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How do you unwind?


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Good to hear from you Paul_lp, So you know the nightmares acompanying working for an Iso 9000 cert company as well.(pardon my spelling,beer is cold!!)

I wish I had some other people to play with,I think it'd help me a bunch!!

Not snowing here right now,thankfully ,winter has been rough on this old guy this year.

Hope your Sherry and your new tech all work out aces!!

Now I'm gonna unwind a bit more LOL.

Hope we see you around here a bit more often!!

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I just forget about all the stuff I should be doing and do whatever I want to do.


Today it was putting new strings on the acoustic (which always makes me feel better, especially if I play before and after), and probably a movie later.


Chocolate pudding and Coca-Cola are nice, too.

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After my divorce my stress eventually dropped to almost zero,then gradually began to increase again.

After becoming a home owner it seems to have ramped up a bit.LOL

Now I'm a responsible member of my community,which if you'd told me 20 yrs ago I would be,I'd have probably laughed at you.


pohatu 771,I do what I want instead of what I should be doing a bit too often sometimes.


slagg,I can identify with what you say,I'm just not much on cigars.I smoke way to many cigs instead!!

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Hey Dane, You and I have a lot in common, I know what you mean about the stress dropping after a divorce. I quit playing for 10 years [ the same number of years I was married...go figure] then started up again shortly after. I can appreciate the build up,tentative exploring, and then just ripping on your Vid. I love to just plug into my Boss ME-50 and then into my big ole Crate Vintage Club 50 and start exploring the sounds banging around in my head.....pretty soon I'm not in the room anymore...sometimes not even on the planet I'm in a place with no worries, no pain, no demands....just raw creativity. When I finally come to I'm relaxed, calm, and hopefully a tiny bit better as a musician.

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Exactly what Bear saido:)

The man has a way with words!

When I was married I couldn't play for more than 10 mins without being interrupted.

Which may explain my slow return to being able to play the way I know I can.(I'm expecting to be interrupted)

I love that happy place playing can take me.

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A nice morning surf works wonders for me. I like to mix in a good workout or some martial arts practice when I can. Of course picking up the guitar and sitting and strumming for a while works wonders too. I'm off the sauce for Lent, so no coldies for me right now. Not Catholic, just like to make sure I control the bottle and that the bottle's not controlling me. . .


I also enjoy cooking for my family. I find it very relaxing and meditative. I try to put some heart and soul into it so I know they are getting something good. Kinda' like playing music for other folks, no? Also, if I cook, I don't have to do the dishes! 8-[



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A nice stogie and a bit of one of my favorite movies out on the deck if the weather's nice. Lately it seems that if I pick up the guitar to try and unwind, it just makes more stress because I feel I'm not progressing in my playing very fast. Also, I'm needing a good poker night. That always seems to help.

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Shredding weekend ahead for D-man!


Funny, on my drive home I was thinking if the weather was bad I might sit in my music room/office and try to come up with, record, and track a new tune. . .That can be stressful and relaxing all in one day!



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I have always told people that playing the guitar/bass is what has kept me sane.


I have three passions in life: Music, Martial Arts, and Writing. At any given time, I HAVE to have at least one of these going on or I will not be a very happy boy. More than one is better, but one at a minimum.


When I went to law school, I was the only First year student to have an office (hey, there are ways to get everything!). On several occasions I brought my bass to school and left it in there (my first office had a couch, too), where I would lock the door and just thump away unplugged until I zoned out. Then, back to the books. Being a (married) student, I couldn't afford to get beer that often.


Not much has changed since then, although now I play unplugged in my basement until I zone out. [Ok, I play with 2 different bands so I do plug in often enough.] I like beer, but usually no more than one (two on weekends) is enough to give me a buzz. My sister calls me a 'one beer Betty.'

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I like to cook, but I don't do it very often...


I really only have a few things I can make well, and they're not really cooking so much as preparing. It's not frozen pizzas or anything in the microwave, I'm just not much of a "hot dish" fan, so there's not much to cook.

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I have two hits of scotch from the garage and then come in, grab a beer and go up and pick up my Sheraton and dig in for at least two hours. This is the only way I can unwind from my stessed out management position at a John Deere dealership. Most of the time my family likes it but sometimes I get a bit loud. They never tell me to turn it down though. They do want me to find the right band again however, but I am trying to do it though craigs list. I have been searching for nearly two years to find the right Gig. My search goes on.

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My favorite stress reliever was to find a job with less stress, (much happier now and more laid back). But I still play every night because I love it, I can get lost for hours when I play alone. Monday night is Bluegrass night, and Friday night is open mike night with the boys. The rest of the time I spend playing electric on a worship team, I prefer having band mates because I push myself to try new things. I live out in the country so I spend 2 or 3 hours a week on my tractor cutting grass, a great way to zone out for me. But given the choice I would rather play music.

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Hi guys, well Daneman, you mentioned two of the ways in which I unwind! First of which and usually the most effective is picking up a guitar and getting busy. During the warm weather this can also mean playing an acoustic outdoors while smoking a cigar and perhaps sipping a glass of Scotch. If I need a break from that I am also a gamer/computer geek too. I build my own machines about once a year and tend to tweak them a bit for best performance/reliability. If I am not in the mood for that and I just want to be really lazy well you may have noticed the stereo/Home Theater system behind my guitar pictures. Sometimes I just play the music and get lost or I'll roll tubes in my Pre/Amp and tinker like that. I can find time to do this because my girlfriend and I work in healthcare and our schedules seemingly are always in flux. So it gives us time all through the week to pursue our hobbies. She’s a Yoga/gym nut. I do work out too but I really don't put as much effort in it as I should. For instance I'll take the dogs for a 2 mile walk when I get home from work but a cigar will also be in tow. LOL.



Current Computer....





I built this for the game Crysis but still use it to play Q2 DM's from time to time. It's a little overkill for an 11 year old game! lol





My Two channel Electronics Rack and my Pre Amp without it's cover or external Power Supply










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Hey Svet !!

Yep I think we've all drooled a bit at your home entertainment system,at least I know I have.And that computer,Holy Smikies Batman!!!!Don't go for the cigars myself,I've tried,just can't seem to enjoy them.(Sort of makes me miss the old days when several friends would gather to enjoy a home rolled cig of dubious origon!LOL)

Gosh now I sound old.

Cool doggies too!!One of my old girlfriends had a great dane puppy. That dog grew to immense size in a really short time. 105 pounds at 1 yr old.

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