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Wh happened to the "Ignore the... - Ignore them and they will go away thread"


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I can't find this thread anymore. The original thread that started it all is still there, but the counter-thread is now missing.


I am not looking for it to stir the $hit, I was merely looking forward to this thread because the thread went off-topic and we were discussing alternative materials for building a guitar. I wanted to know if any cool responses were posted on alternative materials.


BTW, I could not post in the original thread, I think that thread is closed? The little button to respond or to quote a current post are not there when I tried to bring up this point in that thread. I ended up starting a new thread instead.

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I have only been in this forum for about 3 months and I have not seen any evidence that a Mod even exists in here. Considering that, people are behaving really well by moderating themselves, as things could be a lot worse. But, it can get out of hand pretty quick and it could render the site as nothing more than a Jerry Springer show, and useless as a source of information. You need the presence of a level-headed Mod to keep discussions within acceptable limits.

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The "alternative materials" with pix was interesting, the thread must have been removed

when I was off-line listening to one of my favorite albums:






Hmmm... My computer is telling me the DANG "Adyieldmanager" adware is trying to redirect me, time to

run the adaware program...

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I'm with you dude.


I really like the informational aspect of this potentially great Epiphone forum, but frankly, I'm uncomfortable to post any questions or posts that relate to my concerns about my very nice Epiphone, hand picked, guitars and speaker cabinet.


These abusive guys are just too upsetting. You try to engage in information exchange and they jump in with low class harrassment and abusive comments. It turns the thread into a sorry mess.

They don't mean anything good or helpful.


Lately all I have posted are comments about how we should stand up to them and give it back to them. I'm not going to take their abuse and no one should have to.


A couple or one individual should not be able to degrade our fine forum.


Imagine what newbies and passersby think when they see what is going on. They need to know, but it is detractive of the fine forum we have and scares people away that might want to ask questions that they themselves think might be seen by the trolls as stupid, so they don't post their Epiphone questions here where they should feel comfortable and know that we are here to help them solve their problems and generally welcome them and help them out in general.


When I started coming back I was at first shocked by the atmosphere and later disgusted and insulted and decided to give it back to them, much to their delight.


We should be able to discuss our Epiphone concerns without the well identified sources of antagonism and insults.


I don't even want to mention any of my Epiphone concerns, or post pictures of my beautiful guitars, or ask questions that I know will be crudely attacked by those guys/guy.


It is an open forum, I understand that, but it should be kept open. When people feel like they are intimidated out of the forum, it's just plain wrong. We should be able to talk about our stuff and know that the general response will be positive and that insulting responses won't be intermittently driving us away with the negative reinforcement thing.


I don't want to discuss important Epiphone ideas because I'm afraid that my questions and comments will be attacked and I'll be made to look like I'm stupid.


I have class and am intelligent and have substantial technical skills and good guitar tech skills, I'm talented at it. I want to help people from my amateur perspective.


The atmosphere of the forum right now is really bad compared to any of the other forums I belong to.


A lot of you guys and gals are used to what's going on and are conditioned to it and understandand accept it as best you can; but to newcomers and returning people it is quite shocking to experience.


I don't want to engage these guys with continuing bad feelings. But one can only tolerate so much.


Let's try to get back to discussing the real ideas we should be discussing on the Epi forum and see what happens. It is possible that the insults and aggressive attacks will stop and maybe these guys will turn the page. Why not have some fun and learn some stuff from each other.


Let's try to make this a great place again. And you antagonists can help out by lightening up or trying to be tactful in your criticism.


Like John Lennon said, "Give Peace a Chance". Let's try to give peace a chance and see what happens. Maybe we can redeem our great forum.


Best wishes,



Winfield, Pa.

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For about two weeks after January 1, it was fine, and I thought the harassers had thought twice about their behavior. I unsubscribed to the Leica Users Group last year because every time someone posted their opinion, one or two guys with alcohol problems would start a divisive thread. I doubt that the people here will feel that your posts are silly or stupid, but it does concern me that, when one of us is singled out for ridicule, having the remainder of the group remain silent is tantamount to their not having an issue with the abusive remarks. Sometimes I see someone trashed for no reason and cannot ignore it as I fear that the recipient feels that maybe the comments are justified.


And I cannot stand a bully. Never could.

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I would like to meet this "Mod".


If you do exists' date=' please just say hello or something![/quote']

Save your breath.

I've been a member of this forum for almost 3 years and have never seen them answer one question, or enter into any discussion, ever.

They just delete posts or threads whenever they feel like it. And suspend or ban members. Such as myself.

You want to meet a Mod?

You better go to his house. 8-[

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I am new here and new to guitars, being I just bought my first last week. But I have a question.


Why would you buy a Epiphone then bash the Epiphone?



With all products we have choices. If you don't like it don't buy it, I happen to think mine is a great feeling great playing guitar that should last me long thru the begining stages of playing.


Isn't that what playing is all about, What inspires the player to play?


IN doing reserach before buying I lunked many forums and I can say this so far is the tamist I have seen, I have seen on other places people chuying people up and spitting them out. Just not right. No matter what you play or level of skill or what brand you choose, I feel support is the key factor Now I haven't seen any harshness here, maybe I missed it, But I can say I would never put another man or women down because,


1- the bought what they liked


2 - found what they liked within there budget.

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The original "ignore" thread is locked, and my parody ignore thread is gone. Probably because it was considered a spam topic. Who knows? I was just trying to lighten the mood a bit, everybody gets so damn serious around here all the time. I used to frequent forums related to transformers toys when I was collecting them... Those forums of course had the same trolls. (Not Nelson and Marx specifically, but you know what I mean...) The general air there though was "screw you, buddy, I bought what I wanted and I like it. If you don't, go troll somebody else's thread." it was all the same garbage... You had the guys who were all about the original American toys from the mid 80s, the guys who claimed that even those were poorly made Chinese copies of the Japanese "Diaclone" toys from the late 70s and very early 80s, and the kids who just wanted to post about the current line they bought today at walmart and watch on cartoon network. But, it never got out of hand, because A, the mods were also collectors who posted regularly, and B, even noobs and kids coming to the site were more than willing to either ignore or defend themselves against the trolls. Here, among mostly adults, it's a different story. It's almost depressing... The other good part about the transformers board is that they had a section where you could post about anything you want, within the limits of not being "NSFW" obviously, because kids posted there too. That board felt like a family almost... even the "trolls". Here, not so much. it's almost like letting your personality out in your posts is frowned upon. I'm a sarcastic smartass in real life... Some people, like Charlie Brown and Twang, I would imagine, are just regular nice guys in real life... And I would guess a guy like Nelson might be a little more like Dr. House in real life. Maybe a little bitter for some reason, not always pleasant to be around, but still posessing valuable input and information. Not being a "people person" shouldn't be grounds for dismissal, IMO.


It's really a shame Epi isn't willing to at least add a general forum, if not a loosely moderated "free-for-all" area like at the TF board. I would like to come here and post with friends, but I don't always want to discuss only Epi guitars and the artists who play them with friends. Sometimes, I may just want to share something funny, or rant about some crazy news story. I can talk guitars with the guys at the music store... If I'm going to consider you guys "friends", it would be nice if we had somewhere to talk about random friend-type stuff, without having to be registered at a different forum for each topic we might want to discuss.


Oh, and since my thread got gone, I would appreciate it if somebody could post my requested pics of monkeys in silly outfits in this thread instead, KTHX.

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