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Hey All!

Buc McMaster

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Well, well. I've been absent for a time, working on my boat. And when I'm not working on it I'm thinking about working on it. I'm like that. I immerse myself in a project like this and live and breathe it to fruition. I have not so much as opened the case on my 165 for going on three months now........my attention is diverted. But I miss you folks and I just had to stop in and show you some of what I've been up to these weeks.


The Restoration of U-96


And the work goes on, perhaps another 6-8 weeks before it's time to re-float the boat. But summer's coming and there'll be plenty of fishing time. Maybe if I hang out here more often I'd play my guitar more often too.........

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Hey Buc -


Great to have you stop by. Man, you really are doing that restore job from scratch. That's an interesting page you linked us to. Your work is awesome. The boat is looking great.


And it sounds like your playin' your guitar a bit too.


Until next time, take care. B)

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Knock the dust off that ol' Gibby!


Maybe some day soon, but for now I am digit challenged: during the wet sanding of the boat hull I took a lot of flesh off the tips of my fingers.....can you say raw meat?! Ouch. But the sanding is done so now I can heal up and get back to the 165 one day soon. Boat is coming along great! Thanks for your kind words!


U-96 Coming Together

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