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Valve Junior Doesn't even sound when started!!! HELP

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Hello people

I have bought recently a valve junior and just recently I opened it up to see whats inside

Nowdays the valve junior doesnt even make the standby amplifying sound!!! unless I wait very long but it sometimes doesnt start at all

....unless you hit it and it will squeal like hell!!!

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Reason I asked is sometimes people figure if what they did should have had nothing to do with the problem - they don't bother mentioning it.


With the unit open, and on, use a chopstick, or other wood stick and push around on the circuit board, and wiggle the wires around. Try to pinpoint the general location the problem is coming from. Also maybe 'tink' the glass on the tubes a few times.

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Hello people

I have bought recently a valve junior and just recently I opened it up to see whats inside

Nowdays the valve junior doesnt even make the standby amplifying sound!!! unless I wait very long but it sometimes doesnt start at all

....unless you hit it and it will squeal like hell!!!

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Let me see if I understand this. By "Nowdays the valve junior doesnt even make the standby amplifying sound" do you mean there is no standby?

correct. there's not.


by: "unless I wait very long" do you mean you haven't the patience to let the tubes warm up?

Because you have to do that.



and finally: "unless you hit it and it will squeal like hell"

well that's just dumb and you shouldn't do it.


The amp has to warm up.

The fuse has to be making a good connection.

The tubes will go straight to hell if you're beating on the amplifier, so whatever problem you started with

by now it's probably worse.


Tubes are delicate.. don't beat on your amp.

Tubes must warm up, don't turn it on and start playing.. turn it on and let it warm up two minutes with volume off, then play.

Check your fuse.. the ends of the fuse should be scruffed out with a little file or anything that will rough them up so they make better contact inside the holder.


a very very light tap on a tube with something light. like a pencil.. will either make no noise, a very small noise, or a weird or even loud noise.

If you have a bad tube you can hear it. it'll be wierd sounding and loud.

volume up.. no sound... tap on tube.

just once or twice, don't make this some kind of habit.

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Today I took my chassis out and looked around inside a little. Now that I put it back together it seems to hum more now, I didnt think it hummed at all at 9:00 and im almost positive that it hums alot more at full volume. Maybe its not doing it, but it really seems like it. I didnt touch anything inside, I just took it out and looked around, compared a few things on the schematic and just awed at technology cause I hadnt done that yet :-P. The only thing I didnt do what put the back panel on cause its coming out again in a few days to mod. Did something go wrong?

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  • 4 weeks later...
could it be the capactitors?

How would it be the capacitors? You need to think logically in order to resolve problems. Does it make any logical sense to you that "the capacitors" would suddenly just collapse for no reason whatsoever?


Try the fuse trick again. That worked last time, right? If that's not it, check to see that the tubes are fully seated and light up.



Now that I put it back together it seems to hum more now

It really doesn't make any sense that just looking inside would cause hum. I suspect that it's either your mind playing tricks on you, or it's something else that's different than before. Perhaps, a dimmer light in the room is in a different position, you've got a light on that wasn't before, or your cable is picking up RF from some other source. Try unplugging the guitar cable and see what happens.

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