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John Lee Hooker on blues playing......


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Good solid blues advice here....


Driving big beat. Don’t get me wrong: These guitar players, they really good in they own way, they own style. They really just a lot of fancy pickin’ – they do – and maybe I couldn’t do that. And I don’t want to do it. But I don’t call it the real blues, though. It’s just a lot of speed. What they doin’, it’s good, but not for me. It’s the real funk that I play. There’s a heck of a lot of fancy guitar players out there, but comin’ out of the real blues, it ain’t there. I got my own style that nobody’s got but John Lee Hooker. I wouldn’t change if I wanted to. You know, my style, what I got, I don’t go by a certain time – 8, 12, and 16 [bars], which I can do it perfect if I want to – but I’m known not to do it, and I don’t do it. I’m allowed to jump here and jump there, because that’s the way the blues is. Just lower your head and play the blues – it come from the heart and soul. And then you feel it. I feel it when somebody else is feelin’ it too. I could play perfect on everything if I wanted to, but then there wouldn’t be John Lee Hooker any more: “Oh, he gone to the fancy style” or “He gettin’ fancy perfect.” I do that on some of my songs – perfect intention – but then I do it unperfect when I don’t want to do it perfect. Some of ’em I do perfect, like “Boom Boom.” Some of ’em I don’t go about perfect changes – I just play my guitar.

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