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Your pugs are so cute!


I used to have 2 pugs. The older one started to get a "drunk" looking gait, and atrophy in the back legs as she got older. Specialist said they couldn't pinpoint the prob without exploratory spinal surgery, or put her to sleep for an MRI. Due to her age and the fact that she didn't seem to be in any pain because of it, I opted not to have anything done. It is dicey putting pugs under anaesthesia too. The specialist said that since her mother only lived to 12.5 years, it wouldn't be worth doing as it would be a year long recovery.


She lived until 15.5 years old and never seemed to be in pain from it. She eventually got weaker and weaker until she couldn't walk very far anymore, but by that time her front legs started to get stiff and weak also (arthritis?).


I did some reading and apparently there is a generalized loss of nerve function dogs can get in their hind quarters that is not attributable to anything that doctors can find. One of the signs is a curved (humped up lower back). My dog had that. They also seem to not be in pain from it.

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HELLO!!! Yay animal people, dog lovers, sweet, very cute thread!!



I LIVE IN DANVILLE!!! HELLO!! YAY, a local musician!!!! Too cool. Great to meet you!


Also just wanted to congratulate you ----- from this former Keeshond Rescue foster Mom --- for doing things RIGHT and showing your Pugs and .... well you know that routine ........ for being obviously GREAT at what you do, very caring, and taking such excellent care of your many canine friends!


I can't have a dog right now either. Drives me nuts. Especially after doing foster care and placing them in homes and raising a surprise litter of puppies....... (our foster was being treated for heartworm and not even the vet knew she was pregnant, days before she delivered ***9*** .... 7 survived ... she was THAT malnourished that the pregnancy didn't "show" - sad... she made a full recovery and was placed in an excellent home, so were all the puppies) ANYWAY -- I've had some adventures.


We do have 2 cats. Neither of them "picked" me, which also drives me nuts, as I lost my favorite kitty at age 14, four years ago, and he just can't be replaced.




Anyway if it's not evil to post a cat photo in here........ this is our Delilah (adopted at age 6.5) who is either bipolar or was messed up somehow in her former home because she's seriously psycho, poor thing -- this is her, yesterday, having a great but RARE happy moment in my lap. She purred like this for two hours:




And LOL, I'll guarantee you that over time THIS vid will get more hits than ANY of my music....... ROFL.......

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Your pugs are so cute!


I used to have 2 pugs. The older one started to get a "drunk" looking gait, and atrophy in the back legs as she got older. Specialist said they couldn't pinpoint the prob without exploratory spinal surgery, or put her to sleep for an MRI. Due to her age and the fact that she didn't seem to be in any pain because of it, I opted not to have anything done. It is dicey putting pugs under anaesthesia too. The specialist said that since her mother only lived to 12.5 years, it wouldn't be worth doing as it would be a year long recovery.


She lived until 15.5 years old and never seemed to be in pain from it. She eventually got weaker and weaker until she couldn't walk very far anymore, but by that time her front legs started to get stiff and weak also (arthritis?).


I did some reading and apparently there is a generalized loss of nerve function dogs can get in their hind quarters that is not attributable to anything that doctors can find. One of the signs is a curved (humped up lower back). My dog had that. They also seem to not be in pain from it.



This is EXACTLY what Thyme has. Because she was an active show dog at the time it started, we noticed very early on that something was going on with her, (movement is very important to a show dog). Anyway, like your old girl, she's not in pain, and doesn't really seem to mind.

She is an extremely funny dog, and she is very loved. She sleeps between my feet at night 'til I go to bed, and she insists on coming out to the family room with me for fear she'll not get on my chair with me.


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HELLO!!! Yay animal people, dog lovers, sweet, very cute thread!!



I LIVE IN DANVILLE!!! HELLO!! YAY, a local musician!!!! Too cool. Great to meet you!


Also just wanted to congratulate you ----- from this former Keeshond Rescue foster Mom --- for doing things RIGHT and showing your Pugs and .... well you know that routine ........ for being obviously GREAT at what you do, very caring, and taking such excellent care of your many canine friends!


I can't have a dog right now either. Drives me nuts. Especially after doing foster care and placing them in homes and raising a surprise litter of puppies....... (our foster was being treated for heartworm and not even the vet knew she was pregnant, days before she delivered ***9*** .... 7 survived ... she was THAT malnourished that the pregnancy didn't "show" - sad... she made a full recovery and was placed in an excellent home, so were all the puppies) ANYWAY -- I've had some adventures.


We do have 2 cats. Neither of them "picked" me, which also drives me nuts, as I lost my favorite kitty at age 14, four years ago, and he just can't be replaced.


Anyway if it's not evil to post a cat photo in here........ this is our Delilah (adopted at age 6.5) who is either bipolar or was messed up somehow in her former home because she's seriously psycho, poor thing -- this is her, yesterday, having a great but RARE happy moment in my lap. She purred like this for two hours:


And LOL, I'll guarantee you that over time THIS vid will get more hits than ANY of my music....... ROFL.......


Linda, I'm sure no one will object to your cat video.


How long have you been in the Bay Area? I live very close to the Alamo border, (my neighbor's neighbor is in Alamo).


We'll have to get together for some music!


I had Keeshonds as a kid, but hard to beat Pugs!

Here's a pic of my Keeshond with my best friend, David. This pic had to be taken about 1962 or so. David had his 62nd birthday 2 days ago!


