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Can someone explain this?


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CFL light bulbs are the greatest sham of late. "They are the most energy efficient" That statement is mostly true, but cost of operation and the environmental costs are not factored into that statement. The CFL bulb costs 1000% more than an incandescent bulb. CFLs, in my experience, last less than twice as long as the old ones. An incandescent bulb takes up much less space in a land fill once it is no longer functioning.The CFLS, actually take up less space in a land fill as they are considered a hazardous waste.


I just learned my daughter cannot stomach CFL bulbs. In their attempt to be environmentally conscious, my daughter and SIL outfitted their entire home with CFLs. She shortly thereafter became constantly queasy, especially at night, until she left the house. They tried a lot of different things. On a hunch, they changed the bulbs in the house back to incandescents. Queasiness abated. I don't know what they will do when incandescents are finally off the market next year. I suppose they will have to go to kerosene. Hopefully, though, LEDs will be readily available then.


In relation to this CFLs are actually EXTREMELY hazardous, most people dont take the time to read the side of the box on those beasts but they have mercury inside them. If you break one you are supposed to wear a respirator to clean up the mess and vent the room where it broke for like 10 mins or something. Its amazing how something so green can actually be so mean.

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There are several companies that build motors that burn so clean they are exempt from emissions testing....Electric cars will be recharged by coal fired plants that put more crap in our air then 100 gas powered cars....Then there is the problem of recycling batteries....and the elements in those batteries comes from mines in Africa where there is very little care taken in mining, the use of large amounts of mercury is required....

Do you think that is better than drilling for oil?



If we could get real recycling of heavy metals and rare earth elements, yeah that is better than drilling for oil. And second, yours and a lot of other comments sound like, "I give up. Let's all drive gasoline powered vehicles until oil runs out." What kills me is that no one is leading on new technology or those that do are getting pissed on. This current petroleum, coal, and corn economy we have in the States is unsustainable and if we don't go through some growing pains now we are going to be f'd in the not so distant future.

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If we could get real recycling of heavy metals and rare earth elements, yeah that is better than drilling for oil. And second, yours and a lot of other comments sound like, "I give up. Let's all drive gasoline powered vehicles until oil runs out." What kills me is that no one is leading on new technology or those that do are getting pissed on. This current petroleum, coal, and corn economy we have in the States is unsustainable and if we don't go through some growing pains now we are going to be f'd in the not so distant future.


I am not a fan of corn based fuels...I think food should be for eating and gas should be for burning. Brazil using sugar cane for ethanol and it is much better, cheaper and cleaner..

As for replacing the I/C motor,,,lets think this out, what would you say is the cash value of every car, truck, motorcycle, boat, lawn mower and airplane that uses a I/C motor?

That is the problem.....we are talking about trillions of dollars invested by average everyday folks like you & me. Every truck company every mechanic, all the support products.....the better solution is to find a cleaner fuel that these vehicles can be converted to use...over time we can phase out I/C powered vehicles..I the area I live in there is no dependable public transportation, we have no choice other then to own our own transportation. Buses run limited routes between 6:00 am & 7:00 pm. I worked with people who used the bus system, it added 2 to 4 hr.s to their work day and if over time was required they had no way home.......

Can you imagine what it would cost the tax payer to replace every government owned vehicle that is powered by I/C motors?

Every city, county & state agency? The tax burden would break us..If however they were converted it would be much more reasonable.....be careful what you wish for you may just get it...

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When I go to the store and there isn't any corn, I get kinda pissed. Corn is for eating. That's why it taste good.


God made this rock with oil in the ground. The most efficient way to power stuff is to gather the FREE stuff from the ground and use it. It doesn't make much sense to spend all these resources and energy coming up with a way to not use oil and leave it sit.


The best way to use the resources of this planet would be to suck up the oil, put it in a truck, fill the truck with corn and drive it to hungry poeple.

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In relation to this CFLs are actually EXTREMELY hazardous, most people dont take the time to read the side of the box on those beasts but they have mercury inside them. If you break one you are supposed to wear a respirator to clean up the mess and vent the room where it broke for like 10 mins or something. Its amazing how something so green can actually be so mean.



Not sure how they can call it green when it is most definitely not 'green' to put mercury into a land fill.

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Not sure how they can call it green when it is most definitely not 'green' to put mercury into a land fill.


