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Grandpa day.


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Had a Grndma/Grandpa day yesterday [thumbup] . My oldest son was over with my 2 garndsons (4 & 9).

Normal type of visit for the kids. Spilled chocolate milk, spilled soda, a broken model jetplane (taken down from it's bookshelf without asking their Uncle), 4 terrified cats, Ritz cracker crumbs everywhere and a full week's worth of SpongeBob SquarePants episodes..

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Been called Grandpa for 6 years now. One daughter started out right away. The other got married and after 7 years had her first. My wife was concerned, after 5 years and no kids, we'd have to draw them pictures. Oldest son started out right away after getting married at 25. Younger son is still happily single w/ no kids.


My wife and I started early in our marrige with kids, in our early 20's. Our contemporaries were still content to play the field and / or be Dinks into their 30's. My dad told me about life that when other people zig, you should zag. It's been pretty much good advice. We are now emptynesters, able to enjoy life by ourselves for the most part. Still able to keep up with the grandkids. Our contemporaries are either still potty training or just getting into raising teens. [scared] By and large we are, financially, not too far from them either.

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Yeah.............. Now thats a productive day. Did ya fill the GK's with enough sugar so when they return home they bounce off the wall.


Nah.. We have 3 sons (youngest 17), we learned.


Snacks are usually fruit (B-nanas or strawberrys are big) Ritz or Chips.

The 2 GKs are "madmen" without the sugar. The youngest one is especially wired.

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