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New Member Layla86


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Don't worry about it. <grin> At least you're not a girl who wants to altar a dress as opposed to alter it.


And as for supper, to quote the Louis L'Amour line in the old John Wayne movie, "You're a good cook, Mrs. Lowe. A woman should be a good cook. <pause> I'm a good cook myself."



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Nice recording btw. I always thought that song took on a powerful meaning when sung by a woman.


You really hit some soulful and powerful notes there too. Its deep. It gets me.


Nice interplay with the lead guitar playing as well. Great between the vocal and the guitar.

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I love it!! Total topic derailment!


I love you guys!!!!


Terrific conversation, I'm enjoying the discussion - keep going!



(decided to check in on things anyway --------- need to alter a dress waterchange fishtanks make dinner etc..... this is more interesting and less stressful, LOL~!)


Layla, I feel like serenading you with my Louis Armstrong voice singing 'what a wonderful world'...in fact I do the same voice for Yoda, as I do for Louis Armstrong and if I have too much to drink 'Louis' does a variety of numbers (he has been known to do Spice Up Your Life by the Spice girls before) LOL


Stein, I am of course pleased that blues at a classical recital is a shock, I do after all throw odd programming choices to make things interesting, but I wish it hadn't shocked you so much i.e into intimidation msp_scared.gif Milo is right about recitals. That was was unusual because it was mic'ed up, but usually you just rely on the natural acoustics, which is why often performances are in old cathedrals/churches etc. At my recitals i always try and make things in a formal setting still very friendly...


BTW Stein, I like the reminder of being an Englishman...see!!! We are not all nasty horrible people LOL - Plus we share the glory of being the joint most hated nation with yourselves! I think the UK and USA are like two lovely playful black puppy labradors and love us both msp_thumbup.gifmsp_flapper.gif



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I think too that a lotta people nowadays in the US don't realize how "English" we really are, from the basics of law and government to music traditions. Of course, musically that include Scottish and Irish and "Scots-Irish" traditions most people don't realize either.


But I'll freely admit that my memory long ago gave up on remembering the names and dates of reign of monarchs from Alfred to QEII that I knew at 16.



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Continuing with the thread derailment:


(AND still a great recording by Layla BTW)


The British and the Americans ARE close and a lot alike, and we are directly related. We are like the bastard child in a way that could not behave, and we are a colony. Our governments and cultures are more alike than we tend to give credit for. The English has a system where the Monarch is the head of the church, but prohibits Catholisism. The US has a system where government and church are not allowed to be the same, but yet still founded by a belief in God. Your Monarchy and parliment operates very much like our presidency and congress in many ways. Also, before the US became a world power "in the efforts to do good" it very much so was England who did this before.


As it is, your monarchy still "rules" over much of the world. I tend to have the view that where we have made changes to the way government works for the better, it isn't enough to where we still don't need the British for our own good.


As an example, I have talked to two natives of Taiwan on separate occasions who have both said life was better and they preferred it when Taiwan was part of the British before it was given back to the Chinese.


I just got through watching "The Kings Speech". Great movie with insights into how the Monarchy actually works and it's role in society. It was educational to me as well. I learned how the Queen came to be through the abdication and that not all English poeple stutter as I had previously thought.

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Continuing with the thread derailment:


(AND still a great recording by Layla BTW)


The British and the Americans ARE close and a lot alike, and we are directly related. We are like the bastard child in a way that could not behave, and we are a colony. Our governments and cultures are more alike than we tend to give credit for. The English has a system where the Monarch is the head of the church, but prohibits Catholisism. The US has a system where government and church are not allowed to be the same, but yet still founded by a belief in God. Your Monarchy and parliment operates very much like our presidency and congress in many ways. Also, before the US became a world power "in the efforts to do good" it very much so was England who did this before.


As it is, your monarchy still "rules" over much of the world. I tend to have the view that where we have made changes to the way government works for the better, it isn't enough to where we still don't need the British for our own good.


As an example, I have talked to two natives of Taiwan on separate occasions who have both said life was better and they preferred it when Taiwan was part of the British before it was given back to the Chinese.


I just got through watching "The Kings Speech". Great movie with insights into how the Monarchy actually works and it's role in society. It was educational to me as well. I learned how the Queen came to be through the abdication and that not all English poeple stutter as I had previously thought.



I really want to see that!! It is Stein recommended then? I want to see it more!! msp_thumbup.gifmsp_flapper.gifmsp_thumbup.gif

Yes, we share lots of DNA (and many of our ways too)


he he - a kid said to me that "weren't lot of Americans and Australians just British people with different accents LOL - kids and there tricky questions!!!! LMAO


If you like history, may I recommend a BBC documentary DVD film called 1066? It is about the wars and integration of other cultures into Britian...American often describes itself as a giant melting pot, you should check this out ! (if you haven't) it is awesome and shows how we have such a mish mash of other cultures due to being invaded so many times. We have a lot of Scandinavian, French, Arabic, German and Spanish blood from over a thousands years ago!





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I'm kinda an odd American 'cuz English history was in my high school curriculum.


So... although my family came over here from there more than 300 years ago, the ties remain rather obvious to me, especially as I've mentioned, in language, general culture and music.


I do think Americans by tradition have tended to be rather 18th Century even today and I consider Brits in ways to be rather late 19th Century in a lot of perspectives. IMHO one learns much about the U.S. especially if one reads James Fenimore Cooper's material such as Last of the Mohicans - and that stuff was written functionally 200 years ago.


I've regularly stated that Churchill's "History of the English-Speaking People" comes pretty well to "nail" it. There have been different experiences brought by geography - which continues in North America and not just between Canadians and Americans, but also Canadians in different geographical areas and Americans in different geographical areas.


Usually someone with ties to New England and the U.S. and Canadian East Coast communities, tend to look more to the British Isles and ... I don't know about Californians and folks in BC, Canada. <grin> Hmmmm...



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Nice rendition Linda.

I wish I could sing. Well I guess I can to some degree but I'm very self concious about it.

To me, it would be a blast to sing and play guitar together. So far they are two separate animals that I can't team up together.

Something I'll just have to work on.

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Don't worry about it. <grin> At least you're not a girl who wants to altar a dress as opposed to alter it.



LOL Milod!!


Yeah I wore ONE white dress to ONE altar...... [biggrin] and I'm still quite happily with him, the love of my life Steve. [thumbup]



THIS dress -- for daughter's Senior Ball -- is still giving me fits but it's almost done. (about all I can compare it to is, have you ever had to rewire a pickup? or, well, something hard -- re-fret a guitar you don't want to cut into and ruin...) This project has a certain "EEEK" factor about it. IE the dress was given to us -- it's BEAUTIFUL - but is a size 12 and daughter is a size 6. Market value on the dress over $300 ----- loaded with sequins and beads and THAT beaded part is what needs to be made inches and inches smaller...... without ruining the whole thing.





Not that I expect any of all-y'all here to SEW.......... ROFL

to get what I'm talking about.... \:D/

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Nice recording btw. I always thought that song took on a powerful meaning when sung by a woman.


You really hit some soulful and powerful notes there too. Its deep. It gets me.


Nice interplay with the lead guitar playing as well. Great between the vocal and the guitar.



Thank you Stein! It was a fun little track to put together.


Just learning to get *this* "voice" out ..... coming over from a choral/sacred music background -- beginning to get there to get it doing what I want and feel it can. :unsure:

Practice practice practice!!!

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Layla, I feel like serenading you with my Louis Armstrong voice singing 'what a wonderful world'...in fact I do the same voice for Yoda, as I do for Louis Armstrong and if I have too much to drink 'Louis' does a variety of numbers (he has been known to do Spice Up Your Life by the Spice girls before) LOL


Thank you Matt --- why do--- serenade, do!!



BTW Stein, I like the reminder of being an Englishman...see!!! We are not all nasty horrible people LOL - Plus we share the glory of being the joint most hated nation with yourselves! I think the UK and USA are like two lovely playful black puppy labradors and love us both msp_thumbup.gifmsp_flapper.gif





Some of my favorite people and friends are Brits!!


I have been recently schooled in WHAT NOT TO SAY when speaking "British" as....... ahem.... many of our customary little American words ___do not transtlate__ in a socially nice way -- ROFL!!


Love the conversation on the similarities, differences etc ----

Matt, I hope you like my US accent -- LOL

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Major lifetime skills: Cooking, sewing, basic 3R's, unarmed combat and firearms. Master those and one likely can survive almost anywhere, anywhen.


Hey, I can even handsew buttonholes as in the 19th century - or grommets for sails. It's all good to know.



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[biggrin][biggrin] Thanks for the bump Damian [rolleyes] gosh I didn't think my intro would go on for four pages....... THANK YOU for making me feel instantly popular!!


(Anyone see WICKED? Shall we re-christen him Galinda and me, Elfie? LOL LOL LOL!!)


Nice rendition Linda.

I wish I could sing. Well I guess I can to some degree but I'm very self concious about it.

To me, it would be a blast to sing and play guitar together. So far they are two separate animals that I can't team up together.

Something I'll just have to work on.


Hi davidl!


It is my belief everyone CAN sing and SHOULD sing, even if just in the shower, it's that good for you.

Tell you a secret.

I am horribly awfully terribly self-conscious about my singing and am always in DOUBT. I am slowly getting over it. Slowly realizing people (total strangers) spontaneously saying they were moved, really WERE moved, and to believe them. This comes from childhood issues mainly, which I am working out and moving past.


Point on the small venue/recital VS. big area w/spotlights discussion --

I am much more comfortable in front of 1000 people (have done, in church settings) where I can't make out all the faces or know who I'm singing for.


Put me one-on-one with my family or in a small open mic (which is all I've got right now) or a few friends listening intently and I will FREAK OUT....... aaaargh.


I'm still working at teaming up playing piano and singing together -- it takes a LOT of brainpower and concentration --- not really quite "there" yet. As my vocals will fall out of line quicker than my playing ...... yet.... seriously it's better IMO to hit a bum note on the keys than a flat high note (OUCH). sigh.


But anyway -- EVERYONE sing!!!


I was sad Jimmy Page wouldn't sing on "It Might Get Loud" and just said "Oh I'm hopeless..." as..... he's done backing on some early Zep and Yardbirds (when they made him) and his voice from all I can tell is NOT bad or off-pitch etc.......


If I were Queen of Everything I would help everyone feel comfortable singing and learn to use their voices.

But.... I have to get there first before I could possibly teach how.... [blush] :blink:

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Anyway meanwhile davidl & the rest --- I do love to collaborate (am a little behind on my promised tracks at the moment tho) ....... and am happy to *try* singing for others' songs ........ {{I am awfully critical of each take - and therefore, both hard on myself and sloooowwwww producing things -- when I listen to the above track I still hear little glitches flaws and imperfections but have to, at some point, go "good enough" and just let it out of the closet}} ..... and am very very happy to have guitars played for my songs -- [biggrin] if that works out as a nice non-monetary trade for any of you. [tongue] If so, hit me up - in the fall tho - taking spring-summer to work out my 'glitches' as I call them.......


Meanwhile Damian is building some tracks for me and his work is sounding really really cool - I like what he's doing. [thumbup]

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Major lifetime skills: Cooking, sewing, basic 3R's, unarmed combat and firearms. Master those and one likely can survive almost anywhere, anywhen.


Hey, I can even handsew buttonholes as in the 19th century - or grommets for sails. It's all good to know.



LOL Milod!


Still learning the unarmed combat and firearms [tongue]

Impressed by that buttonhole skill. WOOT!!

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And my British connection is many many ancestors.....


Among them Elanor of Aquitane and her son John, Richard's brother --


Not enough royal blood to get me invited to the recent wedding tho, sheeesh!! LOL


I plan to go there someday, some year --- except I wonder if I would never want to come back.

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Thank you Matt --- why do--- serenade, do!!



I will leave the singing to you! I don't mind this going on 25 pages and it being sticked msp_scared.gifmsp_biggrin.gif. It is always a pleasure talking with someone who has such an appetite for life and such a passion that shows in your music!






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I will leave the singing to you! I don't mind this going on 25 pages and it being sticked msp_scared.gifmsp_biggrin.gif. It is always a pleasure talking with someone who has such an appetite for life and such a passion that shows in your music!




Nice way of putting that Matt.

I agree totally

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Oh and I just made my first music video this morning (ta-da, ugh, THAT was a PAIN! it looks simple....)


This is what I feel is my "best recording" so far..... hope you like it.






Smokin' ..........Gosh darn.........that rocks !!!!!!!!!!!!! [thumbup] [thumbup] [thumbup] .....

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Before this drops away into the ether --- since only ONE of you figured out my Red Special reference....


Photographic evidence:






Of course then my daughter in Hawaii had to go and meet THIS guy the very week after, and sorta maybe trumped me...




No Zoom.... she was standing that close. Man.




All right back to guitars.


This is the one I GAS for:







Only I need it in lefty and I want a goldtone or metallic green pickguard on it. Which doesn't exist.

Sigh. No pull.............. hahaha


And since I can't play the thing, only admire it, I need to pick up a bit of skilz before the $1200+++ price tag is a reasonable thing to ask for. Right now for that $$$ I'd rather fly to London with hubby & see Bri on tour w/Kerry Ellis & Vintage Trouble opening. Man that's gotta be a show.

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