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anyone know anything about fender amps?

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I'm shamelessly taking this oportunity to Fender-ize you with some eye-candy! :-k






Fender is the way to go! Ask Jack White! No one needs a phony Marshall anyway except for cock-rockers like Slash and Bon Jovi!





nice pixs JM...

I feel Fender-ize ...........

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I have a Fender Blues Junior, a Hot Rod Deluxe, and a Twin Reverb. They all ROCK! Because of the small "bar/club" venues

I play in, the Blues Junior is ALL I ever really need. If/When we do larger venues, or outdoors, the HR or Twin get's the gig!

HR Deluxe is WAY loud, for 40 watts. That "Fender Clean" tone, and though the OD isn't the best, you have THAT already, you say,

with your Marshall. I use my HRD "clean," and dirty it up, with the Boss Blues Driver, or Marshall Govn'r plus, or Bluesbreaker II.

Never had a complaint (except about volume...LOL), Yet. Oh, and by the way, I changed the stock speaker in the BJR, to a

"Celestion Vintage 30!" It Really helped.



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I'm going to Guitar Center tomorrow (wanna see if they have the new Roland Cube 80X) - definitely going to try out the Blues Junior - heard lotsa good things about them and never tried one... The Blues Junior looks interesting. CB - is the stock speaker really crappy? I could always change it I guess but is it acceptable enough for home Jammin' (until more money trickles in)? I spent most all my "toy money" last week on Overloud's TH1.1 Amp Sim which I don't regret one bit - IT RAWKS.

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Well, the stock speaker was ok...but the Celestion tightened things up a bit, where the stock one had a tendency to

get a bit "flabby!" So, it you want Fender Clean...the tighter (more focused) speaker is a bit better. But, check it out...

It may be just fine, as is, for what you're goig to do? Roland Cube amps are really nice, too. Good hunting!



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- is the stock speaker really crappy?


No sir not all....then again I've never played anything that I would call crap. Difficult to dial in or play maybe, but not crap.....seem to always manage to dial something to put a smile on my face.


Anyhow there is always room for improvement, but for home jamming is more than fine stock IMO. The NOS Tweed comes with the Jensen C-12N. The red tolex covered one I belive has some kind of Celstion and the rest come with the Fender Special Design speaker. All are 12" and 8 ohms....I think :-k . I've read a lot of folks digging the Rajun Cajun in them.


From reading, as it is all, and IIRC. I belive there is a BJ chassis, larger one...I'll have to look it up, that houses a 12' and 10' speaker. As I said I'll have to look it up not sure if I read it being a BJ...pretty sure it is though.


Since it's introduction in '95 it's been revised and updated. Basically you got two versions of it. The early ones with the green PCB and the later ones with the cream board. The biggest change was fixing the reverb circuit. The early BJ's have the reverb after the Master Volume....or reinserts it back rather. Any hum from the reverb was amplified plus adjusting the over all volume of the amp would affect the reverb level which meant you'd also have to adjust it. The newer ones, green board, has it before the Master Volume.


Some say the older ones sound darker and the newer ones brighter. Never done a side bt side myself so again just from reading. I do feel the newer ones don't have that boxy sound some of the eralier ones had....at least to these old ears.


I've read mixed reviews with the Hot Rod series. Not so much tone but with reliability....mainly with the Deluxe. Seems the components over heat with constant gigging and fry the board. Fixable but a pain in the butt. Again just from reading, no first hand expirience. The ones I've played through sounded killer and worked fine for me....then again they was borrowed so who knows what happend afterwards.


I have a 410 Deville, or at least till it's sold, since '05(?) new and have gigged with it without any issues. Then again I don't really push it. LOL....I call it my disposable amp.


I have no isuues with the drive side either. Actually I can duplicate my Tube Screamer pretty good with it. The more gain...well, it do need a bit of help I think. But still workable IMO...I definitely wouldn't call it crap though.


Anyhow just my 2 cents worth.


BTW and FWIW....if yous are curios about the BJ look up Billm on the web. This man has made a carrier with the BJ and has forgotten more about it than most people will ever know. Gret reading and educational as far as the BJ goes....again just IMO.

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is the stock speaker really crappy?

It does produce noise, so it can at least carry out the basic functions of a speaker. However, the basic speaker isn't a very good speaker, and not even a very good match for that amp, imo. It's mushy and dark, and when pushed, will collapse and get flabby. There are countless far better choices out there.


I have a 410 Deville

It's really, really easy to set the bias on those amps. Including removing that back panel, it takes a grand total of 5 minutes. Fender biases these amps really cold, and the reason most people complain about the distortion is that the amp is producing harsh crossover distortion. Ever heard a Deville distortion being described as "harsh?" Me too. The bias is why. Get that bias dialed in and it'll be a much better amp. Might as well toss a new pair of tubes in there while you're at it.



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It's really' date=' really easy to set the bias on those amps. http://studentweb.eku.edu/justin_holton/bias_print.html[/quote']


Yeah I know...been to Justin's site too. LOL...I do prefer the movie though.



Not a bad amp really...just want something else. Now a days I'm hearing things different, or changing, and the Deville just ain't doing it for me anymore. Plus I've been thinning the herd quite a bit for a while and just getting rid of stuf I don't use, or plan on not use that often anymore.


I know this would probably be sacrilege to mention, but I'd be a happy man if I could just narrow it down to one or two guitars.....the same with amps. I think I'm doing pretty good so far. From almost 30 guitars to about 6 or 7 and just two tube amps.


I think I need one more amp though. LOL...I've been getting more into amps lately than guitars. I think I'm covered with the guitars I have now...unless GAS kicks in or a good deal pops up.

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