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Ever been cat bit?


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I've had to attack a couple of dogs at separate times. One was a body slam (and pin) to a 125# Saint Bernard that was attacking a friend. Held it in the "pin" position until the owner arrived a few moments later. Hulk Hogan would have been proud.


The other was a right cross to the nose of a German Shepard the was attacking my (first) wife's Setter/Lab. After getting bit trying to pry them apart, I got really pissed and hauled off and jacked that Shepard right in the nose. It kind looked like the famous photo of Cassius Clay (Mohammad Ali for you youngsters) standing over Sonny Liston. After the Shepard got up it ran away yelping.


All animals, humans included, recognize fear in an opponent or prey. The best defense is always a strong offense.

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I've had to attack a couple of dogs at separate times. One was a body slam (and pin) to a 125# Saint Bernard that was attacking a friend. Held it in the "pin" position until the owner arrived a few moments later. Hulk Hogan would have been proud.


The other was a right cross to the nose of a German Shepard the was attacking my (first) wife's Setter/Lab. After getting bit trying to pry them apart, I got really pissed and hauled off and jacked that Shepard right in the nose. It kind looked like the famous photo of Cassius Clay (Mohammad Ali for you youngsters) standing over Sonny Liston. After the Shepard got up it ran away yelping.


All animals, humans included, recognize fear in an opponent or prey. The best defense is always a strong offense.


Twice I've been attacked by dogs. One kept his distance knowing he wasn't going to get behind me. I kept turning to keep him in my sights until I could back out of the gate. The second one was a big black lab/shepherd mix. He came right up on me barking, growling and snapping. He got so close his one canine put one small hole in the fold of my tee shirt. He never got hold of me, otherwise he'd have gotten a right cross. I stood my ground, made a fist, but kept it close to my body so he had nothing to grab on to and kept him in front of me. I knew the owner was home. He eventually came out and called off that ill mannered mongrel. I finished my business with the owner, then left. That is the last I ever saw of that dog.

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I've been bitten by dogs, cats, non-poisonous snakes, horses and cows, but NOTHING compares to that story.


glad i'm not the only one here thats been "horse bit"........MAN that can hurt !!(not to mention breaking fingers)....even a "nip" on the side of a leg smarts..a LOT (I can't STAND a "leg bitin'" horse)

Had my foot stepped on by a cow......

Bit by several dogs, mauled by one when I was 5 (bitten 11 times)....

Almost lost my thumb to infection after a house-cat bite, thru my thumbnail.


Jeez I love animals.......

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Had my foot stepped on by a cow......


Same here, a couple times. My father-in-law, along with some partners, owned a 4000 acre dairy farm in Jamaica. (Serge Island Dairy)... My son was the Managing Director there for 9 years and when we would visit, I'd occasionally go out in the fields with him. I know just enough to get myself hurt or in trouble as far as handling cows, but my kid walks among them and they just part like royalty is coming through. He has something about him with animals that way. (It's not just his education from LSU either. Always that way since he was a little toddler)


Fortunately for me, the time I've been stepped on, we were in enough mud to cushion the pressure and I was only sore for a few hours. I do know one farm worker that was stepped on so badly it totally destroyed the bones in the top of his foot beyond repair. He can barely walk now, but fortunately for him was smart enough to be taught a desk job and stay employed.


I know of a worker at another farm who was kicked by a cow and broke his femur.

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When working with cattle, steel toes should be the order of the day. Cattle are more or less docile, passive animals, except adult bulls and cows with calves. He could walk amongst them because they knew him and knew he meant them no harm. If you tried to get in amongst them by yourself, they'd likely skedaddle to the other end of the pasture. But a bull? Even an experienced cattleman would never get into a pen with a bull. Pasture, maybe. Keep your distance and never turn your back on him.

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Keep your distance and never turn your back on him.

I knew enough to stay away from the Indian bulls, (Brahmans). Those idiots aren't even nice to each other. We had one particular Red Poll bull named Satan. His name was a joke because he was actually very gentle and seemed to recognize my children when they would sit on the fences. He would come over and nuzzle them and want to be petted and have his nose scratched. My daughter, who is absolutely fearless, used to love petting him. Wish I could find the pictures we have somewhere of her at about age 4 with this 3000 lb bull.

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I knew enough to stay away from the Indian bulls, (Brahmans). Those idiots aren't even nice to each other. We had one particular Red Poll bull named Satan. His name was a joke because he was actually very gentle and seemed to recognize my children when they would sit on the fences. He would come over and nuzzle them and want to be petted and have his nose scratched. My daughter, who is absolutely fearless, used to love petting him. Wish I could find the pictures we have somewhere of her at about age 4 with this 3000 lb bull.


That is most unusual.


I once saw a red angus bull bust through a 3 x 12 roughsawn fence like it was made of balsa. [scared]


Brahma bulls are definitely meaner than European breeds, hereford and angus. The meanest are long horns. Cows, bulls, calves, they all hate humans and will come at you looking for trouble.

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like a dummy I was standing among the cattle in fresh strewn feeder hay, only broke 1 bone in the top of my foot & 2 toes, but the damned cow wouldn't get OFF my foot until I slapped her on her ear.


the only bull that ever gave me grief was a 2 yr old red.....nastier than the grown bulls I was around by a long way....

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