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Multiple Combo Amps?


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I think shred_bringer's idea is probably the easiest way to accomplish what you want to do. I bet it sounds pretty cool. You could sent one amp with more mids, another with more highs, and the third scooped or something. I think in a recording type situation that could get you some really cool sonic possibilities. -Three different tones at the same time, and then blend them into one. -I'm going to do that in a couple months when my band records. I plan on getting a splitter, and miking my 5150 to get my main tone, but I'm also going to have my Valve Jr miked in a closet or something just cranked with no pedals or anything, then blend that a little with my main tone from the 5150.

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Splitting the guitar signal with just a cable is going to suck. For many reasons. Impedance issues being one, ground loops would be another. There are plenty of boxes available with isolated outputs for running several amps with one guitar signal. Most that comes to my mind only lets you connect two amps though, but Voodoolab makes one that let's you connect four.



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I have gotten nice results by running the output of the effects loop on a smaller combo amp into the input of another larger amp. Splitting the guitar's signal, and running it into muliple amps, probably wouldn't be the best way to do it.


My own personal advise would be to sell all of those little practice amps, and buy yourself an amp that you will be happy with.

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I have gotten nice results by running the output of the effects loop on a smaller combo amp into the input of another larger amp. Splitting the guitar's signal, and running it into muliple amps, probably wouldn't be the best way to do it.


My own personal advise would be to sell all of those little practice amps, and buy yourself an amp that you will be happy with.



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I have gotten nice results by running the output of the effects loop on a smaller combo amp into the input of another larger amp. Splitting the guitar's signal, and running it into muliple amps, probably wouldn't be the best way to do it.


My own personal advise would be to sell all of those little practice amps, and buy yourself an amp that you will be happy with.



I'm quite satisfied with the Line 6 75W 1X12 actually. dry.gif It's as loud as some half stacks that I've heard and it's got great effects and tone. msp_cool.gif


Since it seems that some of you don't understand what I am trying to do, I will try to explain further.


I intend on plugging my guitar into the Line 6 and then somehow linking the Line 6 to the 2 smaller amps and have the sound come out of all 3 at the same time.

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I guess you're looking for a "daisy chain" setup. It's been a really long time for me & my memory but it was usually done via plugging guitar into input 1 of amp 1 (in my case it was a tremolux as amp #1); out of input 2 into input 1 on amp 2. (risk was the hum that SHO mentioned- fenders matched up well).

My son's line 6 has only 1 input your's looks to have the same setup (no aux output either, except headphones) the Fender & Peavey look to have only 1 input each as well.

A/B switch box? Any effects pedals with 2 outputs?


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I'm quite satisfied with the Line 6 75W 1X12 actually. dry.gif It's as loud as some half stacks that I've heard and it's got great effects and tone. msp_cool.gif


Since it seems that some of you don't understand what I am trying to do, I will try to explain further.


I intend on plugging my guitar into the Line 6 and then somehow linking the Line 6 to the 2 smaller amps and have the sound come out of all 3 at the same time.



Here's where your wrong. I know exactly what you're trying to do, and the answer is...if your amps do not have any line out jacks (or second input, as someone else suggested), then you won't be able to do it without somehow spliting the signal from the guitar. If your 1x12 Line6 has a good sound, and is loud enough, why would you want to daisy chain it to a ratty thin sounding Fender Frontman 15G and a puny little bass amp? Sell the little amps and buy an extention cabinet (if the Line 6 will push one).


Here's a tip. If you have a signal processor like a Line 6 POD or anything similar (with a stereo output), you can at least run two of the amps at once, using the left and right outputs on the effects unit. I do this with a POD 2.0 sometimes. I put the amps on opposite sides of the room, and the stereo effect is awesome. Especially when using delay or rotary settings.


People are telling you what your options are, and your claiming that no one understands what your trying to do. Read through the posts again. The answers are there.

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Here's where your wrong. I know exactly what you're trying to do, and the answer is...if your amps do not have any line out jacks (or second input, as someone else suggested), then you won't be able to do it without somehow spliting the signal from the guitar. If your 1x12 Line6 has a good sound, and is loud enough, why would you want to daisy chain it to a ratty thin sounding Fender Frontman 15G and a puny little bass amp? Sell the little amps and buy an extention cabinet (if the Line 6 will push one).


Here's a tip. If you have a signal processor like a Line 6 POD or anything similar (with a stereo output), you can at least run two of the amps at once, using the left and right outputs on the effects unit. I do this with a POD 2.0 sometimes. I put the amps on opposite sides of the room, and the stereo effect is awesome. Especially when using delay or rotary settings.


People are telling you what your options are, and your claiming that no one understands what your trying to do. Read through the posts again. The answers are there.


I'm asking for options and now I know what they are.

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