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Let's keep this civil eh?

Silenced Fred

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Last time I started this thread, it went down hill fast. The few people that contributed with actual helpful information or just in a decent manner had to end up doing so through PM. Maybe that might be best though... just sayin'


So I started talking to this girl and we hit it off pretty fast. She's really cool and actually gets my sense of humor and stuff like that. She also listens to Alternative, Rock, Metal [wub] and nothing like Justin Bieber or stuff like that [scared]


We are probably gonna go out soon to see a movie or something soon, then going to go see Sick Puppies (she really likes em, and I think they sound pretty good so don't hate on them) on Dec. 11. How can I safely move this along? The problem I have with relationships is I am fine with the 'flirting' stage, then everything explodes in my face because I try to push it along too fast.


Like I said, any advice is welcome, but if all you are gonna post is 'God, not another relationship post from this kid' or something else just stupid, please refrain.


Thanks guys (and girls) it really helps

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If I may allude to an album title from some time ago...

Chris Rea's 'God's Great Banana Skin'

Something to do with life's trials and tribulations.


The male ardour and drive [wink] does not always match the female's so care is required in the early stages of a relationship

Believe me 'I Know' a lady will be very quickly turned off if she believes she is mainly there for 'physical activity'

However this impression has occured.


Patience, shared interests, respect, good humour.....


And something a lot of people forget...if you do split up...be respectful at all times, move on and learn

That way you retain your reputation as a reasonable guy who is good to know.....



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Well, don't know what to say...Don't push it then; What I mean is, us guys always want the sex. The girls do too. But they want to be the ones to choose the timing. Took me awhile to figure out what works for me. If you push too hard or too fast, the girl or the woman is going to feel uncomfortable. Remember, she may or may not want sex. Just be a friend, let her choose the timing, if it's gonna happen, it will; if it's not gonna happen, it won't. And if it doesn't happen, you and her both may end up being really good platonic friends. So, in a sense, it is a matter of YOU playing hard to get. If you allow HER to control the timing, if it's going to happen, it will happen faster if you allow her the perogative and leave the decision up to her on the topic regarding how involved the relationship is going to go, and how fast it is going to go. Afterall, the term girlfriend means just that; a girl who is a friend. And if and when SHE decides she want a deeper relationship, if she wants it, and if you have already decided you want that, when she goes for it, she will be the one who is wondering if SHE ( and not you ) IS PUSHING YOU TOO FAST, which then, grasshopper, puts YOU in the driver's seat. And remember, girls and women make wonderful friends and terrible enemies. So, grasshopper, if she goes for it, then you can choose if you want her to be your girlfriend. And if she doesn't want to be your girlfriend, then be a platonic boyfriend to and with her; The more platonic girls and women that you have in your stable, the more desirable you become, because they will see that you are comfortable with and around them; which in and of itself makes you all the more desirable. And remember, young grasshopper, one of the best things about having a platonic relationship with a woman or girl is that it makes it easy, comfortable, and fun to flirt with eachother, which can be as wonderful as being involved with her intimately. Another benefit with having a platonic relationship is that she will confide in you, will trust you, and will cry upon your shoulder. And then one day WHAM, you're in bed with her and realize, wow, that was easy. Yes, these are words of wisdom from an old and gray grasshopper, but even old grasshoppers ' get some.' And remember to treat her right, spoil her, be yourself, be honest, and be her friend. It works wonders. Also, because you are a young grasshopper, you may find yourself ' pushing it too hard,' ( which are your words ). Infatuation and feeling ' in love ' is natural. The trick, or rather, the secret is to ' hide ', within reason, your infatuation. Let it show only to the degree which you gauge HER to be comfortable with.

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let her set the pace but don't lose control over everything.


Why does it have to be so simple? [biggrin]


Listen to Rocky. Don't try and dress to impress or make sh!t up, just relax.


She knows me for me. I never act like someone I'm not and the the cool thing is, neither does she. [love]


Lots of good advice.

Always be yourself. Be kind, honest, respectful and LISTEN to what she has to say.

You can make a friend for life. Girlfriend or otherwise.




A lot of girls are friends with me and use me to vent about stuff in their life. I'm trying with her to kind of break away from the whole friend thing, because I really do like her a lot.


I listen and I give honest feedback on anyone that will talk to me about anything.


Thanks guys, going a lot better than the last thread... I didn't get any sleep last night

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PART TWO; So, my young grasshopper rock & roller, go and enjoy the girl, treat her right, smell and touch her feminine beauty, run your guitar fingers through her hair, hold her hand, breathe in her personality, listen to her with intense interest, tell her she's beautiful, kiss her with the passion of young love, enjoy her company, and wait for her to tell you, " Will you teach me everything you know about love, will you hold me in your arms, will you do me? I've never been with a rock star before, please be gentle, I, I, I want you NOW Fred61, I've NEVER met anyone like you!!!!, oh Fred, oh Fred!!!, DO ME NOW!!!, PLEEEASE!!! "

AND THEN, YOUNG GRASSHOPPER, GO GET YERSELF SOME, and do her like the rockstar that you know you are.................


This advise is from an Old Luddite Rock & Roller who is now going to go into MY woman's bed, and this old grasshopper is gonna get ME some...

And remember young grasshopper, a guy may have his girl, but a guitarest has his pick!!!!!!!! Make us proud Fred61, WE KNOW YOU CAN DO IT !!!!!!!

[thumbup][flapper][biggrin][scared][drool][woot]eusa_pray.gifeusa_clap.gifeusa_clap.gif[thumbup] Hope this helps, you did ask for advice, let's see what dem dare other rocker's say...



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Everything everyone has said is good advice here so I won't both repeating. I just wanted to welcome you as an honourary Canadian Freddy boy!!




I already use the ou thing in words like humour and rumour and stuff like that... too much damn british literature as a kid ruined me [laugh]



I don't see how me wanting a girl makes me Canadian... but I will take it. Met some hot canadians [drool]

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Last time I started this thread, it went down hill fast. The few people that contributed with actual helpful information or just in a decent manner had to end up doing so through PM. Maybe that might be best though... just sayin'


So I started talking to this girl and we hit it off pretty fast. She's really cool and actually gets my sense of humor and stuff like that. She also listens to Alternative, Rock, Metal [wub] and nothing like Justin Bieber or stuff like that [scared]


We are probably gonna go out soon to see a movie or something soon, then going to go see Sick Puppies (she really likes em, and I think they sound pretty good so don't hate on them) on Dec. 11. How can I safely move this along? The problem I have with relationships is I am fine with the 'flirting' stage, then everything explodes in my face because I try to push it along too fast.


Like I said, any advice is welcome, but if all you are gonna post is 'God, not another relationship post from this kid' or something else just stupid, please refrain.


Thanks guys (and girls) it really helps


I have been married to the same wonderful woman for 32 years and thank God to have met her. I asked her out the morning that we met. I actually had to take some time off from work that day to to so because we went out that afternoon. To be completely honest with you, I didn't try to "get things right" or to do anything fancy. I have done just one thing and I have done that one thing all day, every day ever since we met. I always think of her needs/desires first. ALWAYS! I know it sounds difficult but it isn't. I have never stopped doing that. I still treat her with the same intensity that I did when we met and I guess that it shows.


You don't have to plan everything out so that it is perfect. If you should be together, then you will. Just be natural. Don't try to be something that you aren't. If you enjoy each others company, things will just fall into place naturally!!!

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To keep your jets from over heating, don't call it dating. Call it, in your head, going out with a friend or buddy.

If you come off like one giant horned toad, she'll slap you in the face, and rightly so. Women, especially your generation, are figuring out if you give us guys what we want, we quickly lose interest. It's how we're wired. sorry.... [blush]


Don't worry about 'getting to the next level' and you won't have to worry about it. [sad]

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To keep your jets from over heating, don't call it dating. Call it, in your head, going out with a friend or buddy.

If you come off like one giant horned toad, she'll slap you in the face, and rightly so. Women, especially your generation, are figuring out if you give us guys what we want, we quickly lose interest. It's how we're wired. sorry.... [blush]


Don't worry about 'getting to the next level' and you won't have to worry about it. [sad]


Yeah, like in all honesty, and people will probably say what they want, but right now, a really good friendship would be the best for me. Like she's just really cool to hang out with, and I hope to just hang out with her more. If things go from there, great. And I have never acted like a giant horned toad with a girl, I can kind of control myself [flapper]

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