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lp double cut


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The Epiphone LP Doublecut was discontinued after 1999. Not a good seller; it was not cheap and for some reason they modeled it after an unusual version, with the pickup switch on the upper bout and a strange-looking pickguard. It'd be nice to see it come back but in the more traditional doublecut style.

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thanks. i got it earlier this year on ebay, if i remember right i paid about 400 plus shipping. i've played the faded gibson dc's and to be honest, i'd take this one any day. something about the faded fineshes...i just never liked 'em.


being a low-slingin', kind of aggressive punk rock guitar player, the only thing i've ever hated about les pauls was the toggle switch being where it is. i just cheat and turn it sideways so i never accidentally flip it =D>

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