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saw the greatest bumper sticker today


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It is funny to see NeoConMan's long, rambling response about his large number of bumper stickers and how he is not like the usual whacko with a car covered with bumper stickers.

Ya like that?





Relax pal, no one thinks YOU are a whacko or the have a low IQ.


That's good...




Because pretty much every time you bother to comment on a post of mine it has the same sort of veiled vitriol.


Obsessive much?



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It is funny to see NeoConMan's long, rambling response about his large number of bumper stickers and how he is not like the usual whacko with a car covered with bumper stickers. Relax pal, no one thinks YOU are a whacko or the have a low IQ.


Hey now, leave the guy alone.


Did you talk to everybody?

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There are a few bumper stickers I see now and then that I think "Wow, that is NUTS!"


1997, after Clinton was re-elected there was a short period of time where I saw a few of these;


"Where is Oswald when we REALLY need him?"



Even in Redneck Central of Texas, most people found that to be beyond the pale. =;


There's still some sensitivity to the fact that his infamous act was carried out in Texas.

Still a shadow of blame that has never been fully lifted for the old-timers.





Would get you a visit from the FBI in these post-9/11 days... [scared]

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My truck has my NRA Life Member sticker, Molon Labe, and LSU on the back.


I once had a bumper sticker that said, "You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny".


I also well remember "Nuke the whales" as being one of my all time favorites.

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Hey now, leave the guy alone.


Did you talk to everybody?


No, I did not talk to everybody, I'm just assuming something about Neo that maybe I shouldn't. Maybe not everyone thinks he's not mentally deficient. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks he's OK. Just sayin'.

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