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Thursday Morning.....


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I get up around 3:30 to 4:00 am to go to work 6 days a week. On my day off, I rarely sleep past 5:00 and when I do, I wake up with a sinus headache.


So here I am on my day off, up at 4:30 and I can hear neighbors snow blowers after we got only an inch of snow?


I drink coffee almost everyday, but on my mornings off, it produces an immediate bowel movement. I rate it better than Metamucil


I have to renew my drivers license today, I'd rather have a fork in my eye.


This will be my first Christmas with my new wife and I'm looking forward to new traditions. Charlie Brown Christmas puzzles, Christmas morning B and G, monsterous 12 foot real trees, etc..


As I sit in front of my Jr and Tele on stands, I keep thinking about a multi rack that I haven't bought, but worry about 9 and 11 years olds and guitars that I value. I hardly play my favorite guitars because they're cased upstairs.


It gives me great joy that my daughter and my new wife are becoming close, as my ex decided to move to the other side of the country. With my daughter furthering her education and becoming an adult, she needs the guidance only my wife can provide. msp_smile.gif


I hope you all enjoy my day off

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When I sleep in too, I get headaches. Kind of an anti climax.


If you have pre-teens in the house, make it a point to have some guit tar room time with them. No better time to show them how it works and how NOT to break your stuff.


"Morning B and G"? Biscuits and Gravy? My favorite breakfast. [flapper] <<<---- That's me licking the plate clean. [thumbup]

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Thanks for sharing!


Well... all but the BM part /chuckle




I'm off to pick up my youngest from college today. He'll be home for a month!


We're gonna finish off his Christmas shopping and enjoy lunch somehwere...


I'll hoist an Ice Tea in honor of your day off!



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I was 21, I think, when I interviewed Jack Benny over breakfast the morning after watching his monolog about enemas.


Didn't get the humor.


He said something to the effect that the jokes were aimed at an older audience.


Sheesh... Perhaps so.


As for children... maybe when I grow up. Ain't likely at this point.



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I was 21, I think, when I interviewed Jack Benny over breakfast the morning after watching his monolog about enemas.


Didn't get the humor.


He said something to the effect that the jokes were aimed at an older audience.


So "old timer" after all these years does it make you laugh?


At the moment my 2 &1/2 year old Grandson thinks P00P is the funniest thing he's ever heard. He'll say the word as a substitute for other words and laughs till he cries.

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Let's see...


I think it was the fall of '66 - if not it'd be '67...


No idea what the jokes were nowadays. I can remember we sat in a big round booth at the Lawler Hotel cafe - now burned down; Jack had his agent with him - another "older" guy anyway. I just remember that enemas didn't seem all that funny then and frankly, no more funny now.


The same year Bobby Vinton was the voice as I recall. But I don't remember that interview at all...



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So "old timer" after all these years does it make you laugh?


At the moment my 2 &1/2 year old Grandson thinks P00P is the funniest thing he's ever heard. He'll say the word as a substitute for other words and laughs till he cries.


I'm almost 42 and I still think the word Poop is funny! Sometimes i will respond to an e-mail with just the word Poop and it just cracks me up. The scary thing is when or if I'm 82 I think I will still probably think it is funny. In fact it is making me laugh now. I still believe that god invented the ultimate joke with the Fart. It's timeless and nothing funnier! Uh..... Yeah I did say I am almost 42msp_w00t.gif




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Let's see...


I think it was the fall of '66 - if not it'd be '67...


No idea what the jokes were nowadays. I can remember we sat in a big round booth at the Lawler Hotel cafe - now burned down; Jack had his agent with him - another "older" guy anyway. I just remember that enemas didn't seem all that funny then and frankly, no more funny now.


The same year Bobby Vinton was the voice as I recall. But I don't remember that interview at all...




Ahh yes The Polish Prince. One of Pittsburgh's favorite sons

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