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Artie Owl

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This came up on one of my daily websites, I know we have a lot of proud service people here, and parents and family of service people. I know everyone has bad days but that is not an excuse for what was said here. I would be embarrassed to know this person (I'm not drawing similarities here, I'm singling out one bad apple from the bunch, I have great respect for the armed services). Kids let this be a lesson to you, no matter what you post on facebook, it can and probably will come back to haunt you.



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I'm not on Facebook, but my wife is so I've seen how people post things on it. It amazes me the random crap that someone will put out there for everyone else to read. Most of it is inane, but some like this one is downright hateful.


Facebook kinda reminds me of high tech bumper stickers. You know the people who have every opinion and view they hold plastered to the back of their vehicle so everyone else will know. As if we care. The same people post their every thought and opinion on the internet. It's all kind of narcissistic isn't it?

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I'm guessing, it stands to reason that it has to be someone in the "office". Maybe facebook is doing everyone a favour in letting everyone see how crazy he is before it gets extra bad. I don't know.


I don't think this alone is grounds for a court martial, however I think it's going to get him a thorough examination from Mental Heath.

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As always, people pay too much attention to what's said by who knows who in the web. People should stop caring so much it takes their life away and eats at them until there's nothing left. What I do when I read such comments is ignore them, if the same individual posts the same type of stuff again I just delete him from my friend list. That's why I have the cleanest facebook and messenger lists of all my friends, I only have 21 messenger contacts and close to 80 facebook contacts. I just don't have time to engage in a virtual/online holy war against those who think different than me or those who are just plain assholes. Let them be, live your life and pay no attention to them, life will show them. [thumbup]

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I agree, Big Bill, given the way the response was worded, especially the last paragraph, I don't think this was the only problem with this guy, I think he just opened himself up to what's coming to him by posting what he did.


If I was a boss and one of my employees posted that, that employee would be looking for a new job. Think about how many jobs involve someone being around, or going to your house. What if this guy was just some Cable sub-contractor who comes to your house when your family is home and you're away at work? Or what if he worked with food that you and your family consume? The Armed Forces is just one of many dangerous places for that person to be.

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