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Marantz love


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Anyone else a big Marantz fan? I admit to only owning an SR4023 receiver, but I have my eye on a PM5004 integrated amp for my in listening room/mixing station. I love the clean, non cluttered look and sound of these. Call me old fashioned, but I have never been a fan of surround sound or subwoofers. Just give me straight up L/R stereo and a nice pair of speakers.

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I've always loved Marantz receivers/amps. They have always been considered top of the line, although it was reported there was a drop in quality for a short time after manufacturing started in Japan back in the '60s and early '70s.

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being a hifi lover myself i have owned marantz in the past, both cd players...the CD63 "special edition" was my first and then i upgraded to the CD17.


i now own a mixture of ARCAM, ROKSAN, MISSION, REL. B)



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My first system was an early 80's Marantz receiver with sweet backlit needle meters with a colossal pair of boutique Savard speakers (15" woofer, 10" midrange driver, 4" tweeter, and a horn, and ported). That system would shiver the fuggin timbers matey! Wish I still had it.

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My very first equipment purchase I made in my life was a Marantz 2250 tuner receiver. I was still in high school. I didn't have any speakers so I got a couple car stereo speaker I had laying around so I could listen to it until I could buy speakers for it... I was so proud of that amp. I still have it....



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