Oh but its green to operate them! A little mercury poison never hurt anyone [lol]

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When I go to the store and there isn't any corn, I get kinda pissed. Corn is for eating. That's why it taste good.


God made this rock with oil in the ground. The most efficient way to power stuff is to gather the FREE stuff from the ground and use it. It doesn't make much sense to spend all these resources and energy coming up with a way to not use oil and leave it sit.


The best way to use the resources of this planet would be to suck up the oil, put it in a truck, fill the truck with corn and drive it to hungry poeple.


Stein, (your first name isn't "Beer", is it?), I think God not just made this planet with oil in the ground, I think he made it so this planet MAKES oil.


I believe oil is a waste product of whatever goes on inside the earth, (it's a far better premise than oil being all the dead dinosaurs!)


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Oh but its green to operate them! A little mercury poison never hurt anyone [lol]



When I was a kid, we used to get some mercury, and coat our dimes with it...made them REAL shinny!


Eventually the mercury dried and made the dimes look old and corroded, (much like what must have happened to my brain).

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I find it strange too... Gas prices here have been stable for years... I think premium is about 2,50 bucks a gallon and has been that way for the last 5 or 6 years.


And it's not because we have lots of oil as we don't actually make anything of it aside from selling it, it goes to the buyer, the buyer turns it into gas and sells it back to us. :rolleyes:

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When I was a kid, we used to get some mercury, and coat our dimes with it...made them REAL shinny!


Eventually the mercury dried and made the dimes look old and corroded, (much like what must have happened to my brain).


We had a jar of it probably a good 10-12 ounces of mercury from the old thermostats in houses, used to take latex gloves and roll globs around in our hands and stuff, its a really cool metal when "played" with properly but lots of people neglect to follow the precautions! I dont ever know what happened to that jar either :\ hopefully it got disposed of properly or thrown into a hated neighbors yard!

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I am not a fan of corn based fuels...I think food should be for eating and gas should be for burning.


Right, but I am talking more about corn subsidies that keep corn unnaturally cheap so we can use it for *everything*, including processed crap the pedal as food. Corn on the cob, corn chowder soup, polenta, corn chips, and tortillas? Cool. Twinkies, cattle feed, ethanol, and HFC? Not cool and not sustainable. The run off from corn fields along the mighty Mississippi is bad enough.


...over time we can phase out I/C powered vehicles..


That is what I am saying: phase them out. We have to start looking forward or we'll be left behind. For the nation that invented the atomic bomb, pioneered electricity and the light bulb, put men on the moon, helped end WWII, etc., lately we have been acting like dead weight. The 20th century is long gone and we need to start living in the 21st century. If we don't China, India, and Europe will leave us in the dust. allah forbid we get to that day when it is too late and we are forced to rip the band aid off because selfish interests held onto fossil fuels with a death grip until the last drop of oil was pumped.

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I just have to wonder why the price of gas is going threw the roof in the states and here in Spain it's been very stable, going up and down a few cents over the past few years. I'm affraid someone is taking the good old US of A for a ride... These prices are in euros, right now 1 euro = about $1.50 Gas prices around the world


Demand is the reason, I see a ton of SUVs and Hummers around here transporting a single person. When I see somebody driving a Prius or electric I just shrug my shoulders.


Soccer Moms with their "status" SUVs abound here, guys with shinny huge pickups trucks, e.g. Escalade pickups and the like.


We are taking ourselves for a ride, see, we will not adjust our demand for Gas. It will take $6 a gallon but it won't get there because oil companies know this and they will keep prices right there where no significant changes are made.


Alternative fuels? corn? electric? we are far from being successful, start by outlawing 8-cylinder cars. Only allow pickup trucks needed for work with such engines...what am I saying? probably I will be accused of being communist.


Seriously here in this country we do not want to fix the problem or be part of the solution, most people want the problem to be fixed for them without any sacrifices.


We live in excess and we like it, pay the price.


This rant is making me thirsty, I am going to McDonalds to get a 44oz Diet Coke.

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Demand is the reason, I see a ton of SUVs and Hummers around here transporting a single person. When I see somebody driving a Prius or electric I just shrug my shoulders.


Soccer Moms with their "status" SUVs abound here, guys with shinny huge pickups trucks, e.g. Escalade pickups and the like.


We are taking ourselves for a ride, see, we will not adjust our demand for Gas. It will take $6 a gallon but it won't get there because oil companies know this and they will keep prices right there where no significant changes are made.


