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How do I make my Les Paul Studio neck feel less sticky?


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I just recently purchased my first Les Paul. It has an amazing sound and looks great. My only issue is that after playing a while, the neck feels sticky and it's difficult moving up and down the neck. I have never had this problem with my Ibanez, Fender or Kramer strats. I have used guitar polish and it seems to help for a while. I have been wiping it down after each time I play. I even tried the carnuba wax from Dunlop as well. I thoroughly was my hands before playing the Les Paul but still manage to get sweat smudges from my right arm and left hand on the finish.


Any help or info would be greatly appreciated

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There are people in this forum that will tell you that your problem is because the nitrocellulose lacquer is not fully cured from the factory. I don't believe it. I think it is because your polish is gumming up. Dave and yoda might be on to something, although the idea of putting naphtha on a guitar makes me nervous.

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the idea of putting naphtha on a guitar makes me nervous.


Naptha has been used by luthiers for a long time and is fine on nitrocellulose finishes. However, I believe that you have to be careful to make sure that the fluid you are getting actually is pure naptha and not something else. I would ask a luthier to be certain before you experiment on your first ever Gibson.

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I sure am glad you asked this question. Today is the first time I took my SG Robot out to the garage. The place was super hot. I had the neck go sticky and also where my arm rest on the body I had to stop. Now after every song I had to stop to wipe the sweat of the neck and body. I just wipe it down while I'm playing with a terry cloth towel. Then gave it a good cleaning when I got in the house. I never had this problem with my other guitars.

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