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Can someone explain this?


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damn straight. at least make it with or without. cuz that stuff is nasty


and the splenda and that stuff is even worse


Aspartame is even worse, of course the FDA says its safe to consume; however one of the ladies at my work almost suffered from Liver failure from the Aspartame in Diet Coke, her doctor actually told her she had to stop drinking it or risk dying. In the last year I have noticed I pay more attention to whats written on the back of the products I eat or use, infact last week I was reading the back of my body wash and there was crap on there I couldnt even pronounce, decided to go back over to the faithful bar of soap made from a little lard, lye and of all things honey.

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The fact that the major auto makers continued to pump out these huge gas guzzling SUVs even after the last gas gouge of a few years ago and government bale out just shows me they don't have a clue. No sooner did Obama pull them from the jaws of death (yeah right ) when these commercials started for these grossly expensive cars and trucks like nothing happened.


Oh they talked green, greener, greenest talk but it was BS. We're a gullible bunch.


How many went out and bought a new vehicle because of the awesome deal they couldn't pass up.

Now go ahead and cry because it's 70 bucks to fill your SUV.


Go ahead, go to the polls this October and put the same JACKA$$E$ in office. They are professionals. They know what they are doing,


If a blind man falls in a hole I feel sorry for him.


If he digs the hole and jumps in he got what he deserved.eusa_listen.gif

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Nixon subsidized corn? Hah! That's a laugh!. True the gov't did purchase grains in this country to keep farming break-evenable, but that was started shortly after the 2nd world war, running maybe as late as the Carter and Reagan administrations, but it was not Nixon's brain child. Quite honestly, we cranked up production with better materials and methods so quickly in support of our war effort, our production far exceeded post war demand, as other waring countries were able get back to producing their own. Cognizant of the fact that being one of the few countries during the big war, who could still feed itself and others, keeping agriculture sustainable was part of our country's strategic defense plan. Remember, we were then in an arms race with Russia and they were building missile sites on our back door. We were certain we would be at war again within a decade.


Due to more recent, exploding world demand for food, our government was able to sell off it's stock of surplus grain. We have divested ourselves of the ownership of domestic grain for about 20 years. Everything we produce this year will be gone by next year.




The 'Evil' High Fructose Corn Syrupmarketing slight of hand.

There have been people who have targeted HFCS as particularly bad for you with respect to other forms of sugar. Your gut and your waist line don't much care where your sugar comes from, whether it's HFCS, cane, or beet sugar. Sugar is sugar. HFCS gets a bad rap because, as a liquid, it is more easily mixed into soft drinks and other liquid and semi-liquid prepared foods. As such, we Americans consume a LOT of it, mostly in sodas, too damn much of it, really. But, as a sugar it is no more or less bad for you than other sugars. Many purveyors of food stuffs have sanitized their ingredient list to remove HFCS from the label and replace it for some other euphemistic, generic term for sugar. Whatever the source, it is best to minimize your consumption of sugar.


Soda pop with 'pure natural sugar' can still have HFCS in it and remain true to it's labeling. HFCS is a pure, natural sugar. Sugar is sugar, a little goes a long way.

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Sugar is sugar, a little goes a long way.


When I was a little kid my grandmother used to say, "Come give me some sugar", which meant a kiss....so I guess it's HER fault I'm fat!


By the way.... my grandmother used to "dip snuff", so you're right....a little sugar went a LONG way!

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No one here gives a crap about gas prices. Morons.


I sense you are one of the many people in Vancouver who don't own a car and rely on public transit, cause everyone that drives complains about the price of gas here.

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The 'Evil' High Fructose Corn Syrupmarketing slight of hand.



Sugar is not sugar. In a highly processed form like HFC and beet sugar, yeah. Even processed cane sugar, aka hippie sugar. Honey, maple syrup, and birch syrup are not just sugar when you factor in the other beneficial minerals in them. Regardless, when you artificially force down the market price of a commodity to make it artificially cheap and then put the crap in *everything* we consume, it is evil. Call what ever you want (corn sugar? [lol] ), it is the same crap.


Hey, it's a free country and your right to eat that if you choose.

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Nixon subsidized corn? Hah! That's a laugh!.



Sorry, not Nixon. It was his Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz. Yeah, it's shooting the messenger because any President could have implemented this policy. We are great at stupid, short sighted policies.


We did push farms to produce as much crop as they could and this flood of commodities caused the price to drop dramatically. As a result the government started paying direct subsidies to farmers to make up the difference between the market price and what it considered an appropriate floor price. This of course kept corn über cheap and allowed massive growing of the grain because, no matter what the market price is, the government will make up the difference. This is not a sustainable system and should end. I can list the hundreds of reasons why if you like.

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My recipee for the BEST tasting corn:


Buy corn on the cobb. Full husk still on.


Cook it with the husk on. Can wrap it foil and stick it on the BBQ, in the oven, or even just toss it in the nuker, but mainly, cook it in the husk. Gives it that awesome "corn" flavor.


Then, I usually cut the corn off the cobb, but you don't have too. But regardless, add a little butter, a little salt, and sugar. Little more sugar then salt.


Feel the love.

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My recipee for the BEST tasting corn:


Buy corn on the cobb. Full husk still on.


Cook it with the husk on. Can wrap it foil and stick it on the BBQ, in the oven, or even just toss it in the nuker, but mainly, cook it in the husk. Gives it that awesome "corn" flavor.


Then, I usually cut the corn off the cobb, but you don't have too. But regardless, add a little butter, a little salt, and sugar. Little more sugar then salt.


Feel the love.



I tried what you said.... bought some corn in full husk.... wrapped it in foil and put it in the nuker....after a big ball of blue flame shot out, I had to visit the emergency room real quick, but no harm done.

J/K..... I'm lucky I can make cold cereal.

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My recipee for the BEST tasting corn:


Buy corn on the cobb. Full husk still on.


Cook it with the husk on. Can wrap it foil and stick it on the BBQ, in the oven, or even just toss it in the nuker, but mainly, cook it in the husk. Gives it that awesome "corn" flavor.


Then, I usually cut the corn off the cobb, but you don't have too. But regardless, add a little butter, a little salt, and sugar. Little more sugar then salt.


Feel the love.

I do most of the same things, but I soak the corn in salt water a couple hours beforehand and before tossing it on the grill I brush some butter on the kernels and close the husk back up on it.

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I tried what you said.... bought some corn in full husk.... wrapped it in foil and put it in the nuker....after a big ball of blue flame shot out, I had to visit the emergency room real quick, but no hard done.

J/K..... I'm lucky I can make cold cereal.

Microwaves are pretty resilient. I have set fire to mine twice. I don't have smoke alarms in the house. I like to cook but I only feel comfortable cooking when there is someone else with me.


Safety first.

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I do most of the same things, but I soak the corn in salt water a couple hours beforehand and before tossing it on the grill I brush some butter on the kernels and close the husk back up on it.


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