Alternative fuels? corn? electric? we are far from being successful, start by outlawing 8-cylinder cars. Only allow pickup trucks needed for work with such engines...what am I saying? probably I will be accused of being communist.


Seriously here in this country we do not want to fix the problem or be part of the solution, most people want the problem to be fixed for them without any sacrifices.


We live in excess and we like it, pay the price.


This rant is making me thirsty, I am going to McDonalds to get a 44oz Diet Coke.


I suspect the CAFE standards for Corporate Fleet fuel mileage caused the car companies to abandon big cars and station wagons....so instead of people switching to smaller cars, they simply got trucks and appointed them as you would a car....hence....SUV's!


If the Feds outlaw SUV's I suspect people will find another way around the law.


The "Nanny-State" keeps trying to legislate actions, but it'll never work 'til they break our spirit.... then in order to save the trees, we'll all be "forced" to buy only carbon-fiber guitars, and we'll all be drivin' horse-drawn wagons, (after all, wasn't the earth MUCH cleaner before cars and factorys?)

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Oil fell today to $100.00 a barrel,,who wants to bet the price at the pump will not reflect that? Funny, the price can go up in a flash, even when it's already in the under ground tank at the gas station already paid for by the retailer it will go up if the price for a barrel rises...but when the price falls?

Not so much.....

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Oil fell today to $100.00 a barrel,,who wants to bet the price at the pump will not reflect that? Funny, the price can go up in a flash, even when it's already in the under ground tank at the gas station already paid for by the retailer it will go up if the price for a barrel rises...but when the price falls?

Not so much.....



Bush's fault! Or is that Reagan's fault? Maybe Nixon...not sure......

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Maybe Nixon...not sure......


If you want to know the truth, Nixon is the root of our corn economy. By subsidizing corn he made it cheap and it has stayed that way ever since (you can argue if this was good or not). Our beverages would still be sweetened with sugar instead of HFC if he hadn't of done it.

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If you want to know the truth, Nixon is the root of our corn economy. By subsidizing corn he made it cheap and it has stayed that way ever since (you can argue if this was good or not). Our beverages would still be sweetened with sugar instead of HFC if he hadn't of done it.


High Fructose Corn Syrup is icky

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If you want to know the truth, Nixon is the root of our corn economy. By subsidizing corn he made it cheap and it has stayed that way ever since (you can argue if this was good or not). Our beverages would still be sweetened with sugar instead of HFC if he hadn't of done it.



You would have thought that since Nixon was a Quaker, he would have pushed for an "Oat-based economy"!!

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I suspect the CAFE standards for Corporate Fleet fuel mileage caused the car companies to abandon big cars and station wagons....so instead of people switching to smaller cars, they simply got trucks and appointed them as you would a car....hence....SUV's!


If the Feds outlaw SUV's I suspect people will find another way around the law.


The "Nanny-State" keeps trying to legislate actions, but it'll never work 'til they break our spirit.... then in order to save the trees, we'll all be "forced" to buy only carbon-fiber guitars, and we'll all be drivin' horse-drawn wagons, (after all, wasn't the earth MUCH cleaner before cars and factorys?)


I hope you read between the lines and into my last comment.


There is no way to "fix" demand in this country, it is a birth right.

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I hope you read between the lines and into my last comment.


There is no way to "fix" demand in this country, it is a birth right.



I NEVER want to look too closely at someone named "StiffHand" without safety glasses on!!

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I think the whole thing is related to the fact that we were founded as a christian nation, but now we want to kick god out of our country. So God is like, "ok..have it your way".


Yeah, that's definitely it. That explains everything.

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Oil fell today to $100.00 a barrel,,who wants to bet the price at the pump will not reflect that? Funny, the price can go up in a flash, even when it's already in the under ground tank at the gas station already paid for by the retailer it will go up if the price for a barrel rises...but when the price falls?

Not so much.....


The pump will reflect the drop in the price per barrel of oil, but it wont be until hmmmmmm about November I think, and it will only be for like 1-2 days at most. If you want painful try living in the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) they force the gas stations to pretty much all sell at the same price, the odd private station might be $0.01 cheaper right now its sitting at $1.41/L or for you US folks $5.65/Gal. But as soon as you drive about 30minutes out of the GVRD the gas price drops to a unbelieveable $1.18/L or $4.84/Gal.

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