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Silenced Fred

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Throw the LP over her shoulder, slung low, butt naked [flapper]


I'm done hahaha



I know you are!

Im trying not to seem sexist, because i do respect women.

**** i may of ran out of thigns to say on this one fred. [lol]


I'm not sexist at all. I just want a naked chick to play my guitar... for a short while [biggrin]

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I know what you mean, but I don't want a girl just for sex you know?


Well not just for sex [confused] ....


But keep in mind to keep her long term, you'll need to appeal to her and play into what she desires not only from the spiritual part, but the sexual aspect too.


Keep in mind, romances for the most part (especially at your age) are short term. Nothing wrong for a young lady or guy to like or feel passionate about more than one person at the same time.


When I was your age I liked four or five different girls at the same time.... IMO if you're not married or living with someone, keep your options open.

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Well not just for sex [confused] ....


But keep in mind to keep her long term, you'll need to appeal to her and play into what she desires not only from the spiritual part, but the sexual aspect too.


Keep in mind, romances for the most part (especially at your age) are short term. Nothing wrong for a young lady or guy to like or feel passionate about more than one person at the same time.


When I was your age I liked four or five different girls at the same time.... IMO if you're not married or living with someone, keep your options open.


Well yeah. I don't want to like settle down with this girl, I like her a lot because she's a super cool person, we have similar interests, and she's hot as hell.

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That a boy!!!! [thumbup]


It's not like I want a girl just to talk to... but I'm not just doing because she is hot. Tried to get in a relationship with one girl cuz she was mind blowingly gorgeous, but a total *****. Doesn't work. Her mouth canceled out all of the work her *** was doing...

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Just be yourself and never approach any relationship with unreasonable expectations. If you try to impress by being someone you're not she will eventually see through that disguise. If that doesn't work make her laugh. Women love a man with a sense of humor.


Yeah, I am never someone I'm not (makes sense to me) I don't pretend to be anything. I do make her laugh, but not too much, because that can turn into a bad thing. I have seen it happen first hand...


Thanks man, so I shouldn't bring a ring to the first date? [flapper]

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Woops. Didn't mean to touch a nerve.

Topic forgotten.

Carry onward, shall we?




Eh, I just don't know what's going on anymore. She was all enthuthiastic to go to the concert, then when I asked her on Tuesday when I saw her, she said she probably shouldn't because her parents might not let her. I'm lost right now.


yesterday was a terrible day for me sorry man

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Eh, I just don't know what's going on anymore. She was all enthuthiastic to go to the concert, then when I asked her on Tuesday when I saw her, she said she probably shouldn't because her parents might not let her. I'm lost right now.


yesterday was a terrible day for me sorry man


No need to be sorry. Too bad it didn't work out for the concert. Maybe her parents really are putting a bit of a squeeze on her. Don't beg, but don't give up too easily either.

My wife and I tried to get together a number of times before we were actually able to. At the time we both were wondering what the heck was going on. A little patience worked for us and we couldn't be happier.



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The 2 biggest mistakes I made with girls in high school are the same mistakes I still see young guys make all the time. The first mistake is, with testosterone boiling through your veins, you objectify her in such a way that everything you say, do, and plan is an attempt to turn the relationship physical as quickly as possible. A woman can tell when it's all about you and when you don't really have her best interests at heart. That is why she runs-and she should.


Mistake #2 is, you are so stoked about having the attention of this girl that you agree to her every whim and follow her around like a ...well..a sick puppy. There is a difference between being nice to a woman and being her fool and, trust me, she can tell the difference. A woman will not respect a guy who becomes her doormat. One of the main ways you do this is allowing yourself to be sucked into the "we're not dating, we're just hanging out-friend zone'. You don't really want to be friends with her. You do this believing that she will see what a great guy you are and eventually fall for you. In truth, the friend zone is where girls keep their stash of guys that fill up their time until the guy she really wants to date comes along. And we all remember who that guy is.


Your nemesis. The guy who acts as if she isn't the queen of the world.


I couldn't understand it. Why would she pass on time with ME, a guy who worships every word passing from her gloss covered lips, to waste time with a guy who acts like she doesn't matter that much? It's the "Cat and String Principle". If you dangle a string in front of a cat, it will play all day. If you GIVE the string to the cat, it immediately loses interest. The fact that you have other things going on in your life, other friends, especially other female friends, is part of what made you interesting to her in the first place. As soon as you change your life to completely revolve around her, you're done and so is she.


Understand, I am not suggesting you treat this young lady with anything other than respect. If fact, just the opposite. But if you will allow her to be a part of your life, and not the end all-be all of your life, her true feelings for you will be made clear much faster. My advice to you is, keep playing guitar. Hang out with your friends. Don't stop being the fun, outgoing, cool guy that she already likes. If she is really into you, that will become apparent quick enough and everything will flow naturally. If the dating chemistry is just not there, then worse case scenario you end up with a real friend, and that's never a bad thing.

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The 2 biggest mistakes I made with girls in high school are the same mistakes I still see young guys make all the time. The first mistake is, with testosterone boiling through your veins, you objectify her in such a way that everything you say, do, and plan is an attempt to turn the relationship physical as quickly as possible. A woman can tell when it's all about you and when you don't really have her best interests at heart. That is why she runs-and she should.


Mistake #2 is, you are so stoked about having the attention of this girl that you agree to her every whim and follow her around like a ...well..a sick puppy. There is a difference between being nice to a woman and being her fool and, trust me, she can tell the difference. A woman will not respect a guy who becomes her doormat. One of the main ways you do this is allowing yourself to be sucked into the "we're not dating, we're just hanging out-friend zone'. You don't really want to be friends with her. You do this believing that she will see what a great guy you are and eventually fall for you. In truth, the friend zone is where girls keep their stash of guys that fill up their time until the guy she really wants to date comes along. And we all remember who that guy is.


Your nemesis. The guy who acts as if she isn't the queen of the world.


I couldn't understand it. Why would she pass on time with ME, a guy who worships every word passing from her gloss covered lips, to waste time with a guy who acts like she doesn't matter that much? It's the "Cat and String Principle". If you dangle a string in front of a cat, it will play all day. If you GIVE the string to the cat, it immediately loses interest. The fact that you have other things going on in your life, other friends, especially other female friends, is part of what made you interesting to her in the first place. As soon as you change your life to completely revolve around her, you're done and so is she.


Understand, I am not suggesting you treat this young lady with anything other than respect. If fact, just the opposite. But if you will allow her to be a part of your life, and not the end all-be all of your life, her true feelings for you will be made clear much faster. My advice to you is, keep playing guitar. Hang out with your friends. Don't stop being the fun, outgoing, cool guy that she already likes. If she is really into you, that will become apparent quick enough and everything will flow naturally. If the dating chemistry is just not there, then worse case scenario you end up with a real friend, and that's never a bad thing.



Yeah, right now, I talked to her today, and its just going along. We were going to go to see a movie this weekend, but she's going out of town with her parents or something. I said alright, then she suggested next week.


I'm just letting it happen right now, letting her fill in the gaps. It's risky, but might pay off, at least I'm hoping

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Yeah, right now, I talked to her today, and its just going along. We were going to go to see a movie this weekend, but she's going out of town with her parents or something. I said alright, then she suggested next week.


I'm just letting it happen right now, letting her fill in the gaps. It's risky, but might pay off, at least I'm hoping



Good plan. Just let her know you are interested, then keep living your life. Be confident in who you are. Confidence is the ultimate pheromone.

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