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Les Paul, Advice Needed


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At the risk of repeating myself, if the Gibson is regarded as the original and "proper" Les Paul design, the Epi isn't one. It has the wrong headstock angle, the wrong neck joint, and usually no proper maple cap. These are fundamental structural aspects that the Epi doesn't even try to reproduce. There are far better Japanese copies out there, in terms of accuracy.


If on the other hand your criterion is whether Mr Paul has authorised the use of his name on it or not, maybe the Epi is a Les Paul. But that's purely about cash cash cash. When you get down to it Mr Paul didn't really design either of them. He was just a handy celebrity to endorse it at the time; his input into what we now call a Les Paul was not significant. Others (like Ted McCarty) had already done the hard work. Lester chose the colours and the tailpiece and little else....and the tailpiece wasn't great.

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The subject is my purchase of a Les Paul guitar and you are certaintly not contributing to that

with your biquering on the philosophical use of the word Les Paul


Looks like your thread got hijacked on you.


Regarding Gibson versus Epiphone, if I were in your position right now (wanting an ebony Les Paul), I would probably shoot for an ebony Gibson studio if you can find one. You don't have to worry about the quality and it is reasonably priced. Since the Epiphone production has changed primarily to China, the quality seems to be, at the moment, questionable. I'm happy with my Chinese-made Riviera, but others have posted here about their poorly finished Les Pauls twice in the past few days. One problem that seems to be pervasive in Chinese-made products is quality control...they ship everything, and let the store deal with the unsatisfied customers. Babies poisoned with melamine in their formula and anti-freeze in their cough syrup does little to instill confidence in their QC.


If you can find a Korean-made Epiphone, grab it. Otherwise, I think the Gibson studio is the way to go. If you have the money, and you don't care for the studio's looks, go for a higher-priced Gibby.

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I'm with Custer, at this point...and as I had stated, in the very early portion of this thread...YOU go out and check out

the guitar(s) you're interested in, within and even over, your price range. If you find "the one you love," and it's more

than you intended to spend...welcome to the world! We've all been there, done that! I've never once, regretted

spending a little more (or, even a LOT more), for the guitar that I really fell in love with! And, in all honesty, I still have

most of them 30 and even 40+ years later. The only reason (that makes any sense to me) to do otherwise, is IF

you are the type person that buys/sells/trades a LOT, or strictly on impulse...then, in that case, why bother? But, if

you're going to be keeping it, then it will be money well spent, in the long run.



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Everyone is entitled to there opinion and that is the purpose of this discussion' date=' I appreciate the input

you have given on the Agile guitars and I am considering it, could people please not be biased

just because this is an Epiphone forum, if you think an Epiphone is best, state your reasons why :-[/quote']



Epi's are a well guilt guitar in general as with any electric pick yer neck and style then get to work on the pickups and pots to get the tone you yearn for

Good luk and have fun


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O.k., o.k. This thread has went WAY off the original subject. To try to get back on track I am going to rank where, in MY opinion, the Epi and Gibson brand Les Pauls rank. As has been said, there are other brands to pursue, but for this purpose I will only use Epi and Gibson.


1. Gibson Les Paul Standard models and up- These are the top of the line and as well they should be. They start around $2400 new are available in many different finishes.


2. Epiphone Elitist- Built in Japan with USA electronics. Very good craftmanship and attention to detail. The drawback is that thses have been discontinued but you can still pick one up on Ebay at a reasonable price.


3. Gibson Les Paul Studio Models- I rank these below the Epi Elitist because i have owned both and felt that the Elitist was a better built, better playing guitar. These guitars start at around $1400 new and I feel, at that price point, an Elitist is a better bargain.


4. Gibson Les Paul Special - These models start at around $900 new and have the " faded " or " worn " finishes. I myself just picked up a Special Les Paul Doublecut with P-90s and, for the money, you are getting a decent playing guitar without all the bling.


5. Epiphone Standard Models- For simplicity sake i am grouping all the Epi Les Paul models in this catagory, from the Special on up. Naturally you will have some cosmetic differences but the electronics are basically the same. You can get into a Special for around $299 new and the Customs go around $799 new. i would rate the best bargain in this catagory the Les Paul Standard Plain Top.


As you can see, just using the Epi and Gibson models, they'res still many choices; all depending on your budget. That being said, I would rate the Epiphone Elitist as the best bargain or " bang for your buck ".

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I don't about in the U.K. but they show up quite often here in the States. If you can find one reasonably priced that will ship across the water it may still be a good deal. Here is one listed now.



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With the economy tanking worldwide, you may see some Elitists show up on ebay.uk. Set up one of those searches that will email you when "Epiphone LP Les Paul Elite Elitist" shows up on the site, and try to bag one before someone else gets it. The redundacies in there will give you more than you are looking for, but you're less likely to miss one.

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I was just using that one as an example Renegade. They are available in different finishes, theres one listed now in Ebony. If you can snag an Elitist I don't believe that you will be sorry. You will be getting craftmanship that rivals that of Gibsons standard line at a fraction of the cost.

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