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Old, dirty strings give you a major buzz


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Ok guys settle an argument I'm having with my brother. I swear that my guitars buzz more when the strings get old and dirty. My brother assures me I'm insane and just can't play good enough to prevent the buzz! What do you think?

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When strings get old and dirty they could also be damaged. The windings get crushed and flattened out, and sometimes, the plain strings can even get bent or have a slight kink. You can get some issues with that, but it isn't a rule it will give you buzz when it happens.


I am not qualified with any degrees or recognized by any court to comment on your mental facilities. Your brother knows you better but maybe he is nuts too.


JK. Regardless, coming to a site with a bunch of crazy poeple to ask who is crazy is a good start.

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I don't think that it buzzes more . the thing is that maybe the fretboard might be a tad dry ...


but it could be possible . but I tend to use strings until their old because I live outside the U.S so getting great quality strings

is kinda hard . I need to use them to the max. And in my experience this does not happen .

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We're talkin' old and dirty, not broken . . . . . . .


No. They sound dead. Change them.


Although I know a few of the members like old strings. Really old. I've seen some go on about not changing strings for years. Yes. Years.

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Guest WiseAxe

Maybe if they were the strings off of Keef's guitar, you could get a major buzz.


Actually, strings that are old and dirty are old enough that you could get a buzz from a broken winding. Had that.

Does the string buzz all the time (versus when your brother, who maybe plays with more of a palm muting technique)? The

winding on that wound string of mine was broken betw the bridge & sound hole.

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