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I used to be friends with an actor named Paul Winfield who raised and showed pugs... Very cute affectionate dogs. The only drawback to them is they fart like crazy...



Paul was a very good friend of mine too.... he had black pugs and was very well respected in the pug world.


He was excited about going to Moraco to make a movie when he got ill, (he was sick for years before, but he got much worse).


I still miss him.




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Paul was a very good friend of mine too.... he had black pugs and was very well respected in the pug world.


He was excited about going to Moraco to make a movie when he got ill, (he was sick for years before, but he got much worse).


I still miss him.





Actually he had both black and tan... He was my neighbor When I lived in Los Angeles. I new Paul for many years... Yes, he was a very talented and nice man who is missed by many...

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Actually he had both black and tan... He was my neighbor When I lived in Los Angeles. I new Paul for many years... Yes, he was a very talented and nice man who is missed by many...



Did you know Chuck too? (I didn't)


He was known as a black Pug breeder. He was a member of The City Of Angles Pug Club, and got his start in Pugs with the help of Blanche Roberts, (who is judging our National Specialty this year!).


The last time I saw Paul was in Harrisburg, PA. We had dinner together.


I have a video of him when he judged our Sweepstakes in Oakland in 1998.

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I have a cousin who has several Welsh Corgi's, one of which is a paraplegic. His vet made a sulky for her out of a cast off set of bicycle training wheels. He posted a fakebook video of her, dragging her hind legs behind her, then getting into the sulky all by herself, then going like a bat out of H. She is grinning from ear to ear the whole time. She can get herself out of the cart as well, when the mood strikes her.

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Hiya Rob!


Yes, let's do get together for some music! Left you a comment re: the same before I wandered back in here and saw yours. [thumbup]


I know an open mic/jam session which runs every other Sunday in Walnut Creek and is pretty fun. Let me know if you want dates/times - or it's on Meetup & Facebook, "Under the Sun Studios" on Treat Blvd.



How cool about Paul Winfield!

I do recognize that face. [biggrin] Now, my hubby could place you the exact movie/episode(s) he was in.... ROFL... I can't, but I remember I enjoyed his work.

Nice to know he was an animal person.


I love that about Brian May too.

He runs his "Save-Me" organization & online forum/FB Page seeking to protect, preserve and help wildlife and all animals really, who are subject to cruelty.


I also love - in this thread - how cool it is to get these doggies in their wheels so they can GO........ that's just wonderful.

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Hiya Rob!


Yes, let's do get together for some music! Left you a comment re: the same before I wandered back in here and saw yours. [thumbup]


I know an open mic/jam session which runs every other Sunday in Walnut Creek and is pretty fun. Let me know if you want dates/times - or it's on Meetup & Facebook, "Under the Sun Studios" on Treat Blvd.



How cool about Paul Winfield!

I do recognize that face. [biggrin] Now, my hubby could place you the exact movie/episode(s) he was in.... ROFL... I can't, but I remember I enjoyed his work.

Nice to know he was an animal person.


I love that about Brian May too.

He runs his "Save-Me" organization & online forum/FB Page seeking to protect, preserve and help wildlife and all animals really, who are subject to cruelty.


I also love - in this thread - how cool it is to get these doggies in their wheels so they can GO........ that's just wonderful.



I've heard of the open mic thing.... sounds like fun!


I'll wander over to Facebook to see if I can find Under The Sun Studios.


Most people recall Paul as the police captian in the Terminator movie.... he might have been killed when our Governator drove the car into the police station after saying, "I'll be back!"


He was nominated for an Oscar for playin' the father in "Sounder", but I never saw that movie. He got an Emmy nomination for playin' Martin Luther King in the TV movie "KING", (again, I didn't see it).


He won an Emmy for something...but I forget what, (can you tell I'm not a huge TV fan?)

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And I loved the photo posted BTW of you with your Keesie!!


I do admire pugs too [thumbup][biggrin] they're pretty awesome!


AHHHHH Wrath of Khan... that was it {{doh}}

While I was out of town last weekend the hubby ran a Star Trek Marathon........

so I missed the reminder, LOL


I'm not much for TV either.... I'll watch American Idol but only halfway. Otherwise no time really :) rather play music !!!

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And I loved the photo posted BTW of you with your Keesie!!


I do admire pugs too [thumbup][biggrin] they're pretty awesome!


AHHHHH Wrath of Khan... that was it {{doh}}

While I was out of town last weekend the hubby ran a Star Trek Marathon........

so I missed the reminder, LOL


I'm not much for TV either.... I'll watch American Idol but only halfway. Otherwise no time really :) rather play music !!!



I just got my Dove from the luthier yesterday...looking forward to playin' it tomorrow some! I played it in the store a little, and it's in AWESOME shape now!


Things aren't too good at my house these days.... a good friend killed himself on Monday, (his poor wife and kids...ugh!)

And my SIL went into hospice on Wednesday.... they told my wife she has "hours, not days"... very sad, and someone I love very much....and she's only 63.

My son also got operated on this Wednesday, got a cadaver ligament put in his knee, he's a professional BMX guy... his second body part from dead people,

pretty soon I won't even recognize him...he'll look like a composite of a bunch of dead people! At 32 he's getting pretty banged-up flippin' his bike all around!


//^ ^\\






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