folks who are not (overtly) related to the Company who jump in and say things like: "Give Gibson a break - they had a flood!" or "I've ordered a guitar that took a long time to get!" or (something else that makes no sense)...


Who are these guys, and why doesn't someone from the big G step in and tell it like it is?


(FTR - I might get what I ordered, and I might not. It's for the manufacturer and the reseller to determine if that's good or bad...)


But who are these guys who feel the need to jump up and tell folks who laid out their cash that the company needs some slack?


Seems to me that if something is offered for sale, it oughta be sold to folks who made good faith orders.


Just askin'

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But if they can't make them because the plant is out of commission what are they suppose to do? Make em in China where they have considerable manufacturing capacity? You'd love that wouldn't you. I guess all I can say is........ I'm sorry. [angry]


By the way....I come from New Jersey.

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But if they can't make them because the plant is out of commission what are they suppose to do? Make em in China where they have considerable manufacturing capacity? You'd love that wouldn't you. I guess all I can say is........ I'm sorry. [angry]


By the way....I come from New Jersey.


Nah, it's not about that at all. I like NJ, btw...


If it takes time, I'm good with that. I just wish that someone who knows what's actually going on would say something, other than a bunch of nobodies who just think that a flood has anything whatsoever to do with the question.




The problem is that there are a lot of folks who threw down their money, and can't get an answer as to whether or not they'll get what they "paid" for.


Nobody at the firm seems to be interested in posting an answer, or PM'ing their loyal members/customers - rather, there's a bunch of who-knows-who piping up about what a bad time the firm is having.


The one doesn't have to do with other, near as I can tell.


I think I have two on order - a Gold Top from one reseller, and a Honeyburst from another - but it's kinda hard to tell, since neither one of them seems to have any info from the manufacturer.


I thinks it borders on the BS - but once again, Mrs. Riverside is loving it.

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Huh???! When did Gibson say, they wouldn't fill the original quota? ;>b I'm Sure they will,

as they get back to production/capacity. Didn't Gibson already state, they were making guitars,

again?! I thought that was added, already to one of their beginning posts, in this thread. ???


The only time, I or other's have ever mentioned giving Gibson a break, is when some posters

get antsy, and impatient, and act like Gibson had nothing else to do, or to be concerned with.

I'm as "antsy" as the next person, regarding my '50's Traditional "Gold-Top"...as, I'm sure Cody,

at E.M. Shorts, would laughingly testify to...but, Gibson WILL fill all their orders, obligations. When

they can do so. IF "retailer's" have over sold, the editions, that's not Gibson's fault.


Still...Rumors abound. I'll wait (patiently or not) until I hear, from E.M. Shorts, that my GT is IN!

They KNOW I want it, am excitedly anticipating it's arrival, etc....so there will be no doubt, in my mind,

that I'll be the first one they call, when that particular order arrives. And yes, they have confirmed, they

will (still) get them!


So...take a deep breath, go play your many other guitars, and "relax." ;>)



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Huh???! When did Gibson say' date=' they would'nt fill the original quota? ;>b I'm Sure they will, when they get back to

production/capacity. The only time, I or other's have ever mentioned giving Gibson a break, is when some posters

get antsy, and impatient, and act like Gibson had nothing else to do, or to be concerned with. I'm as "antsy" as the

next person, regarding my '50's Traditional "Gold-Top"...as, I'm sure Cody, at E.M. Shorts, would laughingly testify to...

but, Gibson WILL fill all their orders, obligations. When they can do so. IF "retailer's" have over sold, the editions, that's

not Gibson's fault. Still...Rumors abound. I'll wait (patiently or not) until I hear, from E.M. Shorts, that my GT is IN!

They KNOW I want it, am excitedly anticipating it's arrival, etc....so there will be no doubt, in my mind, that I'll be the first

one they call, when their order arrives. And yes, they have confirmed, they will (still) get them!


So...take a deep breath, go play your many other guitars, and "relax." ;>)




Deep breath taken - however, I still think that the good folks at the plant could tell thier faithful what is up.


If they gave a good crap. Which it seems that they do not.


In the meantime, I guess it'll be the faithful (whoever, for whatever reason) that will continue to pop up and offer nebulous rantings that have nothing to with the firm, or the customers.


Thanks again for your input.

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"Ants in your brain," Riverside...you're worrying about things that haven't happened,

and just speculating, that they (Gibson) "don't give a damn." Why??? It won't make you happier,

and won't add to the speed, that you'll get your guitar(s). They'll get here, when they

get here. We're all in the same perdicament. Take Mrs. Riverside out, for a nice dinner,

and relax. ;>)



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"Ants in your brain' date='" Riverside...you're worrying about things that haven't happened,

and just speculating, that they (Gibson) "don't give a damn." Why??? It won't make you happier,

and won't add to the speed, that you'll get your guitar(s). They'll get here, when they

get here. We're all in the same perdicament. Take Mrs. Riverside out, for a nice dinner,

and relax. ;>)




Oh, she eats OK...


I'm not the one (really) with the ants. I could give a darn one way or the other - I'll have the ones I have, or buy the ones I want as the opportunity presents.


I just find it a little odd that the only "info" about the product that the firm felt the need to hawk in it's own forum is now coming from folks who do not have a dog in the fight, so to speak.


I can buy whatever I decide that I want - a few weeks one way or the other doesn't really matter to me.


I just find it remarkable that the firm won't step up and tell any of us what's going on. Gibson knows which retailers are going to get whatever they ordered. For some reason, they have no interest in satisfying what just may be their best customers.


It's not about you or me.


You just might want to take a deep breath and realize that you have nothing to offer.

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Oh' date=' she eats OK...


I'm not the one (really) with the ants. I could give a darn one way or the other - I'll have the ones I have, or buy the ones I want as the opportunity presents.


I just find it a little odd that the only "info" about the product that the firm felt the need to hawk in it's own forum is now coming from folks who do not have a dog in the fight, so to speak.


I can buy whatever I decide that I want - a few weeks one way or the other doesn't really matter to me.


I just find it remarkable that the firm won't step up and tell any of us what's going on. Gibson knows which retailers are going to get whatever they ordered. For some reason, they have no interest in satisfying what just may be their best customers.


It's not about you or me.


[b']You just might want to take a deep breath and realize that you have nothing to offer.[/b]



I see...well, didn't realize that...

Excuse the intrusion.



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I have offered my opinion just seeing things first hand: cool guitar comes up for sale, manufacturing plant is closed due to major flooding, it takes longer than expected to re-open.


Bad timing creates a bottle neck where 98% of people ordering these guitars are not getting their and the hold on a credit card cannot be held for as long. Of course there is a multi-page thread of people looking for answers when Gibson themselves probably did not have the answers.


This whole problem is a consequence of the flood which may seeem kind of a virtual issue to a lot of folks.


I do not think Gibson knows how many items each distribuitor has sold either. Look at Sweetwater, they constantly have stuff for sell that is not on stock.


I guess it is just different from looking from the outside in, if I was looking to get one of these I would be impatient as well and probably no explanation would be good enough.


I played one of the 50's tribute at the Memphis showcase and it is a nice little guitar. It did not blow me away but for the money they are worth every penny, really nice neck IMO and light as a feather.


By the way did you read on the henry forum that he lost 70 his guitars in the flood when his studio/basement flooded? I frankly do not think a lot of people realize how bad the flood was, the oil spill took center stage in the media.


I know, all of this is not enough, as long as you do not have the guitar in your hands everything else is noise.


I am an apologist, from Nashville and I waited 6 months for my Explorer in natural with no explanations at all. I also drove by the Gibson plant and saw how hard they were working to reopen.


I hope you get your guitar for sure.

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I have offered my opinion just seeing things first hand: cool guitar comes up for sale' date=' manufacturing plant is closed due to major flooding, it takes longer than expected to re-open.


Bad timing creates a bottle neck where 98% of people ordering these guitars are not getting their and the hold on a credit card cannot be held for as long. Of course there is a multi-page thread of people looking for answers when Gibson themselves probably did not have the answers.


This whole problem is a consequence of the flood which may seeem kind of a virtual issue to a lot of folks.


I do not think Gibson knows how many items each distribuitor has sold either. Look at Sweetwater, they constantly have stuff for sell that is not on stock.


I guess it is just different from looking from the outside in, if I was looking to get one of these I would be impatient as well and probably no explanation would be good enough.


I played one of the 50's tribute at the Memphis showcase and it is a nice little guitar. It did not blow me away but for the money they are worth every penny, really nice neck IMO and light as a feather.


By the way did you read on the henry forum that he lost 70 his guitars in the flood when his studio/basement flooded? I frankly do not think a lot of people realize how bad the flood was, the oil spill took center stage in the media.


I know, all of this is not enough, as long as you do not have the guitar in your hands everything else is noise.[/quote']


They know how many they sold to what retailer.


They know when and how much they intend to ship to what retailer.


I'm truly sorry about the flood - I know that it caused great losses for lots of folks. It just has squat to do with whether or not the company wants to tell their customers what they intend to do vis-a-vis filling these orders.


I appreciate folks giving their apologetic perspective - it just has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

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If the issue at hand is that they are not telling you for sure if you are going to get that guitar for sure then yea, I don't think you'll get an explanation. I don't think anybody is and I don't think they will explain why.


I hope they change their minds from being a limited run and make it available longer to amke up for the bottle neck created by the situation.

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If the issue at hand is that they are not telling you for sure if you are going to get that guitar for sure then yea' date=' I don't think you'll get an explanation. I don't think anybody is and I don't think they will explain why.


I hope they change their minds from being a limited run and make it available longer to amke up for the bottle neck created by the situation.[/quote']


Limited run, balony.


There might be ten or twelve guys here who've asked - it doesn't seem like it would take a lot for an answer.


Oh well.


These are the guys who figured out how to sell shiny guitars for 6k.


I suppose I should defer to their wisdom, after all.

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My question has always been "if" I was going to get the guitar I ordered and paid for; going through my local GC store. I have never been concerned with "when", knowing the flood has slowed down production. Last Saturday, GC called and emailed me to unilaterally cancel my order. I have been consistent with calling to have the clock reset. They would not allow me the opportunity to continue on backorder to keep my "place in line". So, now I have wasted over a month with the faith that GC would make good on my order. They won't have another chance with me.


Gibson, who as a company, knows how many of each guitar is going to each retailer sits on their hands, I guess trying to be coy. Further, they are hyping a guitar they know has been sold out before production has resumed. This is neither cute nor necessary; are you listening Gibson?


A Goldtop with P90s is a guitar I have wanted for some time. It is however, a luxury and not a necessity. I have been a LP owner for nearly three decades and certainly have enough to handle any needs I may have to humbuck. So now, I am going to spend the money I would have spent with you Gibson, on this guitar and spend it with Fender. A candy apple red Tele should nicely sooth the irritation of trying to deal with two companies who seem to think it is funny or cool to keep their customers in the dark. I will be dealing with my local music store as well.

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Ok go to the Gibson factory and handcuff yourself to the front door til they give you your Les Paul Studio. Fight the Power


You get it!




Thanks for your participation' date=' even if you don't have a clue.


Folks laid down money and then had their orders cancelled by [u']authorized[/u] resellers.


No notice, no nothing.


If HJ doesn't know, he should. If he doesn't care, he should.


At least according some folks who are more PO'd than me.


Me, I could give a crap at this point.


The interesting thing, to me, is why you who have no interest in the issue feel the need to pipe off with apologetic BS.

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