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Horrendous news from Christchurch, NZ


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It was actually an aftershock of the 7.0 they had a couple months ago. But the damage was much worse because the epicenter was only about 5km down so the ground shake was much worse. Plus, the previous one had weakened things. I'm not sure about the flooding though - not from a tsunami - more likely rainfall or maybe a reservoir overflowing.


USGS Summary here:



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Bah, you people wouldnt last during WW2, yeah lets believe in some culture that didn't even last. :rolleyes:



LOL - Ohh the wisdom of a 16 year old, your right though, probably not much for you to worry about yet, that's still your mommy's job. [wink]


But your right the Mayan culture (which is still here)as we think of it only lasted somewhere between 3500 and 2250 years, depending on what you consider the start and hell the USA is almost at 250 years old.


It is strange how people have decided that the ending of the current mayan Long Calendar of the fourth age is somehow a world ending thing. In history when the long calendar ended an age it was a major positive event and huge celebrations were held (Mayan celebrations were pretty bloody so not everybody had fun) but it was still a major event. Now some new age religious guy decides thats the next easy day to tell everybody the world will end and off we go. I'm betting it's gonna be just as world ending as Y2K, Aliens, Bird Flu and all the dozens of other things that were going to destroy the world in the last 50 years.




Still got to feel sorry for everybody in NZ and other places of strife and disaster though, The world and the weather is pretty brutal lately but we probably can't blame the Mayans.

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The Mayan thing only got light because of the history channel, its just so they can get more views.

Sure its a real thing, but is it going to happen? No, no one thinks they could of just ran out of days? [lol]


Will end when the sun ends, even if the world sets off nukes or some huge natural disaster happens there will still be humans.

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This to will pass...send our prayers to those who suffer anywhere around the world....this is a pivotal time in world history...political and economic problems that have been simmering for decades have come to a head.

Dictators grow old and are overthrown, at this time in the Middle East there just happens to be several that are ripe for change right now...and we can not stop it...

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I've seen still shots of several churches or maybe it's just one church in various stages of collapse.


Did you see that video of people running out of a down-town store and concrete falling directly behind them? [scared] Those two are truly blessed